The Libra is the seventh sign in the zodiacal circle. The Sun enters this constellation from the 22nd of September and stays there until the 23rd of October. The ruling planet for the Libra sign is Venus. From very ancient times people thought that the Venus planet faces love, passion, and instability. The people, who were born under the affection of this planet, have a strive to the earthly pleasures, sensitivity, friend-loving, and fascination. The Libra male characteristics are based on the affection of this planet, so that is the main reason why women cannot stand the attraction of this man.
The element of the Libra zodiac sign is the Air. This element is responsible for interpersonal contacts, communicational skills. That is why the Libra male characteristics are firstly described with their representative’s extreme sociability. Like no other one, they know how to attract people around them, and perfectly find a way of quitting even the most hopeless situations, and if it is necessary, they know a hundred and one ways to avoid it. The element of the Air endows its representatives with the lightness, irrepressible imagination, and ability to learn new things, and learn them fast.

The metal, which strengthens the energetics of the Libra is copper. They have stone talismans, which can help them in many hard situations – diamond, zircon, quartz, coral, moonstone, green jasper, opal, rock crystal. The favorable numbers for the Libra sign are 2, from 6 to 9, 11, and 15, also all the combinations of these digits. The colors for Libra are autumn and dim. Those are muted tones of the yellowing foliage and wilting garden flowers, the gray-blue color of the cloudy skies, shades of aqua, and muted greenery.
The Libra male characteristics are also described with their instability and explosive nature. At the same time, Libra men are very active, inquisitive, and open to the whole world. People are attracted to the Libras, as in their face they see an altruist, who is able to solve any kind of problem, no matter how difficult it is. Really, this is a man with a kind heart, and because of his kindness, this man often puts his own desires and benefits on the back burner.
The Libra male characteristics are based on the anxiety to the everything beautiful, and they are able to find beauty in usual things. Every day for them is full of bright emotions and impressions. And this is maybe the best trait that someone can have, as people like them take the beauty inside of them. The male representatives of the Libra sign are close to nature, and any parties will always prefer a peaceful holiday with a fishing rod or a basket for mushrooms.
The Libra male characteristics also have some contradictions. For example, the male representatives of this sign are very communicative and sociable in the outdoors, but everything changes when they are at home; at home this man is laconic. But despite this, here comes one of the most important things complementing this trait – with him there is something to be silent about, and women usually value this trait the most.
Some disadvantage about the Libra male characteristics is that sometimes they are not able to keep the balance between two things, and one thing always gets sacrificed for the other. They have to learn to pay equal attention and equal effort to things, and they will succeed even more.