Mars was the god of war and the planet Mars has astrological associations that emphasize the masculine side of a person’s nature. It governs aggression, assertiveness, competitiveness, our sex drive, and our physical energy levels. Today we will find out the connection between Mars and Zodiac.
The position of Mars in the birth chart reveals how we express our ability to take action and assert ourselves. But when for some reason, this ability to act is set and assertiveness is either prevented or inhibited, there often follows bouts of violence and revolt. Because Mars is the ruling planet of two signs of the zodiac: it represents action (in Aries) or prime instinct (in Scorpio). It allows willpower, revealed by the position of the Sun in the birth chart, to become assertive. It makes sensibility, revealed by the position of the Moon, expressive and able to stimulate our senses.

Mars in the birth chart
Unlike Mercury and Venus, Mars can fall in any sign of the zodiac in a birth chart.
Mars in Aries – When Mars appears in the sign it rules it has a strong influence on that person’s chart. An outlet must be found for the high energy levels that will be generated. Because this subject is so assertive, they should take care that they do not force their actions on others regardless of their feelings.
Mars in Taurus – The combination of assertive Mars and warm, sensual Taurus can make this subject a great lover! But be warned, when aggressive Mars combines with stubborn Taurus you can expect an explosive temper and some forceful arguments.
Mars in Gemini – This can mean the subject is prone to a grasshopper mentality, never settling to any one thing. They need to try and achieve balance in their life, between the physical and mental and career and personal relationship.
Mars in Cancer – The emotional intensity, which is a Cancerian trait, can become overwhelming with the influence of Mars in this subject but they can also be loving partners.
Mars in Leo – This can be a dynamic placing with the natural creativity, love of life, and optimistic outlook that are Leo tendencies enhanced by the drive of Mars. The only negative can be is everything is taken too far.
Mars in Virgo – This is a placing to be cautious about us a combination of Virgoan worry and Martian aggression can mean the subject is prone to stress and nervous disorders.
Mars in Libra – The balance and harmony which is the Libran contribution to this placement can work in a negative way on the energy of Mars and a subject with this placement can be too laid back!
Mars in Scorpio – This is a strong placing and forms a focal point in a person’s chart. Here you will find passion, strong emotion and a drive to achieve a rewarding and fulfilling life which is often accomplished.
Mars in Sagittarius – This placing in a chart can indicate a strong focus on a career as the joint attributes of Mars and Capricorn can make a successful businessman or woman.
Mars in Capricorn – If Mars has such a position in a person’s birth chart, then he/she will be goal-oriented and focused.
Mars in Aquarius – The subject with this placing will often be original, freedom-loving, and independent. Watch out for the energy levels from Mars which can be very uneven.
Mars in Pisces – Can signify a strong creative streak but this subject can also be over-emotional and needs a positive outlet for their feelings. Also, you can check this interesting article – Mars in Pisces Man in Bed.
Astrological facts about Mars
In a birth chart, the position of Mars often forces us to look more carefully into the Sun/Moon and Venus/Mars relationship which are often used to define the masculine and feminine sides of an individual. But this is too simplistic and approximate. The astrological system reveals that, inside each one of us, there lies an intricate mixture of contradictory elements.
Rather than limiting the interpretation of Mars to male physical strength, the full meaning of the planet must be understood: it stands for the energetic power, the potential of action which is contained inside each one of us, and the life forces which generate movements, actions, the assertion of our personality and the expression of our motivations and our feelings.
Astronomical facts about Mars
Mars is the fourth planet of the solar system, situated between the Earth and Jupiter, at a distance from the Sun which varies between 207 and 259 million kilometers. A day on Mars lasts 24 hours and 39 minutes. At its equator, surface temperature varies from -35°C to + 24°C during the day. At night, it falls to -80°C.
Its atmosphere has many similarities to the terrestrial ionosphere. But the lack of an ozone layer to filtrate the Sun’s ultraviolet light excludes the possibility of any kind of life as we know it on Earth.
Also, you can check this interesting article – Mars in the signs of the zodiac.
Mars in the zodiac
Mars’ day dignity is in the sign of Aries. Mars’ night dignity is in the sign of Scorpio. It is the ruling planet of both signs. Mars has its exaltation in the sign of Capricorn, its detriment in the signs of Taurus and Libra, and its fall in the sign of Cancer. Its daily pace is a half degree and its zodiacal revolution lasts two years. Mars!