Gemini man and Sagittarius woman compatibility rate is not as high as expected. The universe made these signs unique and gave them some personality traits. So we have to find out if these signs match each other, and if they do, how successful it is, as every person that has a crush on somebody, wants to know about their compatibility and to know how they can succeed in love, in marriage.
Duality, fickleness, versatility are mirror words that reflect the true character of the Gemini man. The only thing where the representative of this sign is permanent is its impermanence. We can do nothing with a most complicated trait of this man – two sides of the coin always appear in him, but on each of which a man remains honest with himself, therefore, he considers it unfair when he is accused of duplicity and hypocrisy.

Gemini in general is a riddle that can be solved indefinitely. Representatives of this zodiac sign are very smart and curious. Due to their curiosity, they discover many things about this world and the people living in it. So it can never be boring to communicate with him or to discuss any question. Gemini men are very active, their energy never ends. They are ambitious and always strive to be better than they were yesterday.
Their need for self-development always leads them to places, where everyone will want to be. But they get everything with their hard work; never ever try to think that they got it as a gift from the universe. It is already not a surprising thing that it was this sign that gave the world the greatest number of crazy geniuses and adventurers-explorers. But let us be honest, these traits can’t make their relationships of love or marriage better. Of course, it is very important to have a man near you, with whom you can talk about everything and always can ask a question and get the best answer, but marriage is not only about the talk. That is why the rate of Gemini man and Sagittarius woman compatibility is not so high.
If women were selected by the zodiac sign in the feminist movements, then they would be exclusively Sagittarius women. Representatives of this sign are decisive. Their straightforward nature can admire anyone. Their irreconcilable nature strives for independence in everything. Most of these women differ with the character traits that are special for men. Sagittarius women always seek to outplay or to become with men in a position of equality. It is not surprising, that among feminists we often can meet Sagittarius women.
Representatives of this zodiac sign are free from prejudice, they don’t pay attention to public opinion. They love and hate with their heart, as they are very sincere. Sagittarius rarely dissemble and prefers silence to lies. Sometimes they are overly straightforward, which is why the rank of their friends is thinning, and the rate of compatibility with her as well. This woman always has to remember, that in any kind of relationship it is always a good idea to go to compromises; as this is like magic; it can solve every quarrel and make life easier.
The words of Gemini man can hurt the heart, and in the fiery temperament of the ruthless Sagittarius woman, you can burn alive. So keep calm! This is the reason, why the Gemini man and Sagittarius woman compatibility rate is 70%. They have to remember about mutual respect and understanding.