November is the last month of autumn. In this period of time are born strong and unusual personalities, which have very bright sides, unlike the weather they were born. This month share together with two November zodiac signs – Scorpio and Sagittarius. Here we see the two strongest signs among all the zodiacal constellations, and now let’s see what characteristic trait each of them has.
Energetic Scorpio: the ardent one of the November zodiac signs: This sign is the main one of the November zodiac signs, as it takes the 2/3rd of it (until the 21st of November). The representatives of this zodiac sign are ruled by the passionate and belligerent planet Mars. This planet is responsible for its all strong sides, all character traits that make them one of the strongest zodiac signs.

The planet Mars is also responsible for some “vulnerabilities”. So, the courageous and energetic Scorpio are not always restrained: they can be both cunning and quick-tempered, prone to bouts of jealousy, and easily enter into conflicts. Sometimes it feels like they have as much energy that can’t take it into themselves, that is why they are searching for places or situations to let it out.
The masculine Mars rules the emotions of this star sign, and however, having rewarded them with passion, he also provides them with a strong and lively mind. In the intellectual analysis of every situation with the combination of natural willpower hides the very secret of the success of these representatives. So they will be able to curb their personal aggressiveness and emotionality.
Cynicism and arrogance, anger and eccentricity – all these are just the reverse sides of the excessive manifestation of the numerous positive qualities of this star sign. In any case, we have to remember, that the affection of planets can be very strong, but the final decision always belongs to us.
Straight Sagittarius: the most energetic one of the November zodiac signs: The final part of November, and the autumn as well (starting from the 22nd of November), belongs to the Sagittarius sign. The ruling planet of this star sign is Jupiter. It gives its representatives successfulness and kindness, energy and generosity. But like in everything, in people as well, we see both negative and positive sides: let’s remember Yin and Yang, and we will understand that everything in this world represents the combination of black and white – positive and negative.
The honesty and ambition of the Sagittarius zodiac sign can balance their lightheadedness and the tendency of taking too many risks. Their generosity and complacency can flow into extravagance and excessive carelessness, and a fair amount of life energy of the representatives of this bright zodiac sign can be diffused due to movement in all directions at once.
Realizing their numerous abilities and values, Sagittarius can strike at vanity and arrogance, which, in turn, can lead to the development of hypocrisy and passion for vicious pleasures. So they have to look at their inner worlds a bit longer, and then they will be able to see all the beauty they have. Their lives will become easier if they give more place to spirituality.