If you were born on January 16, then your zodiac sign is Capricorn, and the element is the Earth. Specialties of the people of the January 16 zodiac sign: as a strong side of the characteristic Capricorn people we can mention their purposefulness, stubbornness, and hardworking. From their weakest sides, they usually suffer from emotional instability, pessimism, and shyness. The women representing the January 16 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as carefulness, punctuality, thrift, and individuality. The men born on this date are endowed with such traits, as purposefulness, stubbornness, honesty, and rudeness.
The zodiac sign of the people born on January 16 is Capricorn, which opens the New Year. Its representatives are purposeful and hardworking personalities, who put a huge effort into their best results in any sphere of life. From a young age, they strive for independence, and for this reason they give so much time to their work and career. They are proud of what they have reached in this life. They also need public recognition, which will give them confidence in their abilities.

These people have a well-developed intuition, and the ability to understand people. Due to this trait, they are able to become a good psychologist. They also listen to their inner voice, which helps them to make the right decision.
In communication, they are not open (remember that they can look into the depth of others’ souls). They do not open their secrets and do not share their ideas, so they even can make an impression of proud and arrogant people. But they really don’t care what others may think.
The people born on January 16 also have one important characteristic trait: they find a balance between the spiritual and material world. So what else is needed for being the main rulers of their own lives? These people are interested in arts, psychology, and cultural life in general.
The representatives of the January 16 zodiac sign cannot stand the loneliness. They strive for stability in their relationships of love, and marriage. As a partner, they choose a smart, erudite person, which also has common interests with them. They usually doubt their feelings and do not hurry to open their hearts to their beloved ones.
In a family, these people cannot stand pressure and claims from their partners. They need their support in everything. They value freedom and personal space. They keep their martial loyalty and family traditions. Harmonious relationships in the family give them confidence in their abilities and incentive to achieve the set goals. The women born on January 16 are responsible mothers, and good households, and men – loyal spouses and caring fathers.
The representatives of the January 16 zodiac sign make good compatibilities with the people born under the signs of Capricorn, Taurus, and Leo. Their relationships are complicated with the representatives of the Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Aquarius zodiac signs.