If you were born on January 27, then you represent the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the element of Air. Specialties of people of January 27 zodiac sign: here we are talking about such a strong and clever personality, which has both advantages and shortcomings in himself. So, as a strongest characteristic sides of a person of the January 27 zodiac sign, we can mention their purposefulness, altruism, and friendliness. About their weaknesses, we can say that they have to pay more attention to their passive nature, slowness, and laziness. If they will be able to win the battle against these traits, they will be able to get what they want from this world.
The women born on January 27 are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as stubbornness, well-developed intuition, friendliness, and gentleness. The men representing this zodiacal constellation are endowed with such characteristic traits, as a love of freedom, stubbornness, strive for self-improvement, and also a well-developed imagination.

Bring born in a concrete day, at a concrete time, makes its influence to our natal chart, which gives us some characteristic traits, and also some ways of life, which we have to pass. Those traits are not a final decision for us: they are something initial, which can be changed, or even the recognition of it is able to change something in our lives, as all the victories in life begin from self-acceptance. This also will let to accept others, so quarrels, misunderstandings, and complicated situations in general with the people around us will be fewer.
The zodiac sign of the people of the January 27 zodiac sign is Aquarius. These are creative, ideological, and practical personalities. These people quickly light up with new ideas, but rarely finish them because of the lack of initiative, and also, because of the lack of self-confidence. For them, it is easier to succeed under the guidance of a senior patron, who will rule them and inspire them at the same time. These people of the January 27 zodiac sign are so talented, but they are not able to fully open them up and realize because of their laziness and passivity.
These people usually sacrifice their personal interests and benefits. They are endowed with humanity, mercy, and altruism. They love to help other people, and for them, charitable activities are a great pleasure. They are surrounded by many friends and have such a wide circle of acquaintances. They support their friends, and they are always there to help them in complicated situations. Behind their gentleness of character, militancy and uncompromisingness are often hidden.
The people of the January 27 zodiac sign cannot tolerate loneliness. They always strove for new acquaintances and new relationships. Thanks to their natural charm they do not feel a lack of attention. In communication with admirers, they are open and emotional. At a more mature age, they need stability in their relationships. The reliable fundament and confidence of future they find in family. In marriage, they keep the reliability and devotion and expect the same from their partner as well. Their conflicts usually come from a need to control everything and move on their rules.
The people of the January 27 zodiac sign are compatible with the people of Libra, Gemini, Aries, and Sagittarius signs. The rate of their compatibility is the lowest in the relationships with Capricorn, Cancer, and Scorpio signs.