The Libra man and Scorpio woman compatibility rate is not high. These signs sometimes become so nervous because of the different outlooks for life. They look in the other directions, and for them, the climb of a mountain happens in a different way. But Libra man and Scorpio woman compatibility is one of the most opposite unities, and here we can say, that their unity becomes possible due to their attraction to opposite sign. So their relationships of love and marriage sometimes seem very complicated, as there we can see both tears and laughs, both quarrels and harmony.
The Libra man is very gentle. He is a timid and diplomatic aesthete. The Scorpio woman has the opposite description; she is assertive and passionate, dynamic and wild.

The Scorpio woman as a trait in Libra man mostly values determination, brutality, the ability to come and take what belongs to him. This trait is usually not characteristics of Libra in alliances with other signs. The Scorpio woman is also seduced by the truly “weight qualities”; she knows to smooth corners and avoid conflicts, present herself in society. In his turn, the Libra finds in Scorpio a protector from the dangers of this cruel world.
The representatives of the Libra sign are very gentle in their attitudes to Scorpio women, and the high intellect and their subtle spiritual organization make them a real gentleman to the tip of their cigars. So this increases the rate of Libra man and Scorpio woman compatibility, and due to this their love and marriage become a perfection for them. And even if the Scorpio woman is sometimes annoyed by such restraint, she never can deny that the presence of such a noble man flatters her pride.
Self-love is the main quality that gives rise to the ambition and determination of the Scorpio woman. She surely knows what she wants from this life; she knows how to use the gifted nature of her charm, which sometimes borders the witchcraft, and her sexuality, in which at the same time is hidden her femininity, and strong male beginning. It is difficult to cope with such a woman even for the brightest representatives of the zodiacal circle. Fortunately, the Libra man also has potential like that, but he has to put more effort into it, as the Scorpio woman can notice and value his charisma.
The Libra man and Scorpio woman compatibility in harmony is possible only in the condition if both of them will let their partner be themselves and follow their nature. Only in this case their love or marriage will last long. The Libra man is not practicing and is not ready for the cruel reality. Being an intelligent kind man by nature, he is not ready to take care of himself, achieve, insist, and defend, even if life requires it. And exactly here with him, like a puzzle, the Scorpio woman can complement. Her self-confidence and pressure will be enough for both. This kind of puzzle is possible if the Scorpio woman will truly feel that her beloved man relies on her, and accepts her leadership. But with all this, the Libra man must be careful and not let the woman to “sit on his head”. From time to time there is a need to remind this woman who is the owner of the house. In this case, there will happen a harmonization of energies.
With all these traits, these difficulties, and differences, the Libra man and Scorpio woman compatibility rate is up to 40%. Put all the effort you can and you will see the result soon.