The person born in the year of the Horse is a force of nature with a passionate disposition and a fighting spirit, but they are also delicate, elegant, and refined creatures. They need to make an appearance, be recognized, show off and be a success in society. With their intelligence and eloquence, they are gifted with the subtle power of persuasion, they arouse sympathy and admiration, as well as envy and hostility, sometimes at the same time. It has to be said that, although Horse Chinese zodiac signs value human relationships, conversation, contacts, and social events more than anything else, they can be rather changeable and fickle.
This is caused by a fear of being restricted, that others might encroach on their territory, which they already find confining just for themselves, on that they will be deprived of their independence. Talking about the Horse Chinese zodiac personality, we should mention that the Horse has a need for change, space and travel and to broaden their horizons, satisfy their curiosity and be able to give vent to their impulses, which are sometimes irrepressible and can drive them on from one day to the next without warning.

Fiery, impetuous, wild, uncontrollable, and unpredictable, the Horse person can change his mood as quickly as a flash and suddenly appear calm, impassive and serene, full of charm and good humor, very attractive and irresistible. But then there is only a short calm before the storm because, more often than not, they need to rebel, to get a move on, to rush headlong into some hyperactivity which is not always constructive, unless they have an immediate goal to reach, a quick decision to make or if they have to embark on a challenge or adventure which in their eyes seems stimulating.
The Horse excels in all walks of life or branches of industry which demand a sense of improvisation, an instant, whole-hearted contribution, the ability to deal with several things at the same time, and to provide maximum effort in a very short time. The more urgent the nature of the initiative they have to take and the action to be undertaken, the more they feel at home. They dislike situations that are drawn out and go on forever. They must have results as soon as possible. So, it is really the intensity of the moment which motivates them, rarely the length of time, the continuity, the plans, ideas or projects in the long term.
Let’s talk a little about the Horse Chinese zodiac compatibility. This sign is compatible with Dog, Tiger, and Goat(Sheep). The best candidates for marriage are the Dog and Tiger. The Horse is incompatible with Rat, Ox, and Monkey.
Although Horse person is loyal, they are not very faithful. In love too, they devote their heart, body, and soul to the intensity of the moment. Although they are always sincere at the time, they cannot stand lukewarm or dull relationships, routine or day-to-day life as a couple. They need to feel passion on a daily basis, to seduce, to conquer, to let their spirit take itself off to a more beautiful, vast, wonderful kingdom, a world without borders, in a wild state, where they could run quite freely without ever stopping.
Then, when they begin to get bored when they feel less ardor in their love, they escape and look for a new conquest, a new passion, which they are convinced the time means once and forever; Love with a capital L. So the Horse Chinese zodiac gallops in pursuit of impossible love, a dream love affair, or perhaps quite simply in search of themselves.
The Horse – Chinese myths and symbols
Because of its speed, force, passion, and wild nature which nothing and no one seems able to check, the horse was often compared to the wind. Thus, in China, the horse is the amount of the god of the wind, the equivalent of Vayu, the Hindu god of the winds who, of course, is associated with the element air. However, the sign of the Horse in the Chinese zodiac is likened to the Fire element. This may seem strange, for it is a fire which is carried by the wind, and not the other way round. Yet, in the mind of the Chinese, Ma, the Horse, also nicknamed “the Great Yang”, whose agent is Fire, is indeed the mount of the god of the wind, whose element is Air. Now, if this is the case, it is because only the wind can get the better of fire and, without air, it could not even exist.
In the same way that in the West there are four winds indicating the four points of the compass from which the famous compass rose was made, in China, there are eight directions, shown by eight horses which correspond to eight winds and eight basic trigrams in the oracle of I ching. Eight horses guard the eight gates of the world and the eight houses from which the wheel of 64 hexagrams in the Book of Changes is composed. Each of them, of course, fulfills a particular function in the great game of cosmic life, whose principle is revealed by the nature of the trigram with which it corresponds. And, according to the Chinese, he who manages to harness all of them to his chariot can go beyond the boundaries of the visible world.
The Horse Chinese Zodiac characteristics
- The Horse Chinese Zodiac name: Ma
- The Horse Polarity: Yang
- The Horse Element: Fire
- The Horse Season: Summer
- The Horse Month: June
Ql or periods of the year in the Chinese calendar:
- Li Xia (the seventh period): 5 to 21 May
- Shuang Jiang (the 18th period): 23 October to 7 November
The Horse astrological affinities
More often than not the sign of the Chinese Zodiac Horse corresponds to the sign of Gemini in the Western zodiac. In actual fact, the period of the year(June) covers its similarities with the two last decans of the sign of Gemini and the first decan of Cancer. So it shows things in common with a combination of the elements indicated by these two signs, by their ruling planets, Mercury and Venus, as well as by the ruling planets of the three decans with which it corresponds: mars, the Sun, and Venus.
Luck of the Horse Zodiac
- Lucky Flower of the Horse: Jasmine, Calla lilies, arrowhead flower
- Lucky Number: 8,2 Your
- Inauspicious Number: 1,7
- Lucky color: Purple, brown, yellow
- Inauspicious Color: Gold, blue, white
- Lucky direction of the Horse Chinese zodiac: Northeast, southwest, and north-west