Gemini woman and Sagittarius man compatibility rate is impressive. Despite the difference between the governing planets and elements, these two fit together like a key to a lock. What makes this compatibility perfect, and how do they succeed in love, and in marriage? We have to find what the universe gave them, and how far they can go together.
As we have already said, the Sagittarius man and the Gemini woman compatibility rate is one of the highest among the opposite signs of the zodiac circle. Some opposites get along well but have different habits and temperaments. They have many things in common; they are interested in the same things, only their assessment is different.

The Gemini woman is known for her vibrant personality. She can be frivolous, emotional, funny, whatever, just not a grey mouse. The representative of the air element is windy and capricious; she changes her mood as quickly as her location or interests. You may think that maybe these traits can harm healthy relationships of love or marriage. But don’t hurry.
Despite the seeming frivolity, the Gemini woman is a very intelligent and businesslike person. As her element is air, it gives her clarity of thoughts, speed of speech, sociability, and agility. The representative of this zodiac sign knows thousands of fairy tales, which she gladly shares with others. You will never get bored with her. You will just be able to blink your eyes while she talks about something or tells you anything.
The Sagittarius man represents the element of fire, and his ruling planet is Jupiter. Symbolically, this man is depicted as an archer, so his mind and speech are directed directly to the target, without grace and frills. The sign of Sagittarius is also represented in the zodiacal circle as a centaur with a bow and arrow. These majestic mythological animals do not like being trapped.
The Sagittarius men most constantly move forward, but in the cases when an arrow of love pierces their heart, they can sacrifice their independence for their beloved. Representative of this zodiac sign, like a person with an innate thirst for wandering, can also share stories from the farthest corners of the globe. As we said about Gemini women, we can repeat here – with this sign you will never get bored. The Gemini woman and Sagittarius man together will talk about everything, and it will never be enough.
Science teaches us that the air feeds the fire, that is why in The Gemini woman and Sagittarius man compatibility they charge one another by their energy with their complementing elements. They attract each other instantly with their connection with intellect and enthusiasm for life. The constant desire of Sagittarius man for adventure piques the curiosity of the Gemini woman. This couple seems forever young, no matter how old they really are. Problems between this couple meet mostly from their different attitude. One thing, that may mean a lot to one of this pair, for another it may be an empty thing. Sometimes in this pair, we meet people from different cultures, and this can be a reason for misunderstanding, and even for conflicts.
So, if we sum up all the information we have here, we can say that the Gemini woman and Sagittarius man compatibility rate is up to 96%.