If you were born on January 23, then you are a representative of the Aquarius zodiac sign. The element of this star sign is the Air. Specialties of people of the January 23 zodiac sign: the strongest sides of the characteristic traits of these people are their uniqueness, curiosity, and well-developed intellectual and oratory skills. The weaknesses of these people are their egoism, irascibility, tactlessness. The women of the January 23 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as independence, determination, responsibility, originality, and, of course, the charm, which attracts everyone around them. The men of this constellation are endowed with such characteristic traits, like activeness, hardworking, strong willpower, and strive for self-improvement.
The zodiac sign of people born on January 23 is Aquarius. These people are distinguished by their originality and uniqueness. They strive to be different from the crowd by appearance, actions, and ideas. They draw for themselves a unique map of the world, with their own values. People around them accept their individuality in different ways. The representatives of the January 23 zodiac sign have a lot of friends and secret ill-wishers.

The people born on this day have unordinary thinking, high mental abilities, and creativity. With the combination of cunning and sociability, they get good results in their work and education.
Leadership inclinations encourage them to improve themselves and move forward. They have a rebellious spirit, due to which they are not scared of changes, and never stop after meeting obstacles in their ways. For succeeding, they are ready to go until the end and break public rules.
The people of the January 23 zodiac sign are such good friends. They have a wide acquaintance in general, but their friends are few. They do not let everyone so close to them. For them, it is important to see and feel the honesty of the heart of a friend. They are so devoted that are ready to sacrifice so many things for them. They are always there to help the ones in need. They believe in true friendship, and due to their well-developed intuition and wisdom, they make such friendship, where everything is mutual – started from respect, ended with the smallest actions.
People born on January 23 are egocentric and freedom-loving, that is why they try to avoid long-lasting relationships. Every love affair they accept as a victory. They are stingy with emotions and cold with their partner, which causes misunderstandings in relationships and even may lead to breakups. These people for long-lasting relationships are looking for a reliable, self-confident, strong, and intellectually developed person. In searches of a partner, they are led by intuition and mind. For them, it is important for their partner to have common interests and life positions. They need to get from their partner love, support, and attention. Only after that do they open up, show gentleness and care.
The people of the January 23 zodiac sign make the best compatibilities with the representatives of Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius signs, and in some cases, with Pisces too. They need to avoid relationships with Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, and Virgo signs.