Leo profile in short: this is a true Fire sign. People born under this sign radiate energy, confidence, and sophistication. Leos like to think that life is their stage, and, of course, they need an audience for that. Despite being self-centred Leos have many positive qualities that make them likeable in the eyes of society. They can achieve success easily but it takes humility and carefulness to maintain it. The Sun grants Leo creativity, innovativeness, and the ability to lead. And Leos make perfect leaders in everything they do and it is a fact. In this article, we will check the Leo facts and find out almost everything about this zodiac sign.
Use the navigation menu below to quickly find the part of the Leo facts article that interests you the most.
- Leo Facts
- Leo Love Facts
- Leo Compatibility Facts
- Leo Health Facts
- Leo Friendship Facts
- Leo Career Facts
- Leo Money Facts
- Article Conclusions

Leo Facts
- The birthstone of the zodiac sign Leo is the onyx. This stone helps to maintain strength and to survive in the darkest periods. Onyx is particularly helpful for those people who are influenced by others. For Leos, it is useful for developing healthy self-confidence and the ability to fight for ideas and beliefs. It also strengthens regeneration, instincts and helps to defeat bead habits.
- The ruling planet is Sun. Actually, the Sun is not a planet, it’s the center of the solar system. It is the mother of life, granting warmth and strength to every living creature. So, it is no surprise that Leo seems to have unlimited resources of energy.
- The power stone of the zodiac sign Leo is the garnet. Eastern magicians thought that garnet is the stone of love, it stimulates passionate emotions. Persians considered garnet the royal stone which is why it is associated with the sign of Leo. It is the symbol of loyalty, belief, and strength, and it is recommended to energetic people. Those who carry a garnet stone are usually helpful, straightforward, and tend to take up charity work. Other stones for Leo are amber, ruby, diamond.
- The metal of this zodiac sign is gold.
- Lucky numbers for Leo are 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22.
- Every zodiac sign has its lucky day and the lucky day for Leo is Sunday.
- The power colors of Leo are golden, orange, yellow.
- The flower of this sign is the sunflower.
- Symbol: The Lion. Lion is considered to be the king of the jungle. Fierce, strong, and intimidating, the lion is an animal admired and feared by many.
- Motto: “Nothing but the best”. Leo is the most sophisticated of all the Zodiac signs. These folks simply love to get everything of the highest quality, and they get extremely disappointed if they don’t. Best clothes, best car, best job, and best girlfriend/boyfriend – they never go for second best.
- Life pursuit: To show everyone the way. Because they are very confident in their abilities, Leos believe that they can teach a lot about life and the world. They like to guide those who are lost and impart wisdom whenever they can.
- Secret desire: To be famous. These people love to entertain people they know but their true wish is to be recognizable all over the world. This secret desire is not completely vain because they are willing to work hard to achieve success.
Leo Love Facts: Interesting Facts About the Leo Zodiac Sign
- Leos are natural-born kings, and love is no exception – their love is passionate, emotional, open, and sometimes even demonstrative.
- The Leo zodiac sign does not forgive betrayal.
- Considers respect to be the key to all relationships.
- Another interesting fact about Leo’s love is that this sign showers the loved one with gifts.
- Out of all Zodiac signs, Leo is probably the most loyal one. In relationships, they are willing to work very hard, but only if the partner lets Leo take the driver’s spot.
- The relationship can end in a heartbeat if Leo is humiliated in public by the partner. This is something they will neither forgive nor forget. Public opinion is very important for Leos and they can divorce someone who offends and humiliates them in front of friends and family members.
- Leo rarely ever hides feelings, and they like pleasurable experiences. Leos are born to love and they enjoy every exciting moment in a relationship. Lonely, disappointed Leo would look really miserable.
- Leo needs a partner they could be proud of, someone who would notice their talent and flatter their ego. In every relationship, Leo will never be content with being in a second place. But despite their pride and the need to be acknowledged, Leo has a golden heart, and they are completely devoted to their lovers. Their love and loyalty have no limits.
- Leo man is ambitious end egocentric but he is rarely ever egoistic when it comes to love. He has a soft spot for material goods, though he likes to share them with a partner. In order to tame his heart, a woman has to show how much she appreciates his values and virtues.
- Female Leo likes to show who is important here, but if she is really in love, she lets her partner tame her a little bit.
- Some Leos are afraid of quick spiritual closeness. This is why they can make a sudden move back in the very beginning of a relationship. They have an undeniable need to be free, but they don’t want to be alone either.
- Many of them like the process of connecting, talking, and there is a romance that makes relationships enjoyable for Leos. But before every serious commitment, Leos have to think very hard if they want to give up their freedom.
- Once they make up their mind, they don’t look back. If Leo’s love is true, it’s blind but honest; passionate, and platonic at the same time.
Leo Compatibility Facts: 12 True Facts About This Sign Compatibility
- Leo and Aries: These two fire signs have a temperamental nature which means great physical connection and it is a fact. Leo and Aries like to control things, and this relationship would be full of fights. A successful marriage is possible only if one of them is capable to let another take the lead.
- Leo and Taurus: Both signs are stubborn and strong-willed. There is obvious sexual tension between these two signs. However, a long-term relationship is not likely to be successful because Leo will not receive enough admiration, while Taurus can be irritated by Leo’s careless behavior.
- Leo and Gemini: Both signs are romantic so this union can be pretty enjoyable. Problems can arise when Leo demands more attention than Gemini can give. But conflicts would not last long for those two. Both signs want a passionate and emotional relationship, and marriage could be very successful.
- Leo and Cancer: This combination is quite good but partners should always keep the balance. Leo and Cancer can complement each other and support each other’s ways of life. If Cancer is willing to let Leo take the lead, this union can last long.
- Leo and Leo: The union between two Leos could be very problematic. Both want to be in the center of attention, so it would be hard for them to share the spotlight. Marriage would be filled with fights for authority. Neither will be completely satisfied in such a relationship.
- Leo and Virgo: Leo finds it hard to understand why Virgo can feel worthless so quickly. Marriage is not likely to be successful and to make it work both partners have to sacrifice a lot.
- Leo and Libra: Both are outgoing and social, both like to enjoy the pleasures of romance. The union between the two signs can be very successful if both have the same rights.
- Leo and Scorpio: The union between Leo and Scorpio is likely to bring out their worst qualities. Leo becomes too arrogant and impatient, while Scorpio could appear cunning and critical. Marriage would be a battlefield for those two.
- Leo and Sagittarius: Marriage between these two enthusiastic Zodiac signs could be very successful. Leo likes Sagittarius’s ideals, and Sagittarius is grateful for Leo’s strength. They can work as a team.
- Leo and Capricorn: They are completely different in their temperaments – Leo is passionate and Capricorn likes to keep a sober mind. But they can unite if there is an important goal, and marriage could be successful if they keep balance.
- Leo and Aquarius: The two signs have completely opposite character traits. Leo demands loyalty, and Aquarius cherishes freedom. This is why it could be difficult for them to get along. It may seem that they could complement each other this union has no bright perspectives.
- Leo and Pisces: It is almost impossible for Leo to understand shy and dreamy Pisces. Most of the time, these two don’t get along because the words they live in are completely different. Marriage would leave both sides wounded.
Also, you can check detailed information about this sign compatibility on this page – Leo compatibility.
Leo Health Facts: 10 Things You Should Know
- Leos are quite strong physically so they rarely ever become victims of illnesses. But when they do, diseases are usually serious and dangerous.
- People born under this sign are likely to be concerned about problems related to the heart and blood. This can be high blood pressure, pain in the heart area, or even a possibility of an infarct.
- Another health fact of Leos is that when Leos are ill, their temperature rises quickly, and there can be chest pains.
- Sometimes Leos can faint without any particular reason, so the best advice for them would be to rest and never overestimate their own powers.
- Leo likes delicious food which does not do favors to his health.
- Luckily, this sign likes to spend time outside so fresh air and physical activity could really help to improve health conditions.
- Leo is gifted with incredible physical energy and recreates strength pretty fast.
- Representatives of this sign should eat more food with proteins, avoid sugar and starchy products.
- Magnesium sulfate is also recommended to recreate the nervous system.
- Leos should avoid spicy foods and red meat because these foods are harmful to their health.
Leo Friendship Facts
- The first fact that we should mention about the Leo friendship is that representatives of this sign are usually popular in society, and they love every minute of it. They have a lot of charm which attracts other people whom Leos sometimes like to think of as their audience.
- You can usually meet Leos at parties, feasts, and other massive events where there are lots of people. Usually, Leo has a bunch of acquaintances, and their address book is full of names.
- Representatives of this sign often have one small group of close people that they can call true friends.
- When life becomes complicated, Leo always needs someone who knows him, even when he himself doesn’t know who he is anymore.
- Despite their self-centered nature, Leos make loyal friends and companions you can always trust. Leos love their friends and are willing to give up a lot just to see their friends happy.
- They have a sense of heroism in them so they will sacrifice everything they have to help in emergencies.
- Leos have no problems lending money or using their social status for their loved ones. If a friend needs help, Leo can always lend a hand but he also expects the same kind of devotion back. This is certainly not someone to take advantage of. Once they feel betrayed or played, all the generosity is gone.
- Another fact is that true friends of Leo know that these are quite complicated personalities with a tendency to overreact and overstate everything. But Leo admires true friendship, and the longer it lasts, the more loving Leo becomes. But once they are insulted Leos can turn from best friends into powerful enemies.
- In a circle of close friends, they are quite ordinary: energetic and always open about their thoughts, which sometimes can appear even indiscreet to someone who is not a friend of Leo. But Leo would not be Leo without his flamboyant nature and ability to draw attention to himself.
Career: The Right Professions for this Zodiac Sign
- People born under this sign can take up every profession which can provide them authority and fame.
- This is not someone who would be satisfied with a small office and minimum wage. They can cope with being recognizable in society perfectly well, and in fact, many people in the entertainment business are Leos. Such people simply flourish in the limelight. Then Leos feel like they belong.
- Leo can be successful in almost any field of work if it provides the possibility to improve and take up the main position eventually.
- Those born under the sign of Leo are natural-born leaders, and they do a really good job. Their inner strength and determination to achieve the best in their field is something that inspires people.
- All business meetings and deals are taken care of if Leo is in control. This is why a lot of conflicts arise when Leo is not in the lead and he has to take orders from another person.
- Being a submissive employee will never be enough for such people, and they will never be good workers if there is absolutely no possibility for promotion. Leo’s disappointment with his work can turn into laziness or apathy.
- Any kind of public work is likely to be successful and it could provide fame and acknowledgment Leos desire so much. Once they are in the position where they can lead, then things go smoothly because they go according to his plan.
- Leos make productive and lovable bosses. With their positive energy and joyfulness, it is not hard, and employees have no trouble taking orders from their charismatic boss.
- Leo always respects his employee if he receives the same amount of respect. However, open-hearted and light-headed Leos can easily fall into the trap of cunning people who can jeopardize their whole career. This is why Leos should be very careful about who they choose as allies.
- Spheres of work Leo should consider also include politics, work in banks, schools, organization of events, and everything that makes Leo visible in the eyes of society.
- Good intuition lets them be successful numerologists or psychics. Obviously, Leo has to choose a career that can support his lavish lifestyle.
In addition, below you can find a list of professions that Leo usually chooses. The list of career paths for Leo:
- Acting
- Advertising Agent
- Amusement Park
- Animal Trainer
- Announcer
- Architect
- Artist
- Athlete
- Bar owner / manager
- Cartoonist
- Comedian
- Dancer
- Director
- Disk Jockey
- Event coordinator
- Farmer
- Financial advisor
- Fireman/woman
- Fisherman
- Gambler
- Graphic designer
- Gunsmith
- Hairstylist
- Inspector
- Jailor
- Judge
- Lifeguard
- Marketing
- Manager
- Movie producer
- Musician
- Park Ranger
- Performer
- Personal Trainer
- Police officer
- Private Investigator
- Public Relations
- Real estate agent
- Salesman/saleswoman
- Security worker
- Sculptor
- Stockbroker
- Talent Management
- Talk show host
- TV anchor, reporter, etc.
- Theatre
- Tour Guide
- Writer
Leo Money Facts
Leo is full of ambitions, they can work really hard to achieve success and receive a solid income. Representatives of this sign value money, but they are more concerned about what can they buy with it. So let’s check these interesting and fun facts about money.
- Financial luck: Financial luck often makes Leos dizzy with success, but most of the time it turns out to be temporal. Usually, Leo goes through a chain of highs and lows. If they are able to learn from their mistakes, they can comprehend the value of money better.
- Young Leo money facts: Young Leo has quite a carefree attitude towards money. They are generous, and often like to please their loved ones with gifts. Such behavior can lead to a relationship where another half can start valuing Leo only because of all the gifts. Despite the fact that Leos love to be in the center of attention, such behavior is not recommended to win popularity.
- Financial difficulties: When financial difficulties occur, Leos should use credit cards less and pay in cash instead. This would limit purchasing things on credit. Also, financial stability could be achieved if they bought fewer clothes and jewelry. If such purchases are necessary, Leos should use sales and discounts.
- Luxury: Leo is ruled by the Sun, and this sign is also connected with the Fifth House (pleasures and games). So, Leo enjoys living a luxurious life, surrounded by comfort and beautiful things. Sometimes Leos spend a lot of money on those beautiful things, even more than they can afford. For this reason, the financial crisis hits pretty hard Leo.
- Investments: After all highs and lows, Leo can decide to use money wisely and invest. Despite the need for expensive things and entertainment, Leo can invest in saving programs or use other investment methods with guaranteed feedback.
- Financial future: In order to avoid financial problems, Leos have to tame their instinct to seek adventures. In addition, such people should avoid “easy money” schemes. To reach a solid level of wealth that would let them live according to their needs, Leos should consider investing in reliable sources.
Article Conclusions
Getting angry whenever things don’t go according to your plan. Such behaviour could really jeopardize your relationship with people.
Remember that things will never be black and white, so accept life with all its failures.
The need to be the centre of attention. While this can seem fair to you, others usually don’t share the same opinion. It can even create distance between you and people.
Work on your personality instead of your image. People will love to have you at the centre of attention if you’re worth it.
Thinking that you can do everything better than anybody else. It can seem challenging at first, but after a while, people can become seriously irritated by such egoistic behaviour.
You have to recognize the fact that there are people who are as good as you or even better than you. Keep your ego in control if you don’t want to lose friends.