The person born under the sign of the Ox is a laborer, a long-distance runner, a man or woman who is practical and down to earth, brave and constructive, who works ceaselessly with steadfastness, patience, and perseverance sometimes verging on stubbornness, and who often achieves complete self-fulfillment when reaching middle age. The Ox Chinese zodiac sign never gives up.
The Ox person is far-sighted and takes a long-term view of things. They plow their furrow as the days, months and years go by without respite and without getting disheartened. The Ox person takes their time because, in their view, only work of lasting significance is worthy of respect and consideration.
Those born under the sign of the Ox are gifted with an analytical, constructive mind which sharpens their judgment and allows them, in time, to acquire sound knowledge and beliefs. An individualist, solitary and self-taught, the Ox Chinese zodiac sign builds for himself a character, moral code, and line of conduct that is always adhered to.

Talking about the Ox Chinese zodiac personality, we should mention that the Ox is sometimes lacking in hospitality or human warmth and prefers to be their own boss rather than work in a group. They know how to impose rigorous self-discipline on themselves. Whatever difficulties or obstacles the Ox encounters on the way, they go forward and tirelessly pursue their objectives. They are honest, loyal, and selective in their relationship but very faithful. The Ox person has an infallible memory and takes great pleasure in passing on the knowledge they have acquired or the thing they have found out for themselves.
The Ox Chinese zodiac sign longs for wisdom. Materialistic and traditionalist, they learn, with the passing of time, to manage and to economize, in order to feel a sense of security and be able to devote themselves to their work in total peace. Much more sensual than they appear, they are very attached to their comforts, habits, and wellbeing. Physically, they have strong resistance and powerful psychological reserves, which strengthen their immune system and protect them from any serious health problems.
Also, the Ox person pays great attention to protecting their wellbeing. They long to find their soul mate. If they do not meet them, then they will resign themselves to a life of singledom. They will not accept any emotional compromise and never enter into a vague or frustrating relationship. When the person born in the year of the Ox gives their heart, it is for life and it does not do to deceive or betray them. Their calm strength can turn into a primitive, destructive rage, as sudden as it is violent and overpowering.
Let’s talk a little about the Ox compatibility. The ox is most compatible with the Rat, Snake, or Rooster. The Ox can create favorable family relationships with the Snake or Rooster. The Tiger and Horse are incompatible with the Ox. Also, we should mention, that the Goat(Sheep) will bring trouble, so the Ox should be careful.
The Ox – Chinese myths and symbols
Buffalo or ox? Most of the time the two are one and the same in Western and Asian mythologies. It always stands for a symbol of quiet strength, of courage, perseverance, patience, and obedience, of power and resistance, longevity, and fulfilling your destiny: there are so many characteristics for this animal, which, for a long time, was importantly used for plowing fields. In fact, although we often draw a parallel between the sign of the Ox and that of Capricorn, it would be more accurate to stress its obvious similarities with our sign of Taurus (the bull). Just like the sign of Taurus in our zodiac, the Ox Chinese zodiac sign is the second sign in the Chinese zodiac.
Finally, to emphasize the spirit of wisdom which the Chinese confer on the Ox, they have chosen it as the mount for Lao-tseu, the great Taoist Chinese philosopher of the 6th century BC, whose teaching is revealed in the Tao-te-King (Daodejung in Chinese) – the most important text in Taoism – and who had a considerable influence on the evolution of Chinese thinking and morals. The Way of Heaven: to reward without harming. The Way of the Wise Man: to toil without fighting’. These are words worthy of the person born under the sign of Ox.
The five elements or agents of Chinese Astrology
The Western zodiac is made up of four basic elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. As for the Chinese zodiac, it consists of five primordial elements, which are called agents: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each has its own distinct meaning which, combined with the information revealed by the sign of the Chinese zodiac, gives specific indications as to the nature, character, and fate of a person with this configuration in Chinese astrology. The total forms a palette of 60 possible combinations and interpretations, which can be compared to the system of decans in the Western zodiac.
The Ox Characteristics
- The Ox Chinese name: NIU (pronounced new)
- The Ox Polarity: Yin
- The Ox Element: Earth
- The Ox Season: Winter
- The Ox Month: January
Ql or periods of the year in the Chinese calendar:
– Yu Shui (the 2nd period): from 20 February to 5 March.
– Xiao Han (the 23rd period): from 5 to 21 January.
The Ox astrological affinities
In the West, it is appropriate to compare the qualities revealed by the sign of the Ox in the Chinese zodiac with those of the sign of Capricorn in our zodiac. In actual fact, the period corresponding to the sign of the Chinese Ox in our zodiac, that is the month of January, covers the two last decans of the sign of Capricorn and the first decan of the sign of Aquarius. So, astrologically, the Chinese Ox has similarities with the sign of Capricorn and the first decan of the sign of Aquarius, their ruling planet (Saturn and Uranus) and, to a lesser degree, the combinations between the ruling planets of these signs and the ruling planets of the corresponding decans: Mars, Uranus, and Venus.
Luck of Ox Zodiac
- Lucky Flower: Tulips, evergreen, peach
- Lucky Number: 9,1
- Inauspicious Number: 3,4
- Lucky color: blue, red, purple
- Inauspicious Color: white, green
- Lucky direction: southeast, south, north