If you were born on January 20, then you represent the Aquarius zodiac sign. The element of this star sign is the Air. Specialties of the people born on January 20: these people have some contradictories in their characteristics, as they share the time of two zodiac signs – Capricorn and Aquarius. For knowing the true sign of the zodiac for a person born on these kinds of days, we have checked the concrete time of their birth (hour, minute, and second), besides the year, month, and day.
The strongest sides of the people of the January 20 zodiac sign are their innovatory nature, determination, originality, and kind-heartedness as well. From their weakest sides, we can mention their anxiety, self-interest, and tendency to depression. The women born on January 20 are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as purposefulness, practicality, originality, and impulsiveness. The men representing this zodiac sign are purposeful as well. They are also very generous, honest, and hardworking.

The zodiac sign of people born on January 20 is Aquarius. This sign with the element of the Air brings harmony to its representatives. The Aquarius sign in general has some traits that are special for the element of Water. This sign in some horoscopes belongs to the elements of Air and Water at the same time. So, its representatives as well, are collecting in them different characteristic traits, and especially – the good ones. These people are hardworking, practical, very smart, and wise. They think that every person is the boss of his life, and what he has is what he got because of hard work.
These representatives of the January 20 zodiac sign are very wise, so they feel what is good for them, and where they can succeed the most. So, they choose directions, where they can show their magic. To all these add their very good developed intuition, and they become the ones who can predict the future. People born on this day are very cheerful, and friend loves. They inspire and charge the people around with their energy, but from time to time, they need a rest, so they can need to be alone for a while, for creating order in their minds and lives, and to recover as well.
The weakness of people born on this day is gossip and intrigue. Because of this, they find themselves in awkward situations in the work, and in the company of friends as well.
The people of the January 20 zodiac sign are romantic, emotional, and sensitive in their relationships of love or marriage. From a young age, they know the value of family and know how to treat people they love. They know to see the positive character traits in their loved ones and know how to concentrate on them. They become a very good partner, who can support in any situation. Even in the case of extra passion and hard love, they need a personal space, and freedom as well. For them, everything has its place in their lives, and they do not want to mix them up.
The people born on January 20 make the best compatibilities with the representatives of Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Libra signs. They need to avoid relationships with Scorpio, Capricorn, and Cancer. And at the end of the article, we want to remind one more time for finding out what sign they belong to – Capricorn, or Aquarius.