There are some zodiac signs that often fall in love at first sight, and there are some that don’t even believe in love at first sight. We will find out why this is so, and in general, we will try to understand what instant love is and whether it is possible at all. We also created a table of love at first sight by zodiac signs, with which you can easily understand which zodiac sign you can quickly fall in love with.
It is not easy to meet love, but someone succeeds with frightening ease: he just enters the theater, subway car, or cafe, and immediately meets a person with whom he will then spend quarantine, holidays, and the rest of his days. We can call this love true love at first sight. But this rarely happens, and there are people who do not feel instant love at all throughout their lives.
When you feel love at first sight, you immediately have several desires. You want to know everything about her and don’t notice anyone around. She becomes your center of attention. You like her mannerisms and she seems familiar, not just familiar but kindred spirit.
Among the signs of the zodiac, there are those who often experience this cute feeling, and these are water signs. They are sensitive and believe in miracles. More on that later, now a few words about the table below. Below you can take a look at the table or chart of instant love and find out what is the probability that you will fall in love with another zodiac sign.

Table of contents
From the table of contents, you can find out the part of the article that interests you and quickly navigate. Since there are 144 possible pairs and we have talked about each of them, it is worth telling a nuance for better navigation within the framework of this article.
Let’s look at a few examples to make it easier. For example, if you want to check out the possibility of instant love between an Aries man and a Pisces woman, then you should look for this couple among Aries men. For example, if you want to check information about a Leo woman and a Scorpio man, then you should look for this pair among Leo women. The couples were added in the order of the signs of the zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, so because of this order, you should look for the signs that come first. Hopefully, this explanation will make navigation easier.
- What is love at first sight?
- What does love at first sight feel like?
- 5 zodiac signs who believe in love at first sight
- 4 zodiac signs who don’t believe in love at first sight
- Aries man and Aries woman
- Aries man and Taurus woman
- Aries man and Gemini woman
- Aries man and Cancer woman
- Aries man and Leo woman
- Aries man and Virgo woman
- Aries man and Libra woman
- Aries man and Scorpio woman
- Aries man and Sagittarius woman
- Aries man and Capricorn woman
- Aries man and Aquarius woman
- Aries man and Pisces woman
- Aries woman and Taurus man
- Aries woman and Gemini man
- Aries woman and Cancer man
- Aries woman and Leo man
- Aries woman and Virgo man
- Aries woman and Libra man
- Aries woman and Scorpio man
- Aries woman and Sagittarius man
- Aries woman and Capricorn man
- Aries woman and Aquarius man
- Aries woman and Pisces man
- Taurus man and Taurus woman
- Taurus man and Gemini woman
- Taurus man and Cancer woman
- Taurus man and Leo woman
- Taurus man and Virgo woman
- Taurus man and Libra woman
- Taurus man and Scorpio woman
- Taurus man and Sagittarius woman
- Taurus man and Capricorn woman
- Taurus man and Aquarius woman
- Taurus man and Pisces woman
- Taurus woman and Gemini man
- Taurus woman and Cancer man
- Taurus woman and Leo man
- Taurus woman and Virgo man
- Taurus woman and Libra man
- Taurus woman and Scorpio man
- Taurus woman and Sagittarius man
- Taurus woman and Capricorn man
- Taurus woman and Aquarius man
- Taurus woman and Pisces man
- Gemini man and Gemini woman
- Gemini man and Cancer woman
- Gemini man and Leo woman
- Gemini man and Virgo woman
- Gemini man and Libra woman
- Gemini man and Scorpio woman
- Gemini man and Sagittarius woman
- Gemini man and Capricorn woman
- Gemini man and Aquarius woman
- Gemini man and Pisces woman
- Gemini woman and Cancer man
- Gemini woman and Leo man
- Gemini woman and Virgo man
- Gemini woman and Libra man
- Gemini woman and Scorpio man
- Gemini woman and Sagittarius man
- Gemini woman and Capricorn man
- Gemini woman and Aquarius man
- Gemini woman and Pisces man
- Cancer man and Cancer woman
- Cancer man and Leo woman
- Cancer man and Virgo woman
- Cancer man and Libra woman
- Cancer man and Scorpio woman
- Cancer man and Sagittarius woman
- Cancer man and Capricorn woman
- Cancer man and Aquarius woman
- Cancer man and Pisces woman
- Cancer woman and Leo man
- Cancer woman and Virgo man
- Cancer woman and Libra man
- Cancer woman and Scorpio man
- Cancer woman and Sagittarius man
- Cancer woman and Capricorn man
- Cancer woman and Aquarius man
- Cancer woman and Pisces man
- Leo man and Leo woman
- Leo man and Virgo woman
- Leo man and Libra woman
- Leo man and Scorpio woman
- Leo man and Sagittarius woman
- Leo man and Capricorn woman
- Leo man and Aquarius woman
- Leo man and Pisces womann
- Leo woman and Virgo man
- Leo woman and Libra man
- Leo woman and Scorpio man
- Leo woman and Sagittarius man
- Leo woman and Capricorn man
- Leo woman and Aquarius man
- Leo woman and Pisces man
- Virgo man and Virgo woman
- Virgo man and Libra woman
- Virgo man and Scorpio woman
- Virgo man and Sagittarius woman
- Virgo man and Capricorn woman
- Virgo man and Aquarius woman
- Virgo man and Pisces woman
- Virgo woman and Libra man
- Virgo woman and Scorpio man
- Virgo woman and Sagittarius man
- Virgo woman and Capricorn man
- Virgo woman and Aquarius man
- Virgo woman and Pisces man
- Libra man and Libra woman
- Libra man and Scorpio woman
- Libra man and Sagittarius woman
- Libra man and Capricorn woman
- Libra man and Aquarius woman
- Libra man and Pisces woman
- Libra woman and Scorpio man
- Libra woman and Sagittarius man
- Libra woman and Capricorn man
- Libra woman and Aquarius man
- Libra woman and Pisces man
- Scorpio man and Scorpio woman
- Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman
- Scorpio man and Capricorn woman
- Scorpio man and Aquarius woman
- Scorpio man and Pisces woman
- Scorpio woman and Sagittarius man
- Scorpio woman and Capricorn man
- Scorpio woman and Aquarius man
- Scorpio woman and Pisces man
- Sagittarius man and Sagittarius woman
- Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman
- Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman
- Sagittarius man and Pisces woman
- Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man
- Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man
- Sagittarius woman and Pisces man
- Capricorn man and Capricorn woman
- Capricorn man and Aquarius woman
- Capricorn man and Pisces woman
- Capricorn woman and Aquarius man
- Capricorn woman and Pisces man
- Aquarius man and Aquarius woman
- Aquarius man and Pisces woman
- Aquarius woman and Pisces man
- Pisces man and Pisces woman
- Conclusion
What is love at first sight?
“Love at first sight” sounds like something from a melodrama or a romantic comedy, but some people argue that this phenomenon has a place in real life. Let’s find out how love at first sight is possible at all.
According to a 2017 study conducted in the United States, out of more than 5,500 respondents, 41% claimed to have experienced love at first sight. That says a lot, doesn’t it? Scientists do not know and cannot imagine what a person feels at the moment, because our body and feelings are still a mystery to science.
By the way, if you want to test Love at First Sight by Zodiac on your Android device, you can download the app from the Play Store, here is the link –
Love at first sight through the eyes of scientists
Scientists are skeptical about this phenomenon. However, they confirm that it does take us a few seconds to choose a person as a romantic partner or even fall in love. This almost impulsive decision depends on the appearance of a potential partner and on the experience of our previous relationships.
In the first seconds of the choice, our limited rationality is triggered, which compares the appearance of a new acquaintance with the types we already know, determining whether we like him or not. Then the second round of the same bounded rationality is started. We ask questions and look at the manner of our potential partner. In our memory, where the experience of communicating with previous partners is stored, our brain looks for similarities, then waves red and green, depending on our tastes. It all sounds a bit unconvincing, but this is the scientists’ version. The good thing is that even they do not exclude that love at first sight is possible.
What does love at first sight feel like?
Many people are interested in the question of how it feels or what feelings fill a person when he falls in love at first sight. One thing is clear, different people have different feelings or sensations. Some feel a sea of happiness and positivity, others a sea of adrenaline, and there are people who feel panic, but in a good sense of the word.
Love at first sight is similar to the feelings that we have for our family and friends, but in large doses right away. That is if you love and know what this feeling is, you will understand what we mean.
There are people who are not emotional and very materialistic. For them, love at first sight and love in general is something meaningless and alien. It is simply impossible to prove otherwise to them, they believe in what they see, and feel what they can feel with their fingers. But everyone has a soul, so life and circumstances will surely prove the opposite to them.
We hope everyone on our planet in their lives at least once will feel this wonderful and magical feeling, love at first sight.
5 zodiac signs who believe in love at first sight
In our top 5, there are two representatives of the water element, two representatives of the fire element, and one representative of the air element. Everyone knows that representatives of the water element are the most sensitive and dreamy signs.
That is why our top opens the zodiac sign Cancer. Leo is next, with a big heart and fire in his eyes. The third is Pisces, one of the cutest creatures of the zodiac. The fourth is Aries with its childish nature. And the last in our top is Libra, a balanced, but also sensitive zodiac sign.
- Cancer
- Leo
- Pisces
- Aries
- Libra
Despite the fact that Cancers are also sensitive, they still love with their eyes and their love has more physical than spiritual manifestations. If Cancer likes you, he will do everything possible to get your attention. They know how to care for and look after you as soon as they fell in love with you, and this applies to both women and men of the Cancer zodiac sign.
Many may be a little surprised, but Leo is in second place. When Leo meets his love, his eyes burn like fire and are brighter than ever. Leo is not sensitive but pays attention to manners and appearance so that he too can instantly fall in love.
Who does not know that Pisces is the most dreamy and magical sign of the zodiac? We think no one. Yes, they are from another world and in their world instant love and miracles are commonplace. Unlike Cancer, Pisces love more spiritually than physically.
Aries believe in love at first sight, but they don’t take it seriously. Sounds a little strange, but it’s true. In general, Aries have a pronounced children’s humor, and even in adulthood, this trait will not go anywhere. They feel love at first sight, but they do not believe that it is real.
Despite the fact that Libras are balanced and not spontaneous, and have an air element, they close our top. Libras also believe in instant love and can fall in love after talking to a stranger for a few minutes.
4 zodiac signs who don’t believe in love at first sight
Now let’s find out which four zodiac signs do not believe in instant love. Two of them are earth signs, one is air and one is fire. It is only natural that two of them are earth signs, since earth signs are the most realistic and believe little in anything.
- Capricorn
- Gemini
- Sagittarius
- Taurus
Our top opens Capricorn; the most realistic and materialistic zodiac sign. He does not believe in love at first sight, moreover, most representatives of this sign do not even believe in love at all. Capricorn can’t do anything about it, it’s in his nature.
Next comes the Gemini. Gemini is sociable and always on the move, but does not believe in instant love. The reason is that he cannot feel any connection or attraction to someone until he gets close. His senses are locked up and are not opening as quickly.
We give third place in our top to Sagittarius. Despite the fact that Sagittarius is full of enthusiasm, fearless, cheerful, and full of optimism, he does not believe in love at first sight.
The last one in this top is Taurus. A sign that is very stubborn, down-to-earth, and loyal. Taurus does not believe in fairy tales and miracles, and instant love seems like a fairy tale to him.
Aries man and Aries woman – 80% chance of love at first sight
Aries man and Aries woman can fall in love at first sight. The probability of this is 80%. Both have a childish nature and don’t take instant love seriously, but attraction at first sight and similar personality traits make them very attractive to each other from the moment they meet.
They will have a very adventurous romance, but a serious relationship will most often be broken.
Aries man and Taurus woman
The Taurus woman does not believe in instant love and does not take it seriously, and the Aries man does not attach much importance to it. Therefore, the percentage of instant love between these zodiac signs is 30%.
Aries man and Gemini woman – 83% chance of love at first sight
The Aries man and the Gemini woman have several similar characteristics that can attract each other at first sight. They are both sociable and well-able to easily get close to a stranger.
That’s why the percentage of love at first sight between an Aries man and a Gemini woman is 83%. It is a high indicator. The Gemini woman is one of those women who don’t believe in love at first sight, but since these two will communicate freely and get to know each other quickly, we can consider it love at first sight.
Aries man and Cancer woman
Despite the fact that the Cancer woman is in first place among the female zodiac signs who believe in instant love, she will not fall in love with the Aries man. The reason is the difference in the character traits of these signs. The percentage of instant love between these zodiac signs is 30%.
Aries man and Leo woman – 91% chance of love at first sight
The percentage of love at first sight between an Aries man and a Leo woman is 91%. As can be seen from the table above, this is the highest indicator for the Aries man.
The Leo woman falls in love with this man at first sight because of his leadership charisma. The leadership charisma of the Aries man is striking at the very first moment of meeting him. It is very important for this proud woman that she has a strong guy behind her.
At the same time, Aries man loves the style and manners of a Leo woman. She is far from the most feminine in the Zodiac, but this is not a problem, because for Aries it is not important.
Aries man and Virgo woman
Instant love between an Aries man and a Virgo woman has an equal chance; it may or may not happen. The percentage is 50%.
Aries man and Libra woman – 82% chance of love at first sight
An Aries man and a Libra woman can easily fall in love with each other the first time they meet. Thus, the probability of this is about 82%.
The Libra woman likes the joyful and positive look of the Aries man, and she accepts the offer to get close to him. In some cases, this woman can make the first move. No one expects this from this woman, but when meeting Aries, her desire to get to know each other can be so strong that she can take the initiative.
Aries man and Scorpio woman
The chances of love at first sight between an Aries man and a Scorpio woman are 35%. The first impression of the Aries man about her is very positive, he likes the businesslike appearance of this woman, and maybe he will have the desire to get to know her.
But the Scorpio woman does not want this, because he does not impress her at all, and even the Scorpio woman forms the idea that a frivolous man is standing in front of him.
Aries man and Sagittarius woman – 87% chance of love at first sight
The percentage of love at first sight between an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman is 87%. They have some common interests and characteristics that will attract each other. Their first meeting may happen in the wild, for example, during a tour. Both love the wild and that could be the key.
The Sagittarius woman has a wild and independent nature. Aries man loves the wild nature of this woman. Aries also has an independent character and this is the main similarity between these signs.
Aries man and Capricorn woman
The Capricorn woman is one of the most practical women of the zodiac, so when you talk to her about love at first sight, she says it’s a myth without any evidence. Who knows, maybe she is right, but no one can prove otherwise to people who have already felt it. The percentage of love at first sight between an Aries man and a Capricorn woman is 10%.
Aries man and Aquarius woman – 89% chance of love at first sight
Love at first sight is what usually happens when an Aries man meets an Aquarius woman. They have different natures and elements. One is fire, the other is air. But despite this, they feel a great attraction to each other.
The percentage is 89%, which is the second highest rate for this man in this case. The Aquarius woman likes his sociable nature; by the way, she is also considered a sociable sign of the zodiac. But compared to Aries, she is more restrained.
The analytical and confident character of this woman is noticed by the Aries man at first sight. And he likes these features. The probability is high that this man will be obsessed with this woman.
Aries man and Pisces woman
The chance of instant love between an Aries man and a Pisces woman is not high. It is 69%. At the first meeting, this man does not like the calm and quiet nature of this woman. And this is the main reason.
Aries woman and Taurus man
The instant attraction between an Aries woman and a Taurus man is nearly impossible. The Taurus man does not believe in love at first sight, so the probability is about 20%.
Aries woman and Gemini man
The chances that an Aries woman and a Gemini man will notice each other are 50%. Both are considered to be energetic signs of the zodiac, but love at first sight between them can be an accident. And in all likelihood, this will not happen.
Aries woman and Cancer man
The instant love between these two is something extraordinary. Therefore, the probability of this is 20%. Of course, instant love between an Aries woman and a Cancer man can happen in an extraordinary situation. For example, if a Cancer man intervenes in a situation where an Aries woman is offended by strangers, but this is a very unlikely event.
Aries woman and Leo man – 88% chance of love at first sight
When these two fire signs of the zodiac first meet each other, they experience extraordinary feelings. Someone calls this feeling love at first sight, someone calls it a spark. One way or another, the percentage of love at first sight between an Aries woman and a Leo man is 88% and this speaks for itself.
This energetic, independent, and career-oriented woman is noticed by the Leo man at first sight because she stands out from the crowd. While the Aries woman notices him, it is impossible not to notice the generous and cheerful Leo.
This instant love can develop and turn into true love. By the way, these two are a good couple and can create a happy family, so their first impression will not deceive.
Aries woman and Virgo man – 81% chance of love at first sight
For these two opposite signs, love at first sight between them happens and happens very often. The chance is 81%. The Aries woman and the Virgo man have different views on this life, but this does not prevent the emergence of instant attraction.
Aries woman is bold and outspoken, while this man is placid and self-effacing. Most likely, the Virgo man will fall in love first, and the Aries woman will wait a bit to understand what is happening to her.
Aries woman and Libra man
For an Aries woman and a Libra man, instant love is something that has nothing to do with reality. The Libra man loves an elegant woman, while we cannot say that the Aries woman is elegant, moreover, she is far from being an elegant woman. Therefore, the probability is 28%.
Aries woman and Scorpio man
The Aries woman and the Scorpio man do not fit together on either side. They also know about it and notice it at first sight. Therefore, the chance of instant love is 33%. Both will try to dominate in the first meeting and it will break everything.
Aries woman and Sagittarius man – 92% chance of love at first sight
When two fire signs meet, an Aries woman and a Sagittarius man, lights light up in their eyes, and everything around becomes lighter and brighter. For an Aries woman, the Sagittarius man is in the first place with whom she can fall in love at first sight. The probability is 92%.
Here we have two cheerful and energetic people who will quickly notice each other, wherever they are at the moment. Of course, if they have a different gender, they will definitely feel physical and mental attraction. This will lead to the fact that they have the desire to come up and get to know each other.
Another question is who will take the first step. Most likely, the Sagittarius man will make the first step, and the Aries woman will not mind.
Aries woman and Capricorn man
The physical and mental attraction of these two signs is at a low level, which is why the percentage of love at first sight between an Aries woman and a Capricorn man is 15%. By the way, the overall compatibility between them is also at a low level.
Aries woman and Aquarius man – 91% chance of love at first sight
The Aries woman is one of the most energetic women in the zodiac. She likes to move and does not sit in one place for a long time. This will please the Aquarius man because he is the opposite of the Aries woman. He does not like to move much and leads a sedentary lifestyle.
When an Aries woman and an Aquarius man first meet, the Aquarius man falls in love with this woman. This woman also feels attracted to this man. Therefore, the percentage of love at first sight between these zodiac signs is 91%.
Aries woman and Pisces man – 82% chance of love at first sight
Since the Pisces man believes more in love at first sight than the Pisces woman, the percentage of love at first sight between a Pisces man and an Aries woman is higher than between representatives of the opposite gender of these signs.
These zodiac signs are very different, but there is an instant attraction between them. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Pisces is the last, so flirting between them can work like an endless circle. This endless circle can bring a sea of emotions, fun, and positivity.
The percentage of love at first sight between a Pisces man and an Aries woman is 82%. These two are not the best match for their signs, but there can be instant love between them.
Taurus man and Taurus woman – 83% chance of love at first sight
Taurus is the fourth sign that does not believe in immediate love, but since the man and woman have the same zodiac signs, there can be a strong attraction between them at first sight (83%). Compatibility between them is also high, so this attraction can arise and develop into a very strong and serious relationship.
Taurus man and Gemini woman
The probability that a Taurus man and a Gemini woman will fall in love at first sight is equal to the probability that they will not fall in love with each other, this is a 50/50 game. They have some characteristics that can impress each other when they first meet, but they also have some characteristics that can put them off, so the percentage is 50%.
Taurus man and Cancer woman – 90% chance of love at first sight
The chances of instant love between these signs are high. The percentage of love at first sight between a Taurus man and a Cancer woman is 90%.
Despite the fact that these two have different elements and zodiac signs, they have similar character traits that attract each other. For example, they are both romantic, and any romantic move by one of them can cause instant attraction to the other.
Love at first sight is not just an attraction; they can become a good couple and create a serious relationship. Another similarity between the two is reliability. They are both faithful to each other, so they can become an ideal couple.
Taurus man and Leo woman
The Taurus man and Leo woman do not have enough physical attraction for instant love. The probability of this is 20%, and that says a lot.
Taurus man and Virgo woman
These two zodiac signs have a high level of compatibility, but the chance of instant love is not that high. The percentage of love at first sight between a Taurus man and a Virgo woman is 73%. By the way, you can check out the Zodiac Compatibility Chart and learn more about zodiac signs compatibility.
The Virgo woman is a workaholic, and the Taurus man sometimes suffers from laziness, and this is what can attract this man in this woman. Of course, on the street, this man will not notice this, but if they work in the same place, he will notice. A man will take the first step, and if a woman wants to get to know each other, then they can have a very bright office romance.
Taurus man and Libra woman
The Libra woman is outgoing and loves meeting new people. We can’t say the same about a Taurus man, but if they happen to meet and chat for a bit, there can be an instant attraction. The percentage of instant love at first sight is 76%.
Taurus man and Scorpio woman – 91% chance of love at first sight
The chances of instant love between these two signs are high. Despite the fact that these two have different characters and elements, they can quickly fall in love with each other.
Both of these signs do not believe in instant love, but at first glance, the Scorpio woman likes the appearance and character of the Taurus man. And many of us know that this woman is a kind of magician in love matters, so she can easily make this man fall in love with her. Therefore, the percentage of love at first sight between a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman is 91%.
Taurus man and Sagittarius woman
The first is an earthy zodiac sign, while the second is the fiery one. By nature, these two are very different, so the percentage of instant love between a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman is 18%.
Taurus man and Capricorn woman – 80% chance of love at first sight
The Capricorn woman and the Taurus man take the first and fourth places in the Top of the zodiac signs that do not fall in love at first sight. But when we talk about them, we notice that the percentage of love at first sight between a Taurus man and a Capricorn woman is 80%.
In all likelihood, you will ask, what is the matter? First of all, both have the same element. Secondly, they have many similar traits, and these traits can attract each other. This will lead to the fact that the Taurus man will take the first step and try to get to know this woman.
Taurus man and Aquarius woman
The Taurus man and the Aquarius woman are not the kind of strangers who will notice each other in a crowd. So there can be no talk of instantaneous attraction. They have a 40% chance of falling in love at first sight. This is not a serious indicator.
Taurus man and Pisces woman – 88% chance of love at first sight
The percentage of instant attraction between a Taurus man and a Pisces woman is 88%. Both are sympathetic to each other at the first meeting.
Taurus and Pisces have different elements, the first has the element of earth, and the second has the element of water. But both of them are considered female signs of the zodiac. This is one of the similarities between Taurus and Pisces.
Another similarity is their outlook on love relationships. These two zodiac signs are reliable and faithful in love relationships. That is why they usually create a good family and live a happy life together.
Taurus woman and Gemini man
Love at first sight between a Taurus woman and a Gemini man is extremely rare. The chance of this is 30%. The Gemini man does not notice anything attractive in this woman at the first meeting. The same can be said about the Taurus woman.
Taurus woman and Cancer man
The likelihood of instant love between these two is not that high. It is about 70%. It may sound a little joking, but a Taurus woman and a Cancer man can fall in love when they discuss something about money or business. If in this case, they have the same opinion, the discussion will create instant attraction, and let’s go.
Taurus woman and Leo man
The Taurus woman has the element of earth, while the Leo man has the element of fire. They are very different and will not notice each other in a crowd. Do you know why? Because if two people are very different, they have different auras, and like most people in a crowd, they will walk past each other. That’s why the chance is 35%.
Taurus woman and Virgo man
The percentage of love at first sight between a Taurus woman and a Virgo man is about 65%. The Taurus woman does not believe in love at first sight, so the Virgo man will be the first to notice her. Therefore, the Virgo man will make the first move. In any case, it is not a fact that the Taurus woman will agree to get to know him.
Taurus woman and Libra man
One of the reasons love at first sight can happen between these two is because the Libra man falls in love quite easily and has a romantic nature. The Taurus woman does not have such a romantic nature, but there are some traits that this man has, and she may like him at the first meeting. So the probability is 71%.
Taurus woman and Scorpio man – 84% chance of love at first sight
A Taurus woman and a Scorpio man can quickly fall in love. They have instant physical attraction and this can play a key role. Of course, they have different elements, and this may interfere at first glance, but the Scorpio man knows how to attract women, so if he notices this woman, he will take the first step and, most likely, will succeed.
If a Taurus woman notices him first, she will never make the first move but will make it clear that she is interested in him with the help of others, or create such a situation that the man himself will approach her. She is stubborn and thinks that a man should make the first move.
The probability of love at first sight between a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man is 84%.
Taurus woman and Sagittarius man
The Taurus woman and the Sagittarius man have nothing in common that would attract the other. They have different characters, different interests and hobbies, and different views on love and relationships. From all this, we can draw one conclusion, they will not fall in love with each other at first sight, and the chance of this is 15%.
Taurus woman and Capricorn man
Both the Capricorn man and the Taurus woman do not believe in instant love. These two can be considered the most mundane signs of the zodiac and therefore they do not believe in instant love. In any case, they have a good chance of liking each other from the first meeting, so the percentage of love at first sight between a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man is 77%.
Taurus woman and Aquarius man
Instant love can happen between a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man, but very rarely. They are quite different and the first time they meet there will be no fire of emotions and the air will be cold and not suitable for instant attraction. Thus, the probability of this is 42%.
Taurus woman and Pisces man – 85% chance of love at first sight
At the first meeting, the attraction of representatives of these zodiac signs is quite possible. The chance that a Taurus woman and a Pisces man will fall in love at first sight is 85%.
Most likely, the Pisces man will notice this woman from the crowd, because she is different, and he will feel it. Since the Pisces man has a very developed sixth sense, he feels women who are destined for him by fate. And the Taurus woman is one of them. Despite being a little modest and shy, he will make the first move.
In addition, the future development of their relationship may go well and they may become a harmonious couple. Of course, the different nature of these signs can bring some problems and disagreements to the family, but these are just a few points that will go away over time.
Gemini man and Gemini woman
A Gemini man and a Gemini woman have the same zodiac signs, elements, ruling planets, and much, much in common, but why is there a 50% chance of love at first sight between them? We will try to answer short but with deep content.
Gemini is the most capricious, adventurous, and two-faced sign of the zodiac. These traits are at such a high level that they don’t like it either, but there’s nothing they can do about it. Therefore, at the first meeting, they notice this and impress each other, but they impress in the wrong sense of the word.
Despite this fact, if they work on these traits, they can even make a good couple and get along with each other.
Gemini man and Cancer woman
The Gemini man is considered one of the least sensitive signs of the zodiac, while the Cancer woman is the opposite. She is one of the most sensitive women of the zodiac. The percentage of love at first sight between a Gemini man and a Cancer woman is 20%.
Gemini man and Leo woman – 80% chance of love at first sight
The Leo woman likes how the Gemini man manifests himself in society or among friends. Therefore, the instant attraction of a Leo woman is more likely. She will notice this man first and in most cases will be the first to approach this man.
Despite the fact that a Gemini is a social man and loves new acquaintances, at fist point he might be a little shy about this woman. But this is possible only at the first meeting. Love at first sight between a Gemini man and a Leo woman occurs with a probability of 80%.
Fire with oxygen-rich air burns easier and faster, so they can make a very beautiful couple.
Gemini man and Virgo woman
The Gemini man and the Virgo woman do not have a natural physical gravity, they do not have common interests, so the chances of instant love are low – 10%.
Gemini man and Libra woman – 87% chance of love at first sight
A Gemini man has the highest chance to fall in love with a Virgo woman – 87%. With no other zodiac sign, this man has such a high probability of instant love.
There are several explanations for this. The Gemini man is a creative person, but when he first meets a more creative one, he falls in love. And yes, the Virgo woman is a very creative woman, but not everyone notices this, but the Gemini man definitely notices.
Both the Gemini man and the Virgo woman are smart, and when they first talk to each other, they understand this. The first impression is so positive that they can talk to each other for about an hour or more. For a first meeting, this is a little strange, but not in their case.
Gemini man and Scorpio woman
In the case of these two signs, the initial attraction may come from the Gemini man, but the Scorpio woman is not interested in this man. There is no instant feeling between them, which is why the chances of instant love between them are 33%.
Gemini man and Sagittarius woman
Both of these two, the Gemini man and the Sagittarius woman, are at the top of our list of signs that don’t believe in instant love. Therefore, the chances of instant love between them are low, 20%.
Gemini man and Capricorn woman
If you carefully check all percentages on the table of love at first sight, you will notice that of all the couples, the Gemini man and Capricorn woman have the lowest rate – 5%. The Capricorn woman tops the list of zodiac signs that don’t believe in instant love, the Gemini man is second on the list. This is one of those cases where they say clarification is not required.
Gemini man and Aquarius woman – 84% chance of love at first sight
The Aquarius woman has a creative nature and the Gemini Man notices this from the first moment they meet. This character attracts him. Therefore, love at first sight between them is possible and the probability of this is 84%.
This woman also has a spontaneous character, and this is also characteristic of the Gemini man. Their chance meeting and spontaneous decisions can lead to instant attraction. In the future, this may lead to a serious relationship between them.
By the way, these two have a lot in common, and they can create a good family, and their life together will become very interesting and full of adventures.
Gemini man and Pisces woman
The Gemini man and the Pisces woman cannot communicate at the first meeting; it is very difficult for them to understand each other, so the probability of instant love is 17%. Once they get to know each other better, they can chat or even become friends. It is very important to note that, as a rule, their compatibility is on a low level, so they should avoid any serious relationship.
Gemini woman and Cancer man
Compared to the opposite pair of these signs, the chances of a Gemini woman and a Cancer man falling in love at first sight are slightly higher, but still, the chances are 30%. They are very different and have different mannerisms and manifest themselves differently in society.
Gemini woman and Leo man
At the first meeting, both signs of the zodiac will be attracted to each other. Since both love an active life, they often go to performances, concerts, or exhibitions, their first meeting will be in such places.
Instant love between a Gemini woman and a Leo man is possible, the percentage is 76%. Gemini woman communicates well with Leo man. If a Gemini woman notices the generosity and kindness of a Leo man at the first meeting, then she will instantly have the desire to get to know each other and communicate.
Gemini woman and Virgo man
Instant attraction can rarely happen between a Gemini woman and a Virgo man, but most likely it will not be true love. A Gemini woman will like this man at the first meeting, but the first impression will be deceptive. The chance for instant love is 44%.
Gemini woman and Libra man – 89% chance of love at first sight
Seeing the sociable and active nature of the Gemini woman, the Libra man will fall in love with her at first sight. By nature, they are very different, but in this woman, there is something special that is missing in this man. And this attracts him. They have an 89% chance of falling in love at first sight.
The Libra man is calm and balanced, and these qualities are not in the character of this woman, and this attracts her. This man is calm even at the first meeting and knows well how to communicate with ladies.
Gemini woman and Scorpio man
A Gemini woman and a Scorpio man have different tastes and interests, so they won’t impress each other when they first meet. They speak, think, and move in different ways, which is why just a look is enough for them not to think about getting to know each other. There is a 30% chance that they fall in love at first sight.
Gemini woman and Sagittarius man – 85% chance of love at first sight
The Sagittarius man often smiles and laughs for no reason, and at the first meeting he will like the sociability of this woman and he will laugh a lot at her jokes. Gemini woman will be pleased with such attention from this man and will be happy to get to know him closer.
When they meet each other, a light burns in their eyes. They immediately feel the spark. So the percentage of instant love between them is 85%.
By the way, the Sagittarius man is the most compatible couple for the Gemini woman, so their life together will be full of fun and pleasant moments. Together they feel very comfortable.
Gemini woman and Capricorn man
Love at first sight between a Gemini woman and a Sagittarius woman is almost impossible. The possibility of this is 7%. These two signs, in all their nature, are against love at first sight.
Gemini woman and Aquarius man – 82% chance of love at first sight
Most likely, a Gemini woman and an Aquarius man will fall in love with each other from the first meeting; the probability of this is 82%. Both of them are not sensitive, but very emotional.
The Gemini woman does everything to make people around her notice, and she even often speaks loudly so that they pay attention to her. The Aquarius man, on the contrary, does not strive to be the center of attention, but despite this, those around him often focus on him. He is often quiet and modest.
Despite the fact that this woman is active and sociable, she is the first to notice this man. And in most cases, the Gemini woman takes the first step and finds a reason to get acquainted with an Aquarius man.
Gemini woman and Pisces man
This woman and man are pretty different and have almost no point of contact. They are like two different lanes of roads that are opposite. Therefore, the probability of love at first sight between a Gemini woman and a Pisces man is 15%. In addition to the instant attraction, they must be aware that they cannot create a harmonious family and must stay away from each other.
Cancer man and Cancer woman – 93% chance of love at first sight
If you have already checked out our top list of zodiac signs who believe in love at first sight, then you know that Cancer is at the top of this list. So it’s very logical that a Cancer man and a Cancer man have a 93% chance of falling in love the first time.
But how this feeling arises, let’s briefly explain. Both are extremely sensitive and emotional. They have a great physical and spiritual attraction, and it makes sense. Both have a cautious nature, but this does not prevent them from getting to know each other at the first meeting.
Cancer man and Leo woman
When a Cancer man and a Leo woman first meet, this man notices the woman, but his cautious nature can prevent him from making the first move. But when he notices a kind and sociable nature in a Leo woman, he takes the first step. Don’t get us wrong, this man is not a coward, but he doesn’t want to frighten or disturb a girl she doesn’t know.
By the way, a Leo woman can also take the first step. One way or another, the percentage of love at first sight between a Cancer man and a Leo woman is 77%.
Cancer man and Virgo woman – 80% chance of love at first sight
When these two begin to communicate, most likely, they will like each other. You will ask why? The reason is simple, the Cancer man never lies, and he is an honest and fair person. At the same time, the Virgo woman does not like liars (you can say that everyone does not like liars, but we can say with certainty that the Virgo woman does not like them more than other female signs of the zodiac), moreover, she instantly understands when someone is lying to her.
So, at first sight, she will see an honest and intelligent man in front of her and will give him a chance. A Cancer man is physically attracted to her, so the probability of love at first sight between them is possible and is 80%.
Cancer man and Libra woman – 84% chance of love at first sight
The Cancer man has a dependent nature, but this does not mean that he will allow his partner to dominate him in any situation. If he doesn’t have his own comfort zone, he will get angry and this can lead to bad behavior on his part. At the same time, the Libra woman has a leadership character, but she does not cross the line.
One small nuance about her leadership, she is a leader but does not like to dominate. Such leaders are dominated only by their intellect and the right decisions. The Cancer man needs such a leader in his life.
What do we have? On the one hand, a woman likes the features of this man, on the other hand, a man likes this woman at first sight and wants to get to know her better. Therefore, the probability of instant love between a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman is 84%.
Cancer man and Scorpio woman – 90% chance of love at first sight
Cancer man and Scorpio woman are bright representatives of the water element. There have many things in common, for example, they both are emotional and sensitive.
At first glance, the Scorpio woman likes the protective nature of the Cancer man. Yes, he has a very protective nature, even towards strangers, and she notices this even at the first meeting. The Scorpio woman is strong, but since she is sensitive, she can easily be offended by a small careless word. Believe me, this man never talks to ladies in a careless way, so she will like the way he communicates with her.
From all this, we can conclude and evaluate the possibility of instant love between them at a high rate, which is 90%.
Cancer man and Sagittarius woman
Cancer man believes in instant love, but that doesn’t mean they’ll fall in love at first sight with any zodiac sign. One of these zodiac signs is Sagittarius. Instant love between a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman is unlikely, the probability is 20%.
Cancer man and Capricorn woman
The Capricorn woman is one of the most realistic women in the entire zodiac; moreover, maybe she is in the first place in this case. She does not believe in love at first sight, but the Cancer man believes. The chance of instant love between them is 26%.
Cancer man and Aquarius woman
When it comes to assessing the likelihood of love at first sight between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman, making the final decision is very difficult. So this probability is 50%.
Now let’s explain. There are many traits that Aquarius likes in Cancer, but at the same time, Cancer has some traits that this woman hates. The Aquarius woman likes the caring nature of this guy. She loves men with intuition, and we know that the Cancer man has it. At the same time, the Cancer man is a traditionalist, and the Aquarius woman does not like this type of man. Also, this man is a hidden pessimist, and she hates pessimists.
The same can be said about the Cancer man; the Aquarius woman has traits that he hates and traits that can attract him.
Cancer man and Pisces woman – 90% chance of love at first sight
Love at first sight between a Cancer man and a Pisces woman is quite possible. The chance is 90%. These two have similar auras and think and see the word in the same way.
The Pisces woman has creative taste, and this creativity extends beyond her appearance and clothing. She even thinks creatively. Of course, the Cancer man notices this at the first meeting and falls in love with her.
The Cancer man loves comfort; he would like to see comfort everywhere, at home, at work, and even in communication. The peaceful nature of a woman immediately catches the eye, and during communication, he notices this. Also, the Cancer man strives for harmony, and this woman feels it, so she will also quickly fall in love with him.
Cancer woman and Leo man – 85% chance of love at first sight
There is an instant physical attraction between these two zodiac signs. Therefore, the chance of instant love between a Cancer woman and a Leo man is 85%.
A Cancer woman has an adaptive nature, and the Leo man will notice this. At the same time, the Leo man has a domineering nature, but at the first meeting he does not show this. Despite the fact that he does not show this trait, the Cancer woman feels the domineering and masculine energy of this man. There is no doubt, she will not be his “servant”, but she loves when there is a strong man next to her.
Cancer woman and Virgo man – 85% chance of love at first sight
The percentage of love at first sight is high, despite the fact that Virgo does not believe in love at first sight. One way or another, since the Cancer woman has a very feminine nature, the Virgo man can fall in love with this woman at first sight. The same can happen to the Cancer woman because she sees some attractive features in the Virgo man. So the percentage is about 85%.
Cancer woman and Libra man
When we talk about instant love between these two signs, we must focus on several characters of these signs that are both similar and at the same time have a fatal difference.
Both love comfort, but the Libra man loves luxury and likes to dress only in branded clothes, and the Cancer woman believes that spending money on branded clothes is an extra luxury. So at the first meeting, this woman may not like the style of clothing of this man. The Cancer woman is sensitive, and this man likes sensitive women, but sometimes she is overly sensitive, and he doesn’t like it.
One way or another, the chances are equal. So the percentage of instant love between a Cancer woman and a Libra man is 50%.
Cancer woman and Scorpio man – 88% chance of love at first sight
Let’s say right away that the probability is very high that a Cancer woman and a Scorpio man will fall in love at first sight. It’s about 88%. Now let’s explain why?
Like other water signs of the zodiac, the Scorpio man is also honest. And at the first meeting, the Cancer woman feels and sees the honesty of this man, and this is very important for her. By the way, if this man notices this woman and wants to get to know her, he can transform and manifest as he pleases. This is one of the talents of this man.
Cancer woman is very diplomatic, even at the first meeting. By talking for a few minutes and asking a few questions, she can learn a lot about a person. She knows the nature of men well and rarely makes mistakes when choosing.
Cancer woman and Sagittarius man
The Cancer woman and the Sagittarius man have different elements, the first has the element of water, and the second has fire. Despite the fact that this woman believes in love at first sight, she will not love this man, because she doesn’t like this type of man. Even if this happens, she will quickly be disappointed. The percentage of instant love between a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man is 15%.
Cancer woman and Capricorn man
This man has a big fear of failure, so he rarely does the first step. And even in love matters, he has this fear. This is one of the reasons why the Capricorn zodiac sign does not believe or does not want to believe in love at first sight.
The Cancer woman has a good imagination, and at the same time she is far-sighted. When she first meets this man, she feels that their future relationship cannot be serious because the first time they meet this man does not take her seriously. She won’t fall in love with him quickly.
The Cancer woman is a workaholic and, perhaps, if the Capricorn man notices this at the first meeting, he will want to get to know her. The chance of instant love between them is 50%.
Cancer woman and Aquarius man – 80% chance of love at first sight
The ability to listen is a very important trait that this man has. The Aquarius man does not try to shut the interlocutor’s mouth and always listens to them with caution and attention. And the Cancer woman loves it.
And even in the first meeting, she notices this. That is why, when the Aquarius man first approaches the Cancer woman and talks to her, she will feel it, and their conversation will be constructive.
The Cancer Woman is a team player and loves to combine her efforts with others. Aquarius man loves team players; he doesn’t love arrogant and independent women. Thus, the probability of instant love between them is 80%.
Cancer woman and Pisces man – 90% chance of love at first sight
A Cancer woman has all the necessary characteristics that will make this man fall in love with her at first sight. She is selfless and kind-hearted, she is simple and natural, and she is the only one (and she is). It is these ideas that arise in the head of the Pisces man when he first meets her.
Since the Cancer woman is reactive in emotional and love matters, she will notice the attraction of the Pisces man and may quickly overreact. It is even possible that the Pisces man will notice her, but will be embarrassed to take the first step. As soon as she notices this, she will take the first step, because she will fall in love with the beautiful and bright eyes of this man.
From all this, we can safely conclude that the probability of love at first sight between a Cancer woman and a Pisces man is high, and yes, it is 90%.
Leo man and Leo woman – 88% chance of love at first sight
These two have the same zodiac sign, which means that they have a lot in common in terms of style and mannerisms. Of course, there are some differences between them, but basically, they are similar. It is highly likely that a Leo man and a Leo woman will fall in love with each other from the first meeting. It is 88%.
The Leo woman is a strong and charismatic woman. She can stand up for herself and it can be seen even at first sight. The Leo man loves this trait in women, so he will notice it. The Leo man is also a bold and charismatic personality, so instant attraction is guaranteed.
Leo man and Virgo woman
When we talk about love at first sight between a Leo man and a Virgo woman, we need to mention two important things.
The first Leo man likes the appearance of this woman, but there are some characteristics that this man will not like. Secondly, this woman does not like the appearance of the Leo man, but she likes the features and mannerisms of this man. The Leo man is one of the kind-hearted men of the zodiac signs. He has a big heart and his kindness draws attention.
One way or another, at the first meeting, a Leo man and a Virgo woman can fall in love with each other, and the chances are 70%.
Leo man and Libra woman – 92% chance of love at first sight
Leo man and Libra woman believe in love at first sight. There is a 92% chance that they will fall in love the first time they meet. For a Leo man, a Virgo woman is the most likely candidate for instant love.
The Libra woman has a very positive character, and the Leo man notices this at the first meeting. He loves when a woman is sociable and can communicate freely. He will like these qualities.
The Leo man is generous and everyone around knows about it. The Libra woman also notices this, and she even likes it. But the Leo man should know that this woman cannot stand if the man is overly generous, and even more generous to those who do not deserve it.
Leo man and Scorpio woman
The probability of love at first sight between a Leo man and a Scorpio woman is 21%. They won’t like each other once they start talking. Maybe their appearance attracts each other, but once they start a conversation, they will be disappointed. The main reason is their selfish and proud nature. Both have these traits and it instantly pushes them away from each other.
Leo man and Sagittarius woman – 87% chance of love at first sight
Here we have two zodiac signs who will definitely like each other. Sagittarius woman is known as one of the unstoppable and unbreakable women in the entire zodiac. She is like an indestructible rock, it is almost impossible to offend her because she has a very strong character. Leo notices this and can easily fall in love with her.
The Leo man is courageous, and, noticing this, the Sagittarius woman can fall in love with his man. He will definitely take the first step and approach her. Once they start a conversation and exchange some ideas, both will realize that they are a good match for each other.
A Leo man and a Sagittarius woman have an 87% chance of falling in love at first sight. This is a high figure, so at the first meeting they will experience unique and pleasant feelings.
Leo man and Capricorn woman
These two have more differences than similarities. The main thing that they do not like in each other at the first meeting is the style of clothing. The Leo man loves to dress expensively and extravagantly, while the Capricorn woman prefers simplicity and old-fashionedness.
In addition, she does not believe in love at first sight, and he, on the contrary. Therefore, there is a 31% chance of instant love between them.
Leo man and Aquarius woman
The Leo man and the Aquarius woman are not the two who fall in love with each other instantly. The chances are almost equal – 55%, but they have a fatal similarity and after a few minutes of communication, their instant attraction will gradually fade away.
The similarity is the independent nature of both. We can even insist that Aquarius woman is the most independent by nature. Even the Leo man is not a competitor with her in this regard. This man loves strong and independent women, but the extreme independence of this woman will interfere with them.
Leo man and Pisces woman
The percentage of instant love between a Leo man and a Pisces woman is 42%. They may like each other at first sight, but it will not be love, but attraction.
Leo man was born as a leader and often demonstrates this leadership in a defiant manner, so she quickly notices this. The Pisces woman is idealistic, and in her ideal world there are no leaders, all people love and respect each other, and all people are equal. This difference will repel them from each other.
Leo woman and Virgo man
A Leo woman and a Virgo man rarely fall in love at first sight. The probability is 42%. The Leo Woman is an actress; she has a very artistic nature. And when the Virgo man meets her, he notices it. He may not like it.
On the other hand, a Virgo man is hard-working and devotes a lot of time to his work. Of course, at the first meeting, she will not see this quality, but as soon as the Leo woman notices this, she may not like it.
Leo woman and Libra man – 90% chance of love at first sight
A Leo woman and a Libra man have every chance (90%) of falling in love with each other at first sight. They have some important qualities that they like.
The Leo woman is not afraid to tell the truth. She always tells what she thinks and this man like it. And it’s not just about acquaintances or friends, she says what she thinks even to strangers. At the first meeting, the Libra man notices this, and it impresses him. Most women do not have this quality.
The Libra man loves to see harmony around him. And one of the main components for creating harmony is the truth. In addition, he is very balanced and fair, and the Leo woman loves and appreciates these qualities.
Leo woman and Scorpio man
This woman may not like the sarcastic humor of this man, and this can play an important role in the first meeting. They are from different worlds and feel it, so the percentage of instant love between a Leo woman and a Scorpio man is 22%.
Leo woman and Sagittarius man – 92% chance of love at first sight
It is quite possible that when these two zodiac signs, the Leo woman and the Sagittarius man, meet for the first time, they will fall in love with each other. The chance is 92%.
The Sagittarius man is an explorer; he loves everything new and usually changes his job or explores new places. The Leo woman also loves adventure and is interested in everything new. These traits may contribute to their familiarity and instant attraction.
In addition to instant attraction, a Leo woman and a Sagittarius man are a good couple. They have a good start, and they can create a good and strong family. It will be from those families that usually travel and have a lot of fans.
Leo woman and Capricorn man
If a Leo woman and a Capricorn man meet, nothing special happens. It’s like a normal meeting between two strangers, there is nothing that attracts each other. Thus, the probability of instant love is 16%.
Leo woman and Aquarius man
Leo woman and Aquarius man have some common features. For example, they are both friendly and sociable. They love to get together and have fun with their friends. In all likelihood, they will meet each other for the first time during one of these gatherings.
Leo woman is confident and unwavering, and this man is the complete opposite. Despite this, this man likes these qualities of this woman. She is also passionate and diligent, and this man notices it. One way or another, the percentage of love at first sight between a Leo woman and an Aquarius man is 68%.
Leo woman and Pisces man – 83% chance of love at first sight
Both of these zodiac signs believe in instant love. Therefore, the chance of love at first sight between a Leo woman and a Pisces man is 83%.
When a Pisces man first meets this bright and shiny woman the first idea that comes to his mind is getting close to her. Of course, she will notice this and give him the chance. The Leo woman has no complexes, or there are very few of them, so this man will definitely get a chance.
The most important thing that this man should remember is to be decisive and confident, these two points are very important if you want to impress a Leo woman.
Virgo man and Virgo woman – 80% chance of love at first sight
Virgo is one of those zodiac signs that don’t have a bright or prominent personality, but this sign has some wonderful traits that we should definitely mention. Both the Virgo man and the Virgo woman are peace-loving and peacemakers. They love peace and both strive for it.
At the first meeting, both will notice the peaceful nature of the other and this will lead to instant attraction on both sides. Love at first sight between a Virgo man and a Virgo woman has an 80% chance. It is likely that they will meet each other at the workplace and they will have a very interesting and romantic office romance. Of course, both are not romantics, but their office romance will turn out to be romantic.
Virgo man and Libra woman
These two zodiac signs have different natures. The Virgo man and the Libra woman not only have different elements but also have different philosophies of life. Therefore, love at first sight between them is 39% possible.
The Virgo man is stable and stability is inherent in his nature, so he strives for stability in everything in his life. He even hates to communicate with people who are indecisive and make decisions with difficulty. And you know what; the Libra woman is the most indecisive female sign of the zodiac. Her vacillating nature instantly repels this man.
Virgo man and Scorpio woman
There are some similarities between the Virgo man and the Scorpio woman, so they can feel something when they first meet. But there are some differences, so the percentage of love at first sight between them is 55%.
First of all, they are both intelligent. They both notice this when they start their first conversation. But when they continue the conversation, they notice that everything is not as perfect as it seems at first glance. For example, a Virgo man is too organized, and a Scorpio woman may not like it. And this is not the only difference between them.
Virgo man and Sagittarius woman
The Virgo man may not like the risky nature of this woman, because he loves stability, but at the same time, this risky trait can play an important role. The Sagittarius woman loves to meet new people, and when she meets the Virgo man first, she will most likely make the first move and try to strike up a conversation with him.
It will seem strange to this man, but the conversation can go further and develop into a very interesting dialogue. The Virgo man is honest, and this trait may appeal to this woman. In any case, instant love between a Virgo man and a Sagittarius woman is possible, and the probability of this is 73%.
Virgo man and Capricorn woman – 94% chance of love at first sight
The probability of love at first sight between a Virgo man and a Capricorn woman is 94%. As you know, the Capricorn woman does not believe in instant love, and such a high probability of instant love is something unrealistic, but it has its own reasons.
These two have different zodiac signs, but they have a pretty similar nature. In addition, they have a similar element – earth. They are so similar that when they first meet each other, it seems to them that they have met their counterpart of the opposite gender. In this case, instantaneous attraction is simply inevitable.
Both love to plan and then move forward, both hate spontaneity, and both are stable and know what they want from this life. Together they go so synchronously that sometimes it seems that they are one.
Virgo man and Aquarius woman
The chance of instant love between a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman is small, it is 40%. They have incomparable manners of communicating with strangers and different tastes in life. They will not understand each other at the first meeting, despite the fact that they have some similar traits and attitudes.
Virgo man and Pisces woman
The Virgo man is one of the realists in the entire Zodiac, and the Pisces woman is the dreamiest. This is one of the most pronounced differences between them. At first glance, a man may like this woman, but you won’t go far on one appearance.
The Pisces woman loves intelligent men, and the Virgo man is one of them. This man also respects old traditions, and traditions for a Pisces woman are something uninteresting. Either way, the chance of instant love between them is 50%.
Virgo woman and Libra man
These two have so many differences in mannerisms and personality traits that even a first glance cannot deceive them. If somehow they get to know each other, they will immediately understand that they are not meant for each other. Therefore, the percentage of love at first sight between a Virgo woman and a Libra man is 35%.
Virgo woman and Scorpio man
There are some traits in a Virgo woman that can attract a Scorpio man. For example, this woman is a workaholic, and the Scorpio man notices this at the first meeting. She talks a lot about work even at the first meeting.
The Scorpio man also has traits that she will like, but this man has one trait that can and will repel her. He is overly jealous, and even at the first meeting and acquaintance, excessive jealousy will manifest itself. The Scorpio man will try to control her from the very first minute of meeting her, and the Virgo woman has an independent character and this will annoy her. This is why the chance of instant love is 45%.
Virgo woman and Sagittarius man
When a Virgo woman and a Sagittarius man meet, two opposing phenomena or characters meet, calm and anxiety. The Virgo woman is one of the most patient women, and the Sagittarius man is one of the most impatient men. Therefore, at the first meeting, the impatient nature of this man can anger the Virgo woman and ruin everything. So the probability of love at first sight between a Virgo woman and a Sagittarius man is 53%.
Virgo woman and Capricorn man – 92% chance of love at first sight
When we talk about instant love between these two, we must remember that they are similar in manner and character and have a lot in common. Therefore, the percentage of instant love between a Virgo woman and a Capricorn man is 92%.
The Virgo woman loves cleanliness and accuracy, and she has these traits. The Capricorn man loves and appreciates these qualities. On the other hand, this man is disciplined, and this is one of the traits of this man that the Virgo woman loves very much.
Of course, at the first meeting, they will not notice these qualities in each other, but all the same, an instant physical and mental attraction will certainly arise between them.
Virgo woman and Aquarius man
Both the Virgo woman and the Aquarius man are creative people and have their own worlds. The question is how similar their worlds are. It’s safe to say that these two worlds are quite different, and both notice it the first time they meet. So the chance of instant love between a Virgo woman and an Aquarius man is 10%.
Virgo woman and Pisces man
The Virgo woman loves everything to be in order; everything is in its place in her house. At the first meeting with a Pisces man, she notices that this man is sloppy and order is not for him. So the chance of instant love is 43%.
Libra man and Libra woman – 85% chance of love at first sight
The percentage of love at first sight between a Libra man and a Libra woman is 85%. When they see each other for the first time, they quickly fall in love because they both like each other.
The only thing that can interfere with their communication is indecision. It is highly likely that the Libra man will take the first step, but, as we have already mentioned, indecision and doubt can get in the way. One way or another, as soon as they get to know each other and talk, indecision and doubts will instantly disappear.
Both monitor their health and love to go to the gym (health club or spa). And it is highly likely that their first meeting will be in the gym.
Libra man and Scorpio woman
The chance of instant love between a Libra man and a Scorpio woman is 11%. The Libra man is very modest. At the first meeting, this modesty will be noticed by the Scorpio woman and she will not like it.
The Scorpio woman is overly ambitious and this trait sometimes leads to aggressiveness. The Libra man will definitely not like this and this will cause a lot of problems between them.
Libra man and Sagittarius woman – 88% chance of love at first sight
Both of them are very charming. This is the main reason why the probability of love at first sight between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman is 88%.
The Libra man is a charming prince; he has a handsome appearance and is often in good physical shape. All this will attract this woman and it is possible that this woman will notice him first and take the first step and get to know him.
The Sagittarius woman is an alluring personality and as soon as the Libra man talks to her, he will fall in love with her. They are very suitable for each other and this is immediately noticeable, and the main thing is that they also understand this and often an instant spark flows between them.
Libra man and Capricorn woman
The Libra man and the Capricorn woman are very different, they have nothing in common, so at first glance, they will not be attracted to each other. So instant love is almost impossible, it has an 8% chance.
Libra man and Aquarius woman – 91% chance of love at first sight
The Libra man is artistic and has a creative mind. His creative abilities are noticeable not only at work but also in everyday life. The Aquarius woman also possesses these qualities.
Of course, they both notice each other’s creativity the first time they meet, and their creativity does all the magic. They instantly fall in love with each other at first sight. Therefore, the percentage of instant love between a Libra man and an Aquarius woman is 91%.
The Libra man also has a romantic nature, which the Aquarius woman does not have, but she loves this quality in men very much. So this woman will not mind the romantic approach of the Libra man, and such an approach will definitely impress her.
Libra man and Pisces woman
The Libra man and the Pisces woman have a few personality traits in common, but in any case, the probability of instant love between them is 27%. This is explained by the fact that they are not physically attracted to each other. Maybe the Libra man will find her charming and make the first move, but the shy Pisces woman will most likely reject him.
Libra woman and Scorpio man
These two are from different realities. The Scorpio man is mysterious and has a complex nature. The Scorpio man is mysterious and complex, while the Libra woman is simple. She does not like to be lied to, moreover, she becomes aggressive when she is lied to. The Scorpio man is not a liar, but sometimes a lie for him becomes a way to achieve a goal. At the first meeting, it is quite possible that the Scorpio man will not be honest with the Libra woman, and this will be fatal for their further communication. Therefore, there is a 12% chance that they will fall in love at first sight.
Libra woman and Sagittarius man
The Libra woman is sweet, and when the Sagittarius man notices her, he wants to get to know her. The Libra woman will not mind getting to know him, and their conversation will go smoothly from the very first minute.
The Sagittarius man is one of the most energetic men in the zodiac. He has tons of energy and even radiates energy and it is noticeable even to strangers. Of course, Libra woman also notices this, and she like this energy. Therefore, the percentage of love at first sight between a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man is 77%.
In addition, the Libra woman is one of those women who find a way out of any awkward situation. So if at the first meeting a Sagittarius man gets into an awkward situation, she will quickly correct the situation and make sure that he does not feel awkward.
Libra woman and Capricorn man
These two will not like each other from the first minute of the meeting. The probability of instant love between a Libra woman and a Capricorn man is 10%. The Capricorn man loves to debate, but he argues even when he’s wrong. The Libra woman will not like this trait, even more, she hates this trait. This is because she is a seeker of the truth and cannot stand it when people do not admit their mistakes.
Libra woman and Aquarius man – 93% chance of love at first sight
Both the Libra woman and the Aquarius man have the same element – air. This speaks for itself because zodiac signs with the same element like each other at first sight more often than signs with different elements. The probability of love at first sight between a Libra woman and an Aquarius woman is 93%. Now let’s check why.
First of all, they will like each other’s appearance, and this will lead to their desire to get to know each other. When they start a conversation and get to know each other better, they will notice that both believe in equality, respect the rights of others, and for them all people are equal regardless of their social status or influence. For both, justice is very important, and this similarity will lead to an instant attraction between them.
Libra woman and Pisces man
The Pisces man is one of the most kind-hearted men in the zodiac. He believes that one day the people of our planet will love and respect each other and everyone will be happy on Earth. The Libra woman is one of those who believe in goodness in everyone, but when she meets this man, she notices that he is the kindest and falls in love with him.
The percentage of love at first sight between a Libra woman and a Pisces man is 75%. It is possible that these two cute creatures will notice each other from the crowd and get to know each other. Once they start talking, they fall in love with each other.
Scorpio man and Scorpio woman
When these two mysterious natures meet, there can be an instant attraction between them. There is a 77% chance that a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman will fall in love at first sight.
They have a lot in common, but so much in common can sometimes get in the way. One way or another, their similarity does not interfere with the first meeting. Both of them are inquisitive, they want to understand everything in detail. And as soon as they notice each other, they will have a desire to explore each other.
Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman
The probability of instant love between a Scorpio man and a Sagittarius woman is 32%. Perhaps there will be an instant attraction on the part of a Scorpio man, but as soon as he approaches this woman, he will be disappointed. This woman is not his type.
The Sagittarius woman is one of the most flirtatious women in the entire zodiac. Even at the first meeting, the Scorpio man will notice this and it will annoy him. He is not an angel in this matter either, he is also a flirtatious type, but he hates when women do the same.
Scorpio man and Capricorn woman
The Capricorn woman is one of the most practical women. She is not romantic and does not like it when a man makes meaningless promises, this most likely infuriates her. The Scorpio man likes the practical nature of this woman and it is noticeable at first sight.
The Scorpio man is optimistic, and sometimes this optimism goes beyond and even moves away from realism. A Capricorn woman may not like this. One way or another, the probability of instant love between a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman is 66%.
Scorpio man and Aquarius woman
It is very likely that an Aquarius woman will fall in love with a Scorpio man at first sight, which cannot be said about a Scorpio man. This woman does not have the necessary charm that will attract a Scorpio man at first sight. This is why there is a 54% chance of love at first sight between them.
Both love open dialogue, and this can be a reason to get to know each other. The Aquarius woman is impartial by nature, she is open, and the Scorpio man may even like it.
Scorpio man and Pisces woman – 92% chance of love at first sight
The probability of instant love between a Scorpio man and a Pisces woman is high, it is 92%. Both can quickly fall in love with each other.
The Scorpio man will notice the femininity of the Pisces woman and this will attract him. He will get to know her. There is no doubt that he will take the first step without the slightest hesitation. If this man wants something, he strives for it and most often takes it.
After they meet for the first time and start a conversation, the Pisces woman will fall in love with him. This man has a protective nature, and he protects his loved ones at all costs. Even at the first meeting, if someone tries to take this woman away from him with a look, he will quickly notice this and scare the stranger with his look. The Pisces woman will notice this situation and it will touch her soul and she will fall completely in love with the Scorpio man.
Scorpio woman and Sagittarius man
The Scorpio woman is one of the most magnetic women in the entire zodiac. She attracts almost all men of the zodiac signs and the Sagittarius man is no exception. As soon as he notices this woman, he will have a great desire to get to know her. That is why the percentage of love at first sight between a Scorpio woman and a Sagittarius man is 73%.
The Sagittarius man is a good listener; he loves to argue and is open to any conversation. At the first meeting, a Scorpio woman likes this quality, and their conversation goes well.
Scorpio woman and Capricorn man – 84% chance of love at first sight
Despite the fact that the Capricorn man does not believe in love at first sight when he meets a Scorpio woman, he experiences a strong attraction. This woman is like a good witch, she instantly attracts this cold and realistic man. This is one of those rare cases when a Capricorn man can lose his head.
The Capricorn man is always in drive, he is very businesslike and this will attract the Scorpio woman. In addition, he is secure and stable. A Scorpio woman seeks security and stability, and when she notices these qualities in this man, she can quickly fall in love with him.
The probability of love at first sight between a Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man is 84%. In addition to the instant attraction, these two can have a very strong and trusting relationship, they are advised to marry.
Scorpio woman and Aquarius man
The two are different, but the differences seem to complement each other rather than get in the way. That is why the instant love between a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man is 79%.
The Scorpio woman loves to dominate and hates being dominated, this trait is evident at first sight. At the same time, the Aquarius man does not have a domineering nature, and he does not mind if a woman dominates him. But he can’t stand it if someone tries to dominate in every matter. He loves freedom, a Scorpio woman must be aware of this.
In addition, a Scorpio woman is passionate and hot, and this man can be obsessed with this woman from the first moment he meets her. He must be careful with her, otherwise, he might just lose his head.
Scorpio woman and Pisces man – 96% chance of love at first sight
The percentage of love at first sight between a Scorpio woman and a Pisces man is 96%, this is not a joke, and this has been proven by the experience of several people. These two are made for each other from heaven.
When a Pisces man first sees a Scorpio woman, he loses his head. He falls in love with himself, at least without knowing her. A Scorpio woman also falls in love, but as a woman, she is more cautious. But life shows that in these relationships she is more courageous than the Pisces man, but not at the initial stage, but in the course of the development of the relationship.
This is one of those cases that you can talk about for hours, but we will note only the most important. The Pisces man in this situation needs to be more courageous, and the Scorpio woman needs to give him a chance with half a word, as it is in her own interests. She needs such a man like air and water.
How are they supposed to understand that one is Scorpio and the other is Pisces? This is a million-dollar question. They will just feel it and feel the moment because they will feel it for the first time.
Sagittarius man and Sagittarius woman – 86% chance of love at first sight
The Sagittarius man and the Sagittarius woman have a lot in common, so there is a high probability that they will fall in love at first sight. The chance is 86%. Both of them are not averse to new acquaintances, so if one of them takes the first step, the other will not mind.
Sagittarius is known as one of the most cheerful and positive representatives of the zodiac. Therefore, their meeting and the first impression will be very interesting and fun. The Sagittarius man and the Sagittarius woman have similar interests and hobbies, so the first date will be very pleasant for both.
Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman
It is almost impossible for a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman to fall in love at first sight. The chance is 19%. The Sagittarius man loves spontaneity. Spontaneity is something that is always present in his life. The Capricorn woman, on the contrary, hates spontaneity.
Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman
They are different; moreover, their elements are opposite. The Sagittarius man has the element of fire, and the Aquarius woman has the element of air. It is very difficult to find some common point that could connect them. Therefore, the probability of instant love between them is 10%.
Sagittarius man and Pisces woman
A Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman have a 58% chance of instant love. They have some qualities that attract each other, but this is not enough to fall in love at first sight. Anyway, let’s check out some of them.
The Pisces woman is artistic and always stands out from the crowd with her unique style. As soon as the Sagittarius man notices her, he will feel attracted to her. This man is a freedom-lover and once he talks to her, she will understand it. She likes people who strive for freedom, so she will feel something too.
One way or another, if they get closer and get to know each other better, some problems and misunderstandings will arise.
Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man
A Sagittarius woman and a Capricorn man do not experience physical attraction to each other, so the probability of love at first sight between them is 23%. The Capricorn man is a team player, while the Sagittarius woman is overly independent. In addition, these two are among the top signs of the zodiac that do not believe in instant love, so everything is clear.
Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man
The probability of love at first sight between a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man is 30%. Let’s find out why the probability is so small.
The Aquarius man is one of the most unemotional and cold signs in the entire zodiac. His condescending nature is so obvious that it catches the eye at first sight. The Sagittarius woman notices this, and since she has a fiery element and an energetic nature, she does not like this man at first sight.
The Sagittarius woman is a traveler and loves adventure, while the Aquarius man loves a calm and quiet life and quickly gets tired of travel and adventure.
Sagittarius woman and Pisces man
A Pisces man can fall in love with a well-mannered and composed Sagittarius woman at first sight. This woman can also feel attracted to this man from the first meeting because he loves sports and has a beautiful body.
Despite all this, the chance of instant love between a Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man is 52%. Yes, they like each other at first sight, but once they start a conversation and open their minds to each other, they quickly realize that they are quite different.
Capricorn man and Capricorn woman
It would seem that two same signs when meeting each other everything should go like clockwork, but in this case, it is not. Yes, the percentage of love at first sight between a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman is 70%, but when they talk, they will push each other away.
The main reason is that both the Capricorn man and the Capricorn woman have an independent nature and both do not believe in love at first sight. One way or another, they have a chance to converge, but not a great one.
Capricorn man and Aquarius woman
What can happen if the mathematical Capricorn man and the unpredictable Aquarius woman meet each other for the first time? You are right, nothing. There is a 20% chance of love at first sight between them, which is saying a lot.
Capricorn man and Pisces woman
A Capricorn man may like this woman at the first meeting, but since he is an earth sign, he will not fall in love at first sight. He has a lie detector by nature, and he knows liars well, and when they start a conversation and communication, he quickly realizes that the Pisces woman is very honest and never deceives.
The Pisces woman is one of the most romantic women of the zodiac, and when she meets such an unromantic Capricorn man, she has no feelings for him. This is why the chance of instant love between a Capricorn man and a Pisces woman is 50%.
Capricorn woman and Aquarius man
The probability of love at first sight between a Capricorn woman and an Aquarius man is 60%. A Capricorn woman never gives up, she is very purposeful. This is one of the main qualities that attract an Aquarius man, if he notices this in a Capricorn woman, he will fall in love with her. By the way, the Aquarius man is not at all purposeful.
The Capricorn woman does not like the rebellious nature of the Aquarius man, but there are qualities in this man that can attract this woman. For example, he is calm and likes to see comfort and tranquility around him.
Capricorn woman and Pisces man
Maybe at first glance, the Capricorn woman will like the appearance of this man, but this is not enough. The Pisces man is one of the most indecisive men in the zodiac. The Capricorn woman will notice this at the first meeting, and this will disappoint her.
The Pisces man will like the patience and unselfishness of this woman, but her persistent nature will annoy him. Therefore, the chance of instant love between a Capricorn woman and a Pisces man is 20%.
Aquarius man and Aquarius woman – 90% chance of love at first sight
When an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman meet for the first time, the air stops. They both feel something, but it is likely that at first sight, a man will fall in love rather than a woman. One way or another, the probability of instant love between an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman is 90%.
The Aquarius woman is self-confident, and the Aquarius man likes this quality. He is not so confident in himself, so this trait instantly attracts him. The Aquarius man is one of the most adaptable signs of the zodiac. In turn, this trait attracts the Aquarius woman.
Both of them are overly idealistic, so their conversation will go smoothly from the first minute and they will find a lot in common with each other. This attraction can arise and develop into a serious relationship and even marriage.
Aquarius man and Pisces woman
The Pisces woman is very trusting and honest, and the Aquarius man notices this at the very first moment of their acquaintance. Also, this man is attracted by her unique and even antique style.
The Aquarius man has an arrogant nature, and since this woman is very sensitive, she quickly notices this. This annoys her because she can’t even understand why people put themselves above others. In her world, all people are equal. Thus, the percentage of instant love between an Aquarius man and a Pisces woman is 50%.
Aquarius woman and Pisces man
At first glance, a Pisces man might even be interested in meeting an Aquarius woman, but as soon as they start talking, this man may run away. We don’t want to insult this woman, not at all. She is unique and smart, but she is not the kind of woman a Pisces man is looking for.
The Aquarius woman has some materialistic and realistic qualities that the Pisces man hates. In any case, this woman is also not attracted to this man at first sight, so there is a 30% chance of instant love between them.
Pisces man and Pisces woman – 86% chance of love at first sight
The probability of love at first sight between a Pisces man and a Pisces woman is 86%. At the first meeting, a man has an instant attraction, which cannot be said about a Pisces woman. But after they chat for a bit, she’ll like him too.
An affectionate and sweet Pisces woman instantly captures the attention of this man. Since the Pisces man has a sixth sense, he quickly realizes that this woman is special and he should get to know her. The only thing that can prevent them from getting to know each other is the fear of the first step of the Pisces man. But once he feels the moment, nothing can stop him.
Both of them are instinctive and believe in spirituality. For a Pisces man and a Pisces woman, love at first sight is quite possible, and they believe in it. By the way, they are both very developed and can talk on a variety of topics, but they especially like to chat about spirituality and mysticism, about the secrets and wonders of our world.
Frequently Asked Question
Yes, twice. By the way, I’m a Pisces. The first time I was a little boy, but I still remember it. She was from another school, and when she came to our class and I saw her, I felt something that I still remember 🙂 But she didn’t like me, so that was the end of the story.
The second time I experienced love at first sight was 2-3 years ago. She was a Scorpio, of course, I didn’t know that, but the first moment I saw her, I fell in love. I approached and got to know her, and she, too, was not indifferent to me. It so happened that our age difference was about 13 years, and this was a very important factor for her. So it didn’t work out.
Before answering this question, we must understand and answer another question, what is reality? Reality is what we see, or our feelings and sensations are also part of reality.
We are sure that our feelings and sensations are real, therefore love at first sight is real, because it is a sea of feelings that we experience instantly. In addition, we already know that almost half of the people who participated in various surveys claimed that they felt love at first sight.
Yes, but unfortunately not all people can experience this feeling. People cannot experience instant love because in their inner world, emotions, sensitivity, and romance are at a very low level or non-existent.
These three things are capable of causing love at first sight; appearance or physical attraction, mannerisms, and aura. The strongest feelings arise if at the first meeting, two people experience physical attraction, they like each other’s mannerisms, and their auras are compatible. But this happens quite rarely.
We do not dare to answer this question directly, but instant love is something magical and wonderful. There are many legends and fairy tales about instant love. An interesting fact is that the ancient Greeks called love at first sight “madness from the gods” or “theia mania“.
Research has shown that men are more likely to experience this feeling than women. There is no exact reason for this. But there is a guess. It lies in the fact that men are more visual than women.
For men, appearance comes first, but this is only a guess because there are men who are several times more sensitive than women. Women are usually more far-sighted and there are other criteria for them, for example, common interests and character traits are more important for women.
In this case, it is very difficult to give the best advice. But let’s try. You must understand one and the most important thing, if you have 100% decided to get a divorce, then go ahead and try, otherwise, you may regret it. If you are still undecided about divorce, then take decisive steps and save your marriage. Love at first sight is not always true love.
Let’s summarize and draw some important conclusions. Most importantly, we realized that love at first sight is not a myth. We also learned that among the signs of the zodiac, there are those who fall in love at first sight more often than others. We realized that in this regard there is no one equal to Cancer.
It is very important to understand one important thing about instant love. This feeling is not always mutual, so do not lose your head and completely sacrifice yourself. Not all people are kind and nice, and they can take advantage of your feelings and just use you. It is very important to control this feeling and not take hasty steps.
Love, whether it’s love at first sight or not, is a divine feeling. Love is like a fire that needs to be cherished and not let go out. Regardless of the sign of the zodiac, love is the same for everyone. Because it warms our hearts, gives us hope and motivation in this life, and ultimately gives meaning to our lives.