Leo Positive and Negative Traits
Leo, the fifth Zodiac sign, is ruled by the Sun which means life, warmth, fire discipline, and royal immensity. In this article, we will talk about Leo positive and negative traits and learn more about this zodiac sign. Leos are sophisticated personas, often the ones who need to be acknowledged. Self-display is very important to them, and they can be very productive in artistic spheres as art helps them to express themselves. Leos are usually concerned about their status in society, so they can pay more attention to their image than their real life.
Not all Leos are kings by nature but royal ambitions are typical for all representatives of this sign. They are born to protect, take care and lead the way. They are leaders in all spheres of life, and their biggest strength is their belief that they are right. But if this belief is just an illusion and the mightiness is just a big bubble, when life turns into chaos, Leo can become very depressed. They are not the ones who like to take responsibility for themselves and people who do not deserve their admiration but they sure have a developed sense of self-respect. Almost in Leo’s life, there is a constant need to be worshiped and respected. Because they are naturally charming and social, this is not a hard thing to achieve.

For people surrounding them, Leos are generous and grateful. But if God forbid, Leos are not respected…Then everyone has to feel their wounded vanity and even anger attacks. Leos also chose their partners according to the amount of respect and admiration there is. Despite his energetic character and egoistic nature, there is more to Leo than meets the eye. Usually, Leos have huge resources of spiritual and psychic powers. Unfortunately, they don’t have opportunities to realize it. Leos’ strength is an optimistic belief in their own capabilities. The biggest flaw of this sign is shallowness. Often Leos decide that they were born for grand plans and journeys, and caring about trivial details is just not their thing. Leo takes criticism very sensitively.
Leo Positive Traits: Good and Best Traits of this Zodiac Sign
Positive traits: generosity, aristocracy, chivalry, optimism
Typical Leo is a domineering and generous person who can achieve a lot in life. Born to lead, Leo uses all the possible means to make sure it happens, so one of the best traits of this sign is leadership. It is almost impossible to resist a Leo who is reaching for his goal. They are very precise in their way of getting what they want which often gathers around many people who admire them. People love to be around Leo because he is someone who shows very strong personality traits and a willingness to lead the way when there is no hope.
The Sun makes a great ally for Leo, and people born under this sign have to work less than others to achieve success; they usually get what they want without losing too much. Despite this, Leos often feel like having a moral right to act fractious in front of others. Fortunately, they can use their acting talents for a good cause. If their occupation satisfies them, Leos accept their good luck honorably, and they know how to use their authority. In stressful situations, they remain surprisingly calm, so that can sure make great kings and queens.
Another good trait of this sign is that he has a lot of creative energy which makes him even more likable. Most Leos are cheerful and easy-going, so they make great friends and lovable family members. Representatives of this sign can give everything to people they love; they have a big heart: it is unheard of that Leo would let parents or family members live in poverty. Leo love to share everything (except the spotlight).
Leo Negative Traits: Worst Traits of this Zodiac Sign
Negative traits: egoism, the big pride, vanity, fierceness
Nature and stars granted Leos a lot to be proud of but they should never become arrogant about it. Leo wants and insists that other people must help him with his goals but often fails to understand that people are not obliged to please him. All Leos would win more often if they had more “democratic” and less selfish attitudes towards other people’s rights.
One of the worst traits of Leo is the constant need to be acknowledged. They would do many things to be in the spotlight but this often leads to losing friends and alienating people. Many decide to maintain distance from Leos because of their sharp tongue. Indeed, their sense of humor sometimes verges of obscenity, and some are offended by it.
Often Leos put on the mask of goodness because they want other people to think positively of them. In such cases, Leo appears a phony, someone who pretends to be someone he is not. There are times when Leo becomes quite delusional because he wants to hear flatteries even if they are not true. However, all those sweet fake words from others can create an illusion of life. When this illusion is shattered, Leo becomes angry and even depressed. Leo is one of the most energetic signs but this energy can be wasted quite quickly if they are not careful. Then, Leo goes through a period of laziness. It takes some time for Leos to pick themselves up and start working again.
Positive and Negative Traits of a Leo Child
Now let’s talk a little about the positive and negative traits of the Leo child. As a child, Leo tends to hide his skills and abilities, and it is a little strange for the born leader. Instead, this child chooses solitude and spends his time reading and observing.
As Leos grow, they make a lot of mistakes. Fortunately, they have an inborn capability to rehabilitate very fast which grants them more self-confidence. They become extroverts once their personalities are fully formed. Representatives of this sign are never tired of learning and searching for new ways to express themselves. Leos always question the nature of things, which is how they learn about life and the world.
One of the most problematic traits of the Leo child is a hard-core belief in their ideals. While it can help them to win in certain situations, it can also turn into fanaticism. If they are not in the lead or completely independent Leos still have to have their sphere where they could express themselves and implement their ideas. In the company of bland people, they soon start to feel unsatisfied and sad. Leos are at their best when their lifestyle is fun, and they take time to enjoy everything that provides satisfaction.
A little about the male and female Leo positive and negative traits. Male Leo always strives for leadership. They usually have big goals and even bigger will. At their worst, male Leos can be merciless; at their best, they can show incredible humanity. Female Leos are distinguished for their egocentric nature and unquestionable self-assurance. But for people they love, these women can be generous and caring. When it comes to children, female Leos can give them everything but they still remain steady in their character. It is almost impossible to argue with such a mother.
All in all, to say that Leo’s personality is complex would be an understatement. On the surface, these folks are confident, secure, and ready to show the world all their awesomeness. But inside, they are quite fragile and sensitive to criticism. Their approach to life is quite child-like and optimistic, but the goals they set in their mind are surely larger than life. This is why it is almost impossible to analyze these people and tell who they really are. They pay attention to other people’s opinions about them and most of their personality is based on the image they try to convey in society. But how they are seen in society and how they are accepted does not necessarily show their true selves. Leos can surely appear obnoxious and too self-confident in certain situations but those who have Leos as friends or those who are born under this sign now that Leos have big hearts and a lot of love they want to share with the rest of the world.