If you were born on January 22, then you are a representative of the Aquarius zodiac sign. The element of this star sign is the Air. Specialties of people of January 22 zodiac sign: these people are known for their purposefulness, communicativeness, and independence, with which they attract many people around them. Their weaknesses are their impatience and impulsiveness. The women of the January 22 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as activity, determination, responsibility, and responsiveness. The men of this star sign are independent. The ingenuity sociability and impulsiveness are special to the men born on January 22.
The zodiac sign of people born on January 22 is Aquarius. These are creative, freedom-loving, hardworking, and sensitive personalities. From a young age, they are known for their independence and purposefulness. Thanks to these characteristic traits, they reach the highs they want and move up the career ladder. What they have got in this life is thanks to their personal effort. For them, the outside help and concessions are perceived as humiliation. They are full of innovative ideas, which they realize in their projects. They cannot tolerate monotony and constancy.

In communication, they are gentle and kind and do not hold grudges. They are able to forgive everything, besides lies and cheating. Sometimes their actions and words are ruled by emotions. It seems like their mind turns off in the heat of the moment, and they don’t understand who is in front of them, so they can hurt their loved ones, and hurt so deeply. These traits also interfere with achieving success in relationships with people and recognition in society.
The representatives of the January 22 zodiac sign value their moral convictions. They put in the first place the interests and traditions of the family. They treat people of the older generation with respect. They prefer to spend their free time with the circle of close friends: they visit them, make family events, and prefer active rest. They are a true and devoted friend, who is always ready to help, and give everything to his friend. This devotion sometimes rises to self-sacrifice, and the most important thing in here is that it is mutual: he chooses the ones, in whom he sees the honest heart.
For the people born on this day romantic relationships are very important. Their success in their career depends on the harmony in the relationships of love or marriage. They quickly get carried away and have a hard time experiencing disagreements and partings with the other half. They do not know how to draw the border between work and personal life.
These people also need care and support from partners. They do not tolerate loneliness, that is why they start to think about marriage at a more mature age. This is the reason why they get married at a more mature age. They become caring and loyal spouses.
The people of the January 22 zodiac sign are compatible with the representatives of Aries, Libra, Gemini, and Sagittarius signs. They have to try to avoid relationships with the people of Scorpio, Cancer, and Capricorn signs.