If you were born on March 2, then you represent the zodiac sign of Pisces, which itself belongs to the element of the Water. Specialties of the people of the March 2 zodiac sign: with the start of spring, life starts newly, and as nature is reborn, so we are. The day has many affections on the characteristic traits of the people. As for the strongest ones, we can mention these people’s sociability, kindness, responsiveness, curiosity, and stubbornness. About the weaknesses of these people, we can mention their lack of sense of proportion and the lack of criticality.
The women of the March 2 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as a well-developed mind, openness, kind-heartedness, and, also, impressiveness. The men of this zodiacal constellation are endowed with such traits, as attractiveness, diplomacy, peace-loving, and kindness.

The zodiac sign of the people born on the March 2 is Pisces. These people are endowed with durability and endurance. They are purposeful and stubborn, thanks to which always get what they want. Success and luck follow them, and these people know how to use them. They are able to be in the right place at the right time. They easily solve any problem. Difficulties cannot scare them. In the case of failure, they do not give up, but make efforts and search for new ways to realize their goals.
These people are very honest, sociable, and friend-loving. They cannot tolerate loneliness, that is why they love to make new acquaintances and search for like-minded people. They become reliable, and devoted friends. They are gentle and responsive. They listen to the problems of close people and are always ready to help them and support them.
These representatives of the March 2 zodiac sign are curious, erudite, and intellectual personalities. They are attracted and inspired by the beauty of the surrounding world. From nature, these people are endowed with talents, which completely captivate them. For them, it is hard to keep close their emotions. This is the main reason why these people pf Pisces sign give vent to feelings and experiences in art.
In the relationships of love or marriage, the people born on this day are romantic and sentimental. Their inner charm and beauty attract many fans. In the company of friends, these people are in the center of attention, and take courtship from persons of the opposite sex. They usually choose a partner with a strong character and high social status.
In relationships, the men and women of this zodiac sign value care, honesty, and mutuality. Astrologers advise them to avoid the strive to control the actions of a partner and to not try to rule them. As a parent, these people sometimes hardly find a common language with their children. For them, it is hard to accept the difference in life positions and values. They try to impose their opinions and face generational opposition.
The people of the March 2 zodiac sign are well-compatible with the signs of Scorpio, Cancer, and Capricorn. With Leo, Gemini, and Libra, their relationships are complicated and full of misunderstandings.