The middle of autumn is one of the most wonderful times of the year. This is the time of inevitable changes and a kind of rebirth. In this period are born people with wonderful personalities, who are amazing and multifaceted. This month of the year, share two signs – the Libra and Scorpio. So let’s talk about October zodiac signs.
The changeable Libra, which opens the “era” of October zodiac signs: The main part of October (until the 22nd) belongs to the constellation of Libra. The representatives of this sign remind us about their symbol: they tend to hesitate and at times be indecisive. The ruling planet of this sign is Venus, and because of its affection, the main interests of these people are sensual pleasures, the love of everything beautiful, and bright sociability. Even if they lack the inner balance, they strive for harmonizing the whole surrounding world: they are not aggressive, love to act as conciliators, are interested in every type of art, and in one word, they decorate and ennoble life.

As a rule, the representatives of this September zodiac sign are attractive and cute, they know how to be elegant, and highly spiritual, and they are distinguished with their kind and light disposition. However, the affection of the lady Venus can provoke the corresponding disadvantages as well: a tendency to excessive laziness, passion for pleasures up to falling into vices. This is the main reason why keeping balance in life is the most important thing for them, and this is really the main task of life of Libra, and fortunately, they have all abilities for that.
Ardent Scorpios: a bright conclusion of the October zodiac signs: At the end of October (started from the 23rd), Scorpios come into force, which is ruled by the warlike Mars: this planet endows its representatives with strong passion and powerful energy. The nature and fate of a particular representative of this zodiac sign, depending on how exactly these ambiguous gifts appear.
Masculine and active, the Scorpios always know how to keep their aggression in themselves, unlike the Aries, who are ruled by the planet Mars as well. They are energetic and subject to strong emotions, and sometimes they are jealous and rarely – unrestrained. The practical mind of the representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign, and the ability to act provide their success, however, the people born under this ardent sign should tame their subconscious, trying to not fall into conflicts without any serious reason.
The will and honesty of some Scorpios can be reborn into pride and arrogant stubbornness, and the thirst for activity – into a steady movement on the occasion of their own, not always good, instincts. The main thing they have to remember is to use their liveliness of intellect for understanding people around them and to cooperate with them. Frightening impulses should be contained.
To the affection of the planet Mars adds the affection of the element of Water, which makes their sensitiveness higher. They can feel anything very deeply, that is why the response of anything can be very abrupt. They are able to rule themselves, but it is not as easy, as it may seem sometimes. Only hard work can help them to avoid any conflicts, which come from their character.