The first month of our calendar year combines the dates of births of wonderful people, which belong to two interesting zodiac signs. January zodiac signs are distinguished with their wonderful characteristics and inner worlds. Let us look at them with a closer glance, and find out which kind of characteristics do they have, what are their weaknesses, their positive and negative sides, and their strength.
Tireless sign of Capricorn – the main of January zodiac signs: The stubborn and materialist Capricorns (started from the beginning of January, until the 20th) is ruled by the planet Saturn, which is more of a burden than a gift. That is why the representatives of this zodiac sign strive to make harder both their and others’ lives. It may seem like worldly wisdom, enviable workability, developed spirituality, and wonderful discipline. With these traits, they are able to even move mountains. And they do! They make great, great plans, try to do everything in a short time, and they do so many things due to their hardworking, but to do everything is not a real talk, and their ruling planet Saturn, like father, takes care of them to not have time for entertainment and other weaknesses.

The natural inclination of “winter” people, especially for the January zodiac signs, to solitude and continuous labor, is not a bad trait, but they have to work hard not to let it develop until the excessive ambition and suffering from incomprehensibility. The Capricorns love to plan and calculate until the smallest nuance, and the easiest way to take them out of balance is to complicate all their plans. They look so proud, self-sufficient, and unapproachable, but they also need love and patient cooperation the same way, as others do.
The element of the Capricorn zodiac sign is the Earth, which endows them with such characteristics, as materiality, a need to always save money, as they think about the future as well, less sensitivity, stubbornness, and also a purposeful nature.
Eccentric Aquarius – the multifaceted January zodiac sign: People born from the 20th of January, belong to the Aquarius zodiac sign. They are ruled by two planets at the same time. This is the reason why their characteristics are distinguished by impressive ambiguity. Moreover, there are many cases, when the Aquarius is ruled by the freedom-lover and stubborn Uranus, and with maturity outweigh the forces of Saturn, “re-educating” the representative of this zodiac sign, making them wiser and even extra pragmatic.
The Aquarius zodiac sign from nature is endowed with a wonderful intuitive understanding of most processes of the surrounding world. But this trait may bring them unnecessary doubts and distrust in themselves. They are noble human lovers, which love to learn and communicate, and it is bad for them to give their willpower to complexes and close in themselves.
The element of this sign is the Air, which brings them up, and lets them look at things from the top, seeing all their details. This Aquarius is known as the sign of the most clever people, the best advisors, and the best scientists.