The Pisces is the twelfth, closing sign in the zodiacal circle. The Sun enters the constellation of Pisces on the 19th of February and stays there until the 20th of March. The element of this sign is the Water. The Pisces female characteristics are influenced by two ruling planets – Jupiter and Venus. The flexibility (the ability to feel and go around obstacles), depth (the richness of the inner world), changeability (instability of the mood) are the main “identification marks” of the Pisces female characteristics, which they have got from the Water. From the affection of Jupiter, all the representatives of the Pisces sign become philosophers. Venus enhances these characteristics, and adds a mysterious charm, and makes them a true mystery.
To let lose the negative traits of the Pisces female characteristics, exalt more positively, protect from troubles and turn the wheel of success to their sides will help some stone talismans. When the woman carries aquamarine, the beauty is provided, when she carries the alexandrite – health, amethyst – purposefulness, rhinestone – wealth, and the green diamond provides the protection against evil forces. Favorable colors for these women are blue, purple, the color of sea waves, and green. The favorable numbers for them are 6, 7 (also, all the numbers divided by 7), 11, and magical four digits – 3, 7, 9, 12.

Soft-bodied and driven, or unpredictable and out of mind – depends on from which side to look. Pisces are multilayered. When you are sure that finally understood the representatives of this sign, they bring the next surprise.
The Pisces women are very charming, like a princess, who waits for the knight. This woman in this reality came from the pages of the books from the previous century. You can understand if her star sign is the Pisces with her defenselessness, fragility, sensitiveness, and languid gaze from half-closed eyelashes. Of course, this description of the Pisces female characteristics we won’t take literally, but still in her from those romantic times there is a lot of vulnerable femininity, than in other female representatives of different zodiac signs. The main power of all Pisces women is in their weakness and touching vulnerability.
However, if there is no one on the horizon, who could help out the Pisces woman, who got into trouble, she turns off the mode “damsel in distress” and solves her problems all by herself. So when we mention her weakness and vulnerable nature, we also have to talk about her second part – the strong woman, who gets what she wants. And then don’t put a finger on her mouth. But in any case, this woman prefers not to do that thing by herself, if there is a chance to delegate the mundane routine to someone else.
The representatives of this star sign are interested in not only their virtue. The unattractive traits of Pisces female characteristics make for a more interesting reputation than their virtues. They are great dreamers, conservatives, and stubborn. Under their weak and sensitive appearance, there can be hidden authoritarianism, criticism, intolerance, and irresponsibility. But Pisces can make a whole performance from their disadvantages, which people are in a hurry to sign up for. The other disadvantage for this sign is their indetermination. They don’t want to decide something, they want everything to get in their hands, and let the problems be solved by another one.