If you were born on January 2, then your zodiac sign is Capricorn, and the element is the Earth. Specialties of the January 2 zodiac sign: as a strong side we can mention their purposefulness, striving for self-improvement, restraint personality, and from the weakest sides we can mention their self-doubt and mistrust to surrounding people. The women of the January 2 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as leadership, rich inner world, responsive nature, and stubbornness. The men born on January 2 are purposeful as well, restrained, wise, and impulsive.
The January 2 zodiac sign represents the Capricorn. This sign symbolizes purposefulness, and this is seen even from the symbol of this zodiac sign. These people are devoted, passionate, and accurate. They are strong by the spirit, and also demanding to themselves and others as well. They put high goals for themselves in their career and in personal life, and reach them with their personal effort. They are able to move in the same direction for a long time.

They look to the competition soberly. They are truly happy for the win of their colleagues and do not upset when their partners become more successful than they are. Failures are blamed on their own shortcomings, which can shatter self-confidence. They tend to analyze previous situations and make draw conclusions for the future.
The life motto for the people of the January 2 zodiac sign is “self-improvement and striving forward”. They love to learn new things and always move on, to make the outlook for life wider. For them, it is necessary to improve their professional qualifications.
People born on January 2 are in some cases egoistic, selfish and narcissistic. They crave admiration and recognition from their partners. But let us redirect your attention to another thing, which is the main reason for such traits we mentioned above. The Fortune was not so fair with them, and for one thing, this representative could fifth for a long time, but the other ones can get it easily, like a gift. Also, we see, that even in the presence of such circumstances this person never became worse, he only needs to be recognized as a fighter, who is able to get to the point he wants, even if it will take all his effort.
The people of the January 2 zodiac sign can seem cold and closed, but under their restrained appearance, there are hurricanes of emotions. These people are leaders in relationships as well. They put pressure on their partner. Astrologers advise them to be sympathetic to the weaknesses and shortcomings of partners, as no one is perfect. These people are loyal in their marriage. They value true feelings. For them, the main thing that is needed for creating a family is mutual respect. Only in presence of this condition they can get married.
Feeling comfortable next to the partner is very important for people born on January 2. Their home must be the place, where they can take their masks off, and feel the freedom. These representatives make strong relationships with the people born under the zodiac signs of Taurus and Leo. The unpredictable relationships they make with the representatives of such zodiac signs, like Cancer, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Aries.