Mars in the Signs of the Zodiac
In a birth chart, Mars reveals an individual’s power of action and self-assertiveness. A fighting spirit, desire and forward-thinking also belong to the realms of Mars. So let’s check detailed information about Mars in the signs of the zodiac.
Mars in Aries
Mars is at home in this first sign of the zodiac which is a sign that, symbolically, stands for great enthusiasm for life and the future. Consequently, the individual with Mars in Aries shows some characteristics which are also pellicular to those born under that sign: the enthusiasm of course, but also a daring, fiery, impulsive, careless temperament, stimulated by a ceaseless and endlessly renewed desire for action. Assertiveness is such a vital need for this individual that, if other factors in the individual’s birth chart reveal that it is thwarted or hindered, his energies will become overloaded and he will gradually burn himself out. If this is the case then he will also lack continuity in his actions. He is fundamentally individualistic and oblivious of the risk that he takes or the obstacles he is likely to encounter on the way.

Mars in Taurus
Within the realms of Taurus, Mars reveals an individual endowed with tranquil strength and power of action that is calm, slow, realistic, careful but very persevering. He may even show himself to be very obstinate, never letting go, and displaying such courage and patience that, in time, he manages to overcome obstacles and triumph over adversity. He has all the qualities and weaknesses that are found in stubborn people who never listen to reason. Because of this, it is often impossible to get him to change his mind. His assertiveness translates itself as a victory or an achievement in material life. Indeed, he only acts when he feels secure, or to get more comfortable. Therefore, he may be a perfectionist or intolerant, choosing a unilateral and unchangeable mode of behaviour, refusing any change in his routine.
Mars in Gemini
In the zodiac sign of Gemini, ruled by Mercury, Mars works as a beneficial stimulant for the mind. With this planetary configuration, we are faced with an individual endowed with a special gift to successfully translate and transmit his ideas, his theories or his concepts. However, as his power of action is intellectual, he tends to be better at asserting himself on an intellectual rather than physical level. This sometimes makes him more likely to express himself with words rather than actions, as he is more skilful at doing so. In fact, he has a special gift for speeches, active communication and controversy, and he often turns out to be very persuasive. he has a taste for biting remarks, is always ready with an answer, and sometimes enjoys campaigning for ideas or an ideology. However, he may also become prey to an exhausting mental activity.
Mars in Cancer
Deep in the lunar realms of this sensitive sign, the power of action of the individual showing Mars in Cancer takes the form of a subtly defensive attitude, capable of harbouring sudden bouts of internalized violence. On the whole, however, the individual in question ignores or simply disregards the use of violence to assert himself. He needs to find himself in a safe environment, and receive encouragement from the people around him, in order to exert his influence over circumstances, to act, to undertake and to dare. Then, he compensates for his fear or his reluctance to act by the tenacity of rare intensity. His actively conservative attitude will stubbornly refuse to consider any change; this is an attitude that might lead him to fanaticism and store up resentments.
Mars in Leo
When Mars finds itself in this Sun-ruled sign(Leo), it stimulates the individual’s instinctive will which becomes actively dominant or dominating. This a very energetic person who is frank, direct, and whose ability to act is often the personality’s predominant way of expressing itself. Feeling at one with the present moment in which he finds himself spontaneously and fully integrated, and which he controls perfectly, the individual acts in a natural manner, his assertiveness being obvious and uncomplicated. In fact, he does not consider for one minute that he might be wrong in the way he imposes on others with such assurance and generosity that it verges on exhibitionism or abuse of power. He has nerve, is sometimes presumptuous, and has a taste for conquest.
Mars in Virgo
In Mercury’s second dignity, Mars indicates that the individual’s ability to act tends to be withdrawn and only exploited in a case of absolute necessity. This happens because we are in the presence here of a being who hates gratuitous acts, as much as he hates any idea of change in his behaviour and way of life. It is hardly surprising that, in this sign, assertiveness reveals itself to be inhibited, or contained, analysed, and that the individual feels the need to justify all his actions. Thus, before acting, he calculates, evaluates, weighs up his chances and waits for the most propitious time; which, when all is said and done, may make him very efficient. Because of this, however, he is also very critical, demanding, a perfectionist, fussy, and even obsessive, repressive or depressive.
Mars in Libra
One should never underestimate an ability to act that is selective but infinitely precise. This is the type of ability revealed by Mars in Libra. Although Mars finds itself in detriment in this sign, its strength is all the more powerful as it chooses the best time to manifest itself. Consequently, the individual with Mars in Libra is capable of thought and reserve before acting, but also shows a clear-minded determination driven by a profound desire to lay down the law, impose his order and choices. Undercover of agreeing or displaying a kind of flexible understanding, he is able to hold firmly in his hand the sword of justice, to make radical decisions once and for all, and even become implacable. He can also show a certain discipline, never going too far, but waiting until he has gathered all the elements he needs before he seizes what he really wants.
Mars in Scorpio
As in the sign of Aries, Mars is at home here. But he also receives the help of Pluto, the second ruler of the sign of Scorpio, which gives him an intensity, a clear and concentrated inner strength which may give the individual concerned by this configuration, a formidable temperament. His ability to act is then rather hidden. He gives the impression of being calm and tranquil. In reality, he is calculating, provocative, reckless and likes to experiment, but only taking calculated risks. Without seeming to, he exerts a strong influence over those around him, either through his power of seduction or by exploiting other people’s weak points. Difficulties, obstacles and crises, stimulate him and lead him to surpass himself and show unexpected courage and pugnacity. This individual is capable of the greatest passion or the most extreme detachment.
Mars in Sagittarius
In the ninth sign of the zodiac(Sagittarius) which is the sign of self-development and fulfilment – characteristics pellicular to Jupiter, ruler of this sign – Mars reveals an individual whose ability to act is outgoing and generous, but whose prime motivation is the expression of the personality and its happiness. The strength and aggressiveness of the individual concerned by this configuration, are stimulated by a fighting spirit and need to compete. He always feels the desire to impose himself on others, in a way that is rather excessive and stifling for those around him. He acts with enthusiasm and naivety but errs through excessive enthusiasm. By wishing to do so well, or to do good, he frequently gets the opposite results to what he had hoped for. This person enjoys physical effort but sometimes wastes his energies.
Mars in Capricorn
Plunged into the realms of Saturn, Mars presents us with an individual whose actions show tenacious determination, perception, clear-sightedness and perseverance, but a lack of enthusiasm, warmth and aggressive strength. He is a reasonable person who measures the weight and consequences of his actions and aims for maximum efficiency. He is more gifted at prolonged and sustained efforts than at warm and optimistic impulses or immediate actions. Often on the defensive, he is discreet, careful, enduring and particularly obstinate, to the point that he does not let go until he’s satisfied his ambition or reached his goal. On the other hand, he knows how to detach himself from any sentimental or emotional involvement, which may make him very hard and seem to behave in a cold and inflexible manner.
Mars in Aquarius
Mars is revitalised and energised by Uranus, the second ruler of this sign. But, with this planetary configuration in his birth chart, the individual’s active energies are rationalised, organised, and controlled by Saturn’s own elements, this planet is the first ruler of Aquarius. Consequently, the individual in question reveals a certain natural skill or inventive technique, through which he expresses his ability to act. He is fundamentally energetic, but his strength is more mental than physical. He is very mobile, capable of having several activities on the go a successful conclusion together. he is good at making quick decisions, acting without delay, opportunely, and doing what has to be done at the right moment in time. However, he may show himself to lack discipline and stability, to be impulsive and careless, or else to display intolerant opinions.
Mars in Pisces
In Pisces, ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, Mars reveals an individual who tends to sublimate his ability to act. Consequently, acting becomes an end in itself, or else he yearns for perfection and this often prevents him from acting. In reality, his energies are either uplifted, destroyed or inhibited by intense emotional turmoils which may, however, arise in a totally unexpected manner and take on unusually violent, primitive or devasting proportions, like some giant tidal wave sweeping everything away in its path. thus, thanks to the great kindness, the deep emotional sensitivity and the intuition that guide his every move, this individual occasionally shows a taste for challenge. He is capable of achieving impossible dreams. But on the other hand, he may show himself to be very touchy to have uncontrollable impassioned reactions or to misuse his strength.