If you were born on January 26, then you are a representative of the Aquarius zodiac sign, which is ruled by the element of Air. Specialties of people of January 26 zodiac sign: the strongest sides of people born on January 26 are their purposefulness, thanks to which they reach many highs in their lives, self-confidence, which helps them to succeed among the people, and courage, due to which they are not afraid of risk. The weakest sides of these people are their irascibility, emotionality, which cause many quarrels and breakups, to which adds their uncompromising nature, so as a result, we get a situation, where they can hurt their loved ones without even noticing, and then suffer from parting.
The women of the January 26 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as independence, assertiveness, straightforwardness, and kind-heartedness. The men representing this zodiac constellation are endowed with such characteristic traits, as strong willpower, determination, patience, and emotionality.

The zodiac sign of people born on January 26 is Aquarius. These are curious, persistent, purposeful, and independent people. They have strong willpower, and well-developed intellect, which are their main weapons in this life. They can understand what is good for them, what is bad, and then will do everything for reaching their goals. Besides that, they always strive for self-improvement and self-education.
The people of the January 26 zodiac sign have leadership skills. From a young age, they strive for reaching their goals, and to move on, no matter what. The brightness and not ordinary nature make them popular. At a young age, they have an active way of life: they find time for work, and education, go to sports, travel a lot, and have several interests.
These people have a strong character. They have stable social positions and worldviews. It is hard to change their opinion. They change their point of view only under the influence of undeniable arguments. They are endowed with cunning and intuition, thanks to which they deftly manipulate people.
In communication, they are charismatic and very attractive. They have a natural magnetism, which attracts to themselves people around them. Their severity, uncompromising, and exactingness are often hidden by their outer softness and harmlessness.
The people of the January 26 zodiac sign are dubious and fickle in their relationships of love or marriage. All the time they strive for new emotions and feelings, because of which they do not hurry to create family, and stop their choice on one person. They love to be in the center of attention among the representatives of the opposite gender. In their romantic relationships, they are irascible and emotional. They can vent their anger to their partner, which they later regret. In marriage, they are loyal, caring, and loving parents. They do everything to satisfy the needs of family members, and to surround them with comfort.
The people born on January 26 are compatible with the representatives of Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius signs. They have to avoid relationships with the people born under the signs of Capricorn, Scorpio, and Cancer, as they promise to be complicated, and full of quarrels.