My Rising Sign: How to Find Out Your Rising Sign?

In this article, we will answer the question “What is my rising sign?” and talk about its meaning. The rising sign is also known as your Ascendant. We can find out the Ascendant only if we know your birth year, month, day, and time. If the hour of your birth is unknown, then we cannot find out your ascendant, this is simply impossible since it is determined depending on the time of your birth (with an accuracy of about 2 hours).

If the year, month, and day of birth of a person is known, then it already becomes clear how a person will manifest himself in this life and what his fate is. Based on these data, you can calculate in what sign of the zodiac the Sun is located at the moment of a person’s birth, you can also easily find out what location planets have to each other. In addition to the sun sign, the moon sign plays a very important role in human life as well. We can find out the strengths and weaknesses of our body(about the tendency of our body to various diseases, etc.) depending on what sign the Moon was at the moment of our birth. The moon displays the dark or closed side of a person. Not only the Moon, but all the planets affect our life.

But in addition to the Sun and Moon signs, your rising sign plays a more important and serious role. The ascending sign reflects your real appearance. It displays your outside world and decides how the outside world perceives you. Often an ascending sign is what the outside world sees in you, if be more clearly, then the first impression of the outside world about you. The rising sign is more important than the sign of the Sun and other planets, since this is the starting point along which the Sun and the planets create your complex world. The human personality is determined by a joint assessment of the Sun Sign and the sign rising from the eastern horizon, their union. This is a union that gives a unique collision and a man is born on Earth. An ascending sign rises from the moment of birth and gives a person individuality, his own style and character.

This is a guide to your true “I”, which hides in itself the purpose of your arrival in this world, the power that you brought with you into this world, which also affects your movement and the characteristics of your behavior.

When a person’s soul incarnates on Earth, it brings with it a reflection of the true “I”, about which he knows nothing, does not remember, in order to be able to consciously create a new personality with his own values. All the advantages and disadvantages that you have will be shown by your rising sign, which can be obtained if you add the time of birth to the year, month, day of birth, with an accuracy of about 2 hours.

How to Find Out Your Rising Sign?

Let’s find out your rising sign. To see the real picture of an ascending sign, imagine that the Earth rotates into a sphere many times its size, that is, the sky. The sign of the zodiac that is visible from the eastern horizon at the time of a person’s birth will be the rising sign. We designed a table, where you can easily find out your rising sign.

My Rising Sign: How to Find Out Your Rising Sign?

As you can see from this table, there are rows(horizontal fields) and columns(vertical fields). From the main row you need to search your Sun sign, then from the main column find the time when you were born, and finally find your rising sign. The point of intersection of your Sun sign and birth hour will be your rising sign. For example, if your Sun sign is Cancer and you were born at 8:36 pm, then your rising sign is Pisces. This is the simplest way for finding out your ascending sign. Now let’s talk a little about each ascending sign.

Aries Rising: You are a brave initiator, you like the championship, even if it is in the smallest territory. The Aries child is even the most self-centered of his siblings. You have strong likes and dislikes, and you are never shy about expressing them. Your friendship is straightforward and honest. You cannot tolerate lies, deception, artful cunning. You will always try to find out the truth, to say what you think. You have an infectious passion, you are a leader, more of a performer than a thinker. You are warm, generous, fun, and love to stand out in a friendly environment. Read more…

Taurus Rising: You have firmness and an innate calmness to the point that you come across as a carefree person around you. You have good manners and great artistic talent because the zodiac is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics. You want to create beauty, you have a naturalness to write, to invent music. You do not impose your opinion on others, but you can convince the masses in any direction. If you make a long-term decision, you will never change it. Read more…

Gemini Rising: You cannot sit quietly in a chair, talking with constant hand movements, looking in different directions. Your nature is twofold. You have both good and evil in you. You were born on earth to balance good and evil and find out what is close to your heart. You can be both happy and unhappy. You are developed, quick-witted, have a quick mindset, you can easily orient yourself in any situation because you know an easy way to communicate with people. Read more…

Cancer Rising: You understand well the feelings of others, you are discerning in human relationships. You often make a cold impression on the outside, but on the inside, you are a warm, friendly, loving, and loyal character. You get along with all people, even if you don’t intend to be friends, but this feature allows you to get closer to people. You have great imagination and consciousness. Do you have a talent for becoming a writer, poet, artist? You are very sensitive to people and are able to perceive their thoughts and feelings. You remember the opinions, thoughts, facts of others and, because you are very smart, use this information. Read more…

Leo Rising: You fill the house with expensive things, wonderful clothes. You imagine life as more beautiful than it really is, you strive for the highest. You are happy in money matters, you occupy a high position. Luck comes to you when you don’t even expect them. You have great organizational influence. You feel very happy, especially as a leader, and you feel resentful when you are not given one. When you are not treated properly, you can become overconfident. You are confident in yourself and unshakably believe in yourself. You are attractive, have a great sense of humor. You are blessed with a beautiful head and shiny fine hair. Read more…

Virgo Rising: You have an analytical mind. An analytical mind based on facts and information. Work is important to you and you usually work hard. Success is often associated with deals and traveling away from home. You have a thin oval face, sharp eyes that perceive everything, and a body that appears weak is actually strong. The role of Mercury is very important in your life. It gives logical thinking, observation, strength, mental views, sensory perception. Read more…

Libra Rising: This is the most pleasant and harmonious sign. You have an innate charm and poise. You are extremely sensitive and enjoy creating a happy atmosphere with people. Parties, joy, and a good time are your elements. You are optimistic, cheerful, and nothing annoys you like dishonesty. You strive for an artistic and creative life, but your acting skills remain untapped. Read more…

Scorpio Rising: You are completely committed to everything you do. You are not the person who quits your job. You are energetic, life is boiling inside you. Your smart, creative and resourceful brain seems to be the source of endless thoughts and initiatives. What you need to do is first study it, discover its inner meaning, and then only do what you have planned. This also applies to your acting skills. Your willpower and decisions are important. Many people are hypnotized by you and you can read another person’s mind. You are a charming, cheerful conversationalist. Read more…

Sagittarius Rising: You have independence and freedom, you hate boring work and you cannot be limited by outdated thoughts. You are progressive, optimistic about the future, you are successful. You are honest and generous with others It is true that you expect too much from a friend, you make friends easily and enjoy heated discussions with them. You have a reputation for being honest. You love to travel and find out new places. Travel is the goal of your life, accompanied by success. Read more…

Capricorn Rising: You are serious, but you take many questions lightly. You are attentive to your actions, you do not want to start a business, because you need to know in advance the real value of this business. You are calm and reserved with strangers. You have a strong character, you are endowed with a strong will, decisive decisions, and work hard to achieve your goals. The planet that rules you is Saturn, whose influence gives you discipline, ambition, patience, determination. Also gives stubbornness and melancholy. You have a beautiful small head, deep discerning eyes, a beautiful smile, beautiful teeth. You have strong legs and love to walk or walk. Read more…

Aquarius Rising: You make friends easily, you are smart and lively, honest and truthful. You usually get married early and show solidarity with your life partner. In middle age, you lose your well-being because you never earn as much as you want. Friends will always help you at work and in personal matters. You have a wide forehead, a beautiful face, dreamy eyes. Many of you are tall and slender. Uranus, who also rules Aquarius, gives you independence, versatility, and hatred of limitations. Read more…

Pisces Rising: You are endowed with a strong acting talent, which will manifest itself sooner or later. You live an energetic, quirky life, you have romantic views, you want life to be perfect. Having noticed that life is imperfect, you choose to ignore the flaws Sometimes it seems to you that you were born in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and you deeply study the past. Read more…

As you already saw, you can click on the read more button and check detailed information about each rising sign. Check all the details about your rising sign it’s very important!