The ascendant which represents the way to native if showing himself in society is in the natal card of the Leo sign (the top of the first home), and it needs to balance the contradictions between the dream of leading – demonstrating the power of personality, and a tendency of idle, lazy pastime. It is impossible to not notice the representative in the Leo rising sign. From the way of putting steps on the ground, they are different.
The representatives with the Leo rising sign are generously endowed with charisma and fiery energy. They attract with their appearance and manners, presenting themselves as a very special person so skillfully that those around instantly believe in it. This is a deliberate manipulator, who is ready to excess moral laws for his personal benefit. This man is also very generous and faithful if it does not prejudice his interests. The representative with the Leo rising sign never trusts fully even those, whom he has already checked, and feels himself in the hall even when he is all alone in his own home. The main thing is to believe that he is a star, so nothing else matters.

People with the ascendant in Leo make an imaginary world for themselves and sometimes it gets as complicated that they forget about the reality. When the real correspondences to fantasies are absent, the native overestimates his own power and talents, which form the outer glance looks as bombast and arrogance. The spiritually developed and intellectual person becomes the overlord with enthusiasm leading admiring subjects to the great goal. He shows fearlessness and foresight, knows how to lead in any situation, forming a team of talented smart assistants.
So now let’s mention some traits of behavior and appearance that are special for this native:
- a luxurious head of reddish-brown curly hair;
- large convex forehead without wrinkles, smooth skin, and a face with an oval shape;
- big eyes, the eyelids cover the upper part of the iris, on which golden blotches are visible;
- the aristocratic nose is pointed downwards, the bridge of the nose is thin;
- lips are beautifully lined, with the middle size, the smile is open and kind no matter what situation it is;
- strives to materialize dreams, loves demonstrative generous gestures, and the demonstration of the main emotion of mood;
- pays huge attention to his appearance and clothes, and prefers the youth styles of expensive brands.
- reaches his own goals with a calm talk by never talking louder and never getting into conflicts;
- tries to higher the social position of parents, soaring to the pinnacle of power and prosperity.
This native adores everything luxurious, and scoops it in handfuls quite faster in condition, if he develops the talents he got from nature, especially with the support of royal star Regulus with the Sun, which mostly happens among the people born from the 23-26th of August. The best examples of the people with the Leo rising sign are Louis XIV, Napoleon Bonaparte, Benito Mussolini, Alexandre Dumas, Marilyn Monroe.