Mercury influences your intelligence, brainpower, understanding of the outside world, and how you respond to others. In the same way, as Venus governs the heart, Mercury governs the mind and how we think. Depending on where Mercury is placed in the birth chart, you can assess the powers of rationality and logic and the speed of mental processes. Here, in brief, are some interpretations of the influence of Mercury. This will be covered in greater depth in future issues.

Mercury in the birth chart
Mercury in Aries: inclined to look at the broad scale of an idea or problem but have a reluctance to focus on detail. A positive and straightforward approach, quick and decisive.
Mercury in Taurus: this placing indicates a steady, conservative mental approach. A tendency to stubbornness and inflexibility is compensated for by a methodical and disciplined attitude and plenty of common sense.
Mercury in Gemini: this places Mercury in one of the signs it rules. You will see great communication skills, the ability to do several things at the same time and quick decision-making. Those with this aspect in their chart must beware of being too impatient and superficial.
Mercury in Cancer: from a positive viewpoint, this aspect can enhance imagination and creativity linked with a love of the past. But it can work negatively then you may see obsessive worry which impedes forward-thinking.
Mercury in Leo: creates a very powerful aspect. The subject will be organised, dynamic, creative and practical. There is enormous optimism and enthusiasm which can be domineering if not channelled and contained.
Mercury in Virgo: this is the second sign that Mercury rules so again the influences will be strong. This person will be a practical and constructive thinker with the ability to turn thoughts into actions but on the negative side, they will also have excessive nervous energy which can lead to stomach and bowel disorders.
Mercury in Libra: this aspect indicates slowness of speech and thought and a very relaxed attitude. A desire to avoid controversy can lead to indecisiveness and constant delaying. A good and sympathetic listener.
Mercury in Scorpio: a strong inclination to self-analysis is found with this placing, The subject is also very determined and thorough. This combination makes an excellent researcher. The negative aspect here can be a tendency to obsessiveness.
Mercury in Sagittarius: this placing can be difficult. It can highlight a lack of concentration, restlessness, and over-optimism but, with control, these can be turned into positive characteristics.
Mercury in Capricorn: calculated, cautious, steady and rational thinking are all hallmarks of this aspect. This subject can achieve a great deal but it will be slow and steady progress.
Mercury in Aquarius: a quick and original thinker is the result of this placing but with a tendency to nervous tension. Their creativity action or they will never actually achieve anything.
Mercury in Pisces: this subject is full of kindness, compassion and sympathy but can also be disorganised and chaotic, lacking in confidence and the ability to carry through the practicalities of a task.
Astrological facts about Mercury
Mercury tells how a person’s intelligence works, which is the expression of their mental abilities. It also tells us about other attributes: understanding, assimilation, reflection, deduction, imagination and adaption to others and the outside world. Within a person’s evolution, in the same way, as the moon represents childhood, Mercury depicts adolescence, that is to say, the way in which we have lived or will live our adolescence, and what kind of adolescent we were or will be, depending on the time when the birth chart is calculated. Speech, writing, reading, graphic arts, commerce, medicine, and games are Mercury’s natural areas of expression.
Also, you can check this article – Mercury in the Signs of the Zodiac.
Astronomical facts about Mercury
Inside the solar system, Mercury is the planet nearest to the Sun. Its surface, covered with meteoritic craters, is similar to the Moon. It takes less than 59 days for Mercury to rotate upon itself, and 88 days for it to travel around the Sun at a distance varying from 46 million kilometres (nearest point) and 69 million kilometres (furthest point). Its atmosphere is very thin. Its surface temperature varies greatly, according to whether it is measured when lit by the Sun (maximum 425°C) or on its dark side (-170°).