The Libra zodiac sign is the seventh one in the zodiacal circle. The Sun appears in this constellation on the 23rd of September and stays here until the 22nd of October. So if you were born between these two dates, then you represent the Libra zodiac sign. The element of this sign is Air, and the ruling planet for it is Venus, in the exaltation is Saturn, in exile is Mars, and in the fall is the Sun. The Libra is the only inanimate object among all zodiacal constellations.
It is hard to take the scales of Libra in balance. The ruling planet of this sign – Venus, requires flexibility, and love for relatives, but the instability of this sign leads to constant skew, unstable situations, and moods, that is not always noticed by others.

- Libra Ruling planet: Venus.
- Libra Element: Air.
- Libra Symbol: Scales.
- Libra Season: Autumn.
- Libra Polarity: Yang.
- Libra Color: Pink, Blue.
- Libra Flower: Dahlia.
- Positive Traits: Harmony, Kindness, Sociability, Justice.
- Negative traits: Intolerant, Vindictive, Self-indulgent, Indecisive.
- Libra Metal: Copper.
- Libra Gemstones: Diamond, quartz, marble.
- Libra Best Match: Gemini.
- Libra Worst Match: Scorpio.
- Libra Anatomical associations: Ears and kidneys.
The zodiac sign Libra symbolizes the scales, so it is almost impossible to disturb their balance. It’s not even worth trying. We collect all the useful and important information about this sign in one article. From this article, you can learn about the Libra zodiac sign, its planet, element, season, pros and cons, health and career, and much more.
Table of contents:
- Libra zodiac sign planet and color
- Libra element
- Libra zodiac sign season
- Qualities of the zodiac sign Libra
- Libra’s personal life
- Libra zodiac sign and career
- The health of the Libra zodiac sign
- Libra in a relationship
- Libra astral chart
- Conclusion
Libra zodiac sign planet and color
The ruling planet of Virgo is Venus. Venus is named after the Roman goddess Aphrodite. She was the goddess of love and beauty. Many people know that Venus is very clearly visible in the night sky with the naked eye from the Earth. It is because it’s the second brightest natural object after our Moon.

Venus symbolizes relationships. Its placement in our natal charts shows how we value pleasure, beauty, relationships, and creativity.
The colors of the Libra zodiac sign are pink, blue, and pale green(all the pastel colors reflecting the onset of autumn, filled with a variety of deep, harmonious shades).
Libra element
The element of Libra is air. As an air sign it is, it needs intellectual stimulation, reasoning, and conversation. Represented by the balance, Libra has a similar operation: always weighing pros and cons, the pursuit of balance and justice.
The sign of the Libra symbolizes the sunset, which gives depth and thoughtfulness to the representatives of the airy element. Their element is a warm breeze, unnoticed air currents that change the surrounding, but on the other scale, Libra is the destroying power of the element. Only a few do not regret provoking Libra’s wrath, as under their calmness and tact there is hidden power and ability to prove his correctness and leadership. Their will is unbending if they are truly sure of their goals and ideas.
Libra zodiac sign season
The season of the Libra zodiac sign is autumn. Still warm for the burning heat of summer, but becoming damp. Mornings are cool and afternoons mild still. The leaves are beginning to change color.
Leo harvested the yearly crops, Virgo put them into storage and Libra will distribute them fairly. There is hesitation in the air, a choice to be made between dry and damp weather. The plowed earth is resting, waiting for the next seeds.

Autumn is a very beautiful season especially when the leaves of the trees change their color and give a completely different atmosphere to the environment. The leaves of the trees turn yellow to orange.
Qualities of the zodiac sign Libra
There are two distinct Libra characters: while one is serious and reserved, most of the sign’s natives are friendly and sociable. The Libra zodiac sign is a verily mystical sign. Someone sees in them a prudent egoist and hypocrites. Other people have the opposite opinion – Libra seems to them with an open-hearted nature, who is ready to take off his last shirt for the sake of the neighbor.
And here is the interesting thing – all these relate to the same representative of the Libra sign. The secret here is that the Libra is a sign mirror. They subconsciously reflect the deep characteristic traits of their interlocutor. You can check all about this sign characteristics here – Libra personality traits.
The cardinality of the Libra zodiac sign pushes its representatives to active actions. They have a high intellect, and a talent for diplomacy, they have a confrontation the craving for harmony, stability, and a thirst for activity, new knowledge, and changes.
Libra keywords
Balance, harmony, justice, fairness, equity, sociability, refinement, and beauty. Those born under the sign of Libra are concerned with all activities related to the law. They should refine their taste and make good diplomats.
The Libra zodiac sign is easy-going, sociable, and relaxed. Their keywords are balance and harmony and they seek to establish this in all areas of their lives. They are fair and compassionate and love to be happy and for those around them to be happy, too. Because they are always looking for a point of balance they can be indecisive, forever weighing up the pros and cons of a situation and never actually deciding.

Libras have a balanced and always fair temperament. The tendency to distrust any forced or definite commitment. Refusal to use force. Virgo prefers a qualified use of power, based on a subtle desire to lay down one’s law by respecting moral rules, and the needs and feelings of others.
Libra’s personal life
The main goal of this sign is to reach a balance in the relationships of love and marriage. The airy nature of the Libra zodiac sign naturally balances the representatives of the element of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). They pacify this powerful and impulsive sign with their calmness and unobtrusiveness, helping them to put on the scale all the pros and cons, of avoiding rash decisions. If the fire of their partner begins to fade, they will become a source of incendiary ideas and plans for their partner. You can check detailed information about Libra compatibility on this page – Libra Compatibility.
The Libra zodiac sign makes the less compatible unities with the representatives of the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), and the Water (Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer). The differences in their characteristics make their joint lives harder, but this is not the final word for them. Everything is changeable, and nothing is constant, so try to redirect the energy, and use all its benefits.
Libra’s romanticism is quite a perfectionist, because not only do you long for the appropriate aesthetic proportions but also the moral ones, fundamentally the intellectual and spiritual of the other person. If in these aspects there is no coupling, your relationship will wither and you will soon deploy your air of seduction over other people and goals.
Libra zodiac sign and career
There is no particular career that springs to mind as a truly “Libran” vocation. Because they enjoy money, the luxuries of life, and giving to others, Libras will always need to be in a job that pays well.
They will be fulfilled by work that employs their diplomatic skills and allows them to indulge their sense of fair play. They make good bosses but prefer to be part of a team than to manage autocratically. Librans are often highly creative and should try to find an expression for this in their work.
Libras can be good judges and lawyers. Maybe, these are the most suitable jobs for them. They respect and love justice, and this is the main reason that allows them to become good judges.

The health of the Libra zodiac sign
Libras are renowned for their sweet tooth. As in every other area of their lives, they need to aim for a balance in their diet. The kidneys are the organ associated with the sign of Libra and should be taken special care of – drinking lots of water is important.
A balance should also be the goal of the exercise. Libras are suited to slow, regular exercise, preferably in a social atmosphere, rather than short sharp bursts of strenuous activity. So, for example, they can go to a yoga school.
Libra in a relationship
Those who are born under the sign of Libra are always looking for true love and are incurably romantic. Their ideal is a long-term, peaceful relationship; they are less interested in passion, although this is part of the balance they try to achieve, and more dedicated to harmony.
They are not afraid to commit when it comes to relationships but should beware of keeping the peace at all costs. This is particularly true in the parent/child relationship. A Libra parent can definitely be a soft touch, giving in to tantrums and demands.
Libra astral chart
If Libra has an astral chart with a harmonic set, we can see the following positive traits: harmony, kindness, sociability, justice, delicacy, consideration for others, and moral and spiritual elevation.
However, when the Libra astral chart is inharmonious, one can find some of these defects: the influence of others, the ambition of social recognition, and the tendency to involve others in their particular spider web.
The Libra zodiac sign is the main connoisseur of beauty among all the zodiacal constellations. You can meet many representatives of the Libra zodiac sign with creative professions; painter, photographer, director, and writer. Despite this, the representatives of this sign are good in exact sciences. There are many medics, engineers, and mathematicians among them.

Libra’s taste for aesthetics and ethics often leads him to seek perfection he can not find. Hence the indecision or dilettantism proper to some natives of this sign. And it is that, like the balance, Libras know that without the other, they are nothing; They have so taken into account the opinions of others that sometimes they remain without expressing their own, at least directly, because they do not like rough environments or tensions at all.
They are a lover of peace and harmony. However, they have a special ability to swim and store clothes. That is, many times, they ask for opinions or listen to them, because they need to contrast, but then, they will do as they wish, for that they are as free as the wind.