If you were born on January 6, then you belong to the constellation of Capricorn. This sign is affected by the element of the Earth. Specialties of the January 6 zodiac sign: as a strong side of this sign, we usually mention their diplomacy, conflict-freeness, insight, ingenuity, and reliability. As a weakness, we can mention their indetermination of making decisions, closeness in emotions, and naivety. The women of the January 6 zodiac sign are distinguished with erudite nature, strive for self-development, realism, and arrogance. The men of this zodiac sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, like ambitiousness, strive for self-improvement, self-confidence, and peace-loving.
The zodiac sign of the people born on the January 6 is Capricorn. These people have hard-working, purposeful, restrained, and careful personalities. They strive for order at home and in the mind as well. They follow the set plans and adhere to the planned schedule. They have deep philosophical outlooks, and they love art and poesy. In communication, they are easy-going and good-natured, and this is why it is such an easy thing to interact with people. So we can already predict how wide acquaintance they usually have.

The people of the January 6 zodiac sign represent the combination of many contradictions. They simultaneously coexist a craving for stereotypes and broadening one’s horizons, egoism and strive to help people around, observation and thirst for action. They are purposeful, and for them, this life is about always fighting for something. And in the way of their journey, they can use their different personalities for reaching the goals they want. This is the main reason why they are sometimes changeable and can show us from different sides.
These kinds of people are endowed with creative potential, thanks to which they easily develop in the spheres of art and culture. They competently formulate their thoughts and ideas, which is facilitated by the eloquence and developed oratory skills.
The people that represent the January 6 zodiac sign, in their searches for a partner strive for their ideal. Behind their outward severity and equanimity, a timid and indecisive nature is hidden. They are very scared of doing the first step and telling the people they like about their feelings.
These men and women do not like loneliness. They need a partner, who will share their interests and hobbies, will be a support for them. They are very gentle with their partner, they keep loyalty in their relationships of love. They love romantics as well. In their family life sometimes they do not pay enough attention to their loved ones, as they spend too much time in their career. These women are caring mothers and good households, and men are loving and devoted husbands. Both of them value their family, and this is the most important thing for both of them.
The people of the January 6 zodiac sign create strong and harmonic relationships with the representatives of the same sign – Capricorn, also with Taurus, Leo, and Virgo. With the Aries, Aquarius, Cancer, and Sagittarius their chances are not so high for good compatibility and a happy future.