If you were born on January 21, then you represent the Aquarius zodiac sign. The element of this star sign is the Air. Specialties of people of January 21 zodiac sign: these people have both advantages and weaknesses in their characteristics. From the strongest sides, we can mention their erudite nature, prudence, compassion, friendliness, and originality. Their weaknesses are egoism, talkativeness, and incontinence. The women of the January 21 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as discernment, prudence, originality, and impulsivity. The men of this sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, like purposefulness, resourcefulness, generosity, and honesty.
The zodiac sign of people born on January 21 is Aquarius. These are observant, resourceful, judicious, and perceptive personalities. They are endowed with a sharp mind and eruditeness. They are good in humanities and technical sciences. In their lifetime, they do not miss a chance to learn something new, and to realize their creative abilities, and due to this trait, they succeed in their professional spheres.

These people in their mature age become interested in everything spiritual: culture, religion, psychology. They usually live with ideas, dreaming to do for humanity something meaningful. They adhere to strict moral convictions. In their actions, they are ruled by their own feelings and intuition, and at the same time, they do not forget about prudence. In communication, they are friend-loving and charming, and due to this, they attract many people. They are not indifferent to others’ problems and are always ready to come for help, and show support.
The element of people of the January 21 zodiac sign is the Air, which gave its representatives dreaminess. They always dream about a bright future, about a new happy world, healthy people, peace, and with that, they never lose their realistic mind. They know that every person is able to do something good for this world, and they do their own part. One of the main weaknesses of these people is gossip and intrigue. Because of these, they fall into bad situations at work, and among friends as well.
In their relationships of love and marriage, these people are emotional, sensitive, and romantic. Thanks to their inner charm they use their popularity among the representatives of the opposite sex. They truly expect a lot from their partner.
These people love freedom and need personal space. They do not tolerate pressure from their partner, no matter in which way it may be. From time to time they need to be alone. They start to think about marriage at a more mature age, as they become afraid of loneliness. For them, parting is very painful. These people show excessive obsession in relationships, establish their own rules. In the heat of the moment, they are unrestrained, they can hurt loved ones with words.
The people born on January 21 are able to create harmonic and strong marriages with Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius signs. With the representatives of Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn signs their relationships are unpredictable, and in some cases – unpredictable.