If you were born on March 16, then you represent the zodiac sign of Pisces, which itself belongs to the element of the Water. Specialties of the people of the March 16 zodiac sign: these are unique creatures with unique personality traits, which combine in themselves everything at the same time, which part by part is special for different signs. In this combination of such an artistic nature, we see both advantages and shortcomings of different characteristic traits. Their strongest sides are their refinement, friend loving, activeness, and curiosity. The main disadvantages of their nature are arrogance, the lack of principles, the tendency to depressions, and impulsiveness.
The women of the March 16 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as very rich imagination, resourcefulness, prudence, practicality, and insight. The men representing this zodiacal constellation are endowed with such traits, as love to freedom, purposefulness, impulsiveness, honesty, and tendency of mood change, where the last one complicates many things in their life.

The zodiac sign of the people born on March 16 is Pisces. They are comprehensively developed, inquisitive, receptive, and observant personalities with great hearts. They are endowed with a contradictory character, which simultaneously combines the desire for spiritual development, everything mysterious and mystical, and the desire to achieve material wealth and financial stability. In any case, spiritual richness and spiritual development are the most important for them. Such people know how to find a middle ground between their needs and hobbies, thanks to which they become able to keep the balance in their lives.
Those born on this day work hard to build an impeccable reputation. They try to please others, for which they are ready to give up their opinions and personal interests: this in most cases can harm them, so they have to work hard on themselves, and on understanding which is more important to them. They have a love of risk and gambling. Because of this, they often do rash and spontaneous actions that lead to disastrous consequences.
In communicating with others, such women and men are sociable, good-natured, and responsive. They are able to find a common language with people of different ages and social strata. They understand other people’s manners, and “smell” their desires as well. They feel responsible for loved ones. The love and patronage of relatives help them overcome obstacles, and achieve their plans.
In a loving relationship, those born on this day are open, balanced, and sincere. They are looking for a calm, well-mannered person, who will have similar interests and life principles. Their search is guided by intuition. These people of the March 16 zodiac sign find a partner in the immediate environment among colleagues and friends.
The people of the March 16 zodiac sign have high chances to make strong and happy connections with the people of the Scorpio and Cancer signs. They have a low rate of compatibility with the representatives of Gemini, Leo, and Libra signs.