If you were born on January 15, then your zodiac sign is Capricorn, and the element is the Earth. Specialties of the people of the January 15 zodiac sign: the strongest character traits of the January 15 zodiac sign are their purposefulness, stubbornness, well-developed intuition, and the strive for self-improvement. Their weakest sides are their inability to make risking decisions, painful perception of criticism, touchiness, inability to rest. The women born on January 15 are distinguished with such characteristic traits, like their inner power, leadership, strive for material advantage, and stubbornness. The men born on January 15 are endowed with such traits, as practicality, hardworking, leadership, and wisdom.
The zodiac sign of the people born on January 15 is Capricorn. These are diligent, practical, devoted, and economic people. They have a realistic outlook for life. They surely know what they really want from this life. From a young age, these people set high goals for themselves, and start to do every possible thing for reaching them. And they succeed. These people are not scared of difficult situations, as they know how to maintain composure.
The representatives of the January 15 zodiac sign strive for material stability, that is why they put their career in the first place. They reach financial independence with their honesty hard work.
As they have a good-developed intuition, and the ability to look to the deep inside of the people around, they easily understand others. This is the reason why the circle of their acquaintance is very wide. But in choosing friends they are not so generous. They trust people rarely, and besides that, it is hard for them to open up their feelings to others, so the castle walls of their soul are well protected.
The representatives of the January 15 zodiac sign cannot stand the unfaithfulness and aggression, and this is the reason why they usually become public figures or heads of charitable organizations. They are endowed with creative potential and have a craving for cultural life. They usually reach success in the sphere of music, writing, and film industry.
The people born on January 15 fall in love with well-rounded, bright, and interesting people. For a long time, they can’t sort out their feelings and doubt the rightness of their choice. For them, it is hard to do the first step and to show signs of attraction to their beloved one.
In their relationship of marriage, these people cherish their partner. They value mutual respect, reliability, and devotion. They can never stand the cheating. The women born on January 15 perfectly fit the role of the mother and household, and men take on the role of head of the family.
The representatives of the January 15 zodiac sign make good compatibilities with the representatives of the Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, and Leo signs. They are less compatible with the representatives of the Cancer, Sagittarius, Aries, and Aquarius zodiac signs.