If you were born on January 1, then your zodiac sign is Capricorn, and the element is the Earth. Specialties of the January 1 zodiac sign: from strong sides, we can mention their responsiveness, exactingness, and purposefulness, and from the weakest sides – lack of flexibility, uncertainty. Women of the January 1 zodiac sign are distinguished with such character traits as wisdom, practicality, purposefulness, and deep inner world in general. The men that were born of this date as characteristic traits have leadership, thrift, carefulness, and love to freedom.
The zodiac sign of a person born on January 1 is Capricorn. This sign symbolizes purposefulness, restriction, responsibility. People with this star sign have subtle personalities. They do not resort to radical methods of achieving goals and solving problems. With active actions, they prefer to wait and see tactics, they choose slow, but proven ways.
![January 1 Zodiac Sign – Capricorn](https://zodiac12signs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/January-1-Zodiac-Sign-–-Capricorn.jpg)
The person of the January 1 zodiac sign easily converges with others. They do not let the conflicts get bigger. They are very careful in trusting new people, and this is the main reason why they can make an impression of such a close person, who is stingy on emotions. The circle of their friend’s list is bordered, and there we can find only a few people, whom this representative knows from a young age.
These representatives cannot imagine their lives without goals. For them, this life is about getting higher and higher, and here they mean the process, not the final point. From a young age, they know what they want to get from life, so they set a goal, and stubbornly fight for reaching it. This representative is afraid of losing, that is why refrains from rash actions and spontaneous decisions. But let us remind you about what Sirius said to Harry Potter: “Life is boring without risk”. This can become a concept of winning this life, which is consists of ups and downs. These people spend a lot of time on education and improving their professional skills. They love to learn new things and make the circle of their outlook for life wider.
The life of people born on January 1 is not as easy as it may seem. Their life reminds a maelstrom of events, which absorbs them from a young age. The fortune is unfair with these people from childhood. This is why they reach success and material stability with their hard work.
The representatives of the January 1 zodiac sign are shy and close in relationships. Under the outer coldness and indifference hides the sensitivity and vulnerability. For them, it is such a hard thing to be the first to say about his love. As a partner, they choose more emotional and strong personalities. In marriage, these women are perfect households and mothers, and men – loyal and caring.
These people make strong and harmonious relationships with Taurus, Leo, and with representatives of their sign. Their relationships are hard with the Cancer. Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Aries. Their happiness only depends on themselves.