The first month of the spring endows the people born in its days with multifaceted and wonderful characteristic traits. March zodiac signs are as versatile and adorable, as the weather at the beginning of spring. Even close “neighbors” of March zodiac signs can be strikingly different. The signs that we meet in March, are Pisces and Aries.
Mysterious Pisces: the March zodiac sign that opens the spring: The two last decades of the twelfth zodiac sign fall in spring: the springy Pisces are those, who were born from the 1st to 20th of March. The Pisces zodiac sign has two ruling planets – Jupiter and Neptune. They differ in surprisingly contradictory character traits. So, the first planet gives its representative Pisces energy and confidence, and the second one provides hyperactive perception, dreaminess, and emotionality. So they have to be careful: their effort of reaching goals may easily turn into the laxity of “going with the flow”.

From the symbol of this sign, we can already understand the contradiction of this star sign: two Pisces flowing in opposite directions. But this is not the only thing we have to mention. Despite their contradictions, they flow following each other. And this changes a lot. Here their opposite traits complement each other, and as a lover of fate, they can act this or that way, depending on the situation.
The dedication in the combination with a fair amount of fatalism can play different funny jokes with the people born at the beginning of March as well. For example, Pisces strive for the belief in God, and in astrology in general, the Pisces sign is the belief itself. But what is interesting, with that they are inclined to believe in karma and fate, while not finding a place for themselves in religion.
The representatives of the Pisces sign have a very good intuition, rich humor, adorable friend loving, and with that they have an inclination to break away from reality, being lost in fantasies and mirages. That is why the springy Pisces have to be wary of immersion in excessive passions, so as not to be reputed to be eccentrics. Their sensitivity and charm are their strong sides.
Swift Aries: the zodiac sign that reigns the spring: Wonderful, bright Aries starts its period on the 21st of March. The ruling planet of the second one of the March zodiac signs is warrior Mars, and this has its affection on each sphere of their lives – to this spring sign are inherent both fervent workability, and almost aggressive sexuality, and leadership in everything. Of course, it is here that the “root of evil” is buried: The Aries have to learn to restrain their decisive impulses and mitigate excessive persistence.
The representatives of this star sign tend to make conflicts because they are hot-tempered and jealous, but with that, they know to plunge into icy calm as well. The willpower, courage, energy fused in Aries with a penchant for vanity, impatience, and rudeness. Workable and stubborn, these springy people will be able, is desire, to cope with their dizzying passions and come to harmonious tranquility. It would be better for Aries to avoid tense situations, and it would be better if they start to learn to rule their emotions. The ruling planet Mars does its work, but changing for the better is always a good idea.