If you were born on January 3, then you represent the Capricorn zodiac sign. This sign belongs to the element of Earth. Specialties of the January 3 zodiac sign: As strong characteristic traits, we can mention their communicativeness, curiosity, and ambitious nature. Their weaknesses are the inability to abandon unpromising projects and carelessness about their health. Women of the January 3 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as purposefulness, thrift, honesty, and stubbornness. The men of this sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, like ambitiousness, strive for self-improvement, determination, and stubbornness.
The people of the January 3 zodiac sign are under the affection of Capricorn. They are conscientious, disciplined, devoted, and independent people. They have a good sense of humor, due to which they easily interact with other people and have many friends. They have strong willpower and stubbornness. They always finish what they have started, even if it takes a very long time.

With years these representatives do not lose their spirit of youngness, they stay active, and impress everyone around. These kinds of people are obsessed with what they truly love, and this is the main reason why they restrict themselves to entertainment and communication with friends. Throughout their lives, they are able to change the sphere of their activity depending on their interests and hobbies. They love to learn new things and discover this mysterious world.
People born on this day do not know to lose and accept their misses, and this is the main reason why they painfully experience defeat. They beware of gambling and risks. The people of the January 3 zodiac sign reach their goals, but they are doing it with a huge effort. Fate doesn’t give them everything as a present, or, to be honest, never gave anything as a present, so they always try, then fail, then again try, fail, try, and succeed. This has become the main concept of their life: for every good thing in this world, we have to sacrifice something. Sometimes they sacrifice the most important and valuable thing – their time.
People born on this day are shy and closed in their relationships of love. They do not hurry to open up their feelings or to do the first step. One thing, that is very important about such representatives, is that they do not idealize their partner, and accept both their perfections and imperfections.
In marriage, these representatives are loyal spouses and caring parents. Choosing a partner, they understand that with them they are going to share every moment of their lives, be it happy one, or sad, easy or hard. With their partner, they become one whole power and can beat any difficulty you can imagine. Yes, it is hard, but it is possible. Going through these hard ways, their connection becomes only stronger and stronger.
The people of the January 3 zodiac sign are compatible with such zodiac signs, like Taurus, and Leo. They have big chances of harmonious relationships with Pisces, Scorpio, and Virgo. The hardest compatibilities these people make, are with Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.