If you were born on January 31, then you represent the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the element of Air. Specialties of people of January 31 zodiac sign: the main specialty of a person born un January 31, is an unordinary sign on his body, which talks about this person’s uniqueness. The universe initially gave the sigh with this representative, telling us that we have got true magic and an exceptional part of the universe. All the contradictions of this representative are perfectly combined in one body, where due to the perfect oratory skills they can turn every negative trait into positive and prove to most people about their rightness, even in the case they are wrong. The strongest characteristic traits of a person born under the sign of Aquarius are their sense of responsibility, courage, benevolence, kind-heartedness, and discernment. From the weaknesses of character, we can mention their strive for being alone, rudeness, and indetermination.
The women of the January 31 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as charming, attractiveness, gentleness, romantic nature, and sociability. The men of this star sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, as independence, which is the main description of the Aquarius sign in general, kind-heartedness, a good sense of humor, and vulnerability.

The zodiac sign of people born on January 31 is Aquarius. These are independent, vulnerable, gentle, and kind natures. Nature gave them well-developed logic and intuition as a gift, and this helps them to make the right decisions. These two principles often fight in them and deliver mental anguish. These are optimistic and dreaming people. The main benefit of their characteristic is the belief in a bright future.
These representatives of the January 31 zodiac sign do not tolerate stagnation in work and personal affairs. They love to open up new pleasures for themselves, as well as they widen their circle of worldview and knowledge with great pleasure. These people quickly light up with new ideas, to which they cool down just as quickly. For finishing the things they started, they need to make an effort.
Thanks to their communicativeness, gentleness, and original appearance, they become the soul of any company. They love to be in the center of attention, to catch admiring glances on themselves, and to be an example for their surroundings. They easily get along with new people, and, in usual they have many friends. In their surroundings, there is often a senior patron they turn to for advice.
These freedom-loving natures of the January 31 zodiac sign do not hurry to create long-lasting relationships. In general, they start to think about it at a more mature age, when they find out they can be alone. The truth is they have high standards and expect a lot from their partner, which makes it harder to create romantic relationships with this representative. For them, it is very important to find that one with common interests and goals. They move on by the ruling of their mind, not emotions, that is why sometimes they may seem stingy in feelings. In marriage, they are devoted to their partner, they are loyal and also become good and caring parents.
The people born on January 31 are compatible with the representatives of Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius signs. They have to avoid relationships with the people born under the signs of Capricorn, Scorpio, and Cancer, as they promise to be complicated, and full of quarrels.