Gemini man and Capricorn woman compatibility rate is not so high. The universe created two different personalities, which cannot match for 100%, but is there any compatibility with this rate? When we say that these or that signs do not match perfectly, it does not mean that they can never be together. If there are strong feelings, and powerful love, any marriage can be a good one, because when we love, we forget ourselves. Let us find out the personality traits of each sign, and understand what can increase the rate of Gemini man and Capricorn woman compatibility.
Gemini men are freedom-loving. They always strive to be independent and enjoy this life fully. That is why marriage in some ways makes borders for him. The representatives of this sign are intellectually developed. They love to communicate with different people, as they can get new information about new things. Gemini men try themselves in different directions, as they want to discover new highs. They are bold, charming; they can attract any woman only by appearance.

Honesty needs to say that in this perfect description there are minuses as well. For example, their changeable personality. They can say something and act in some way, but the next they do and say the opposite. Who can understand such a man? Besides that, this man combines in himself contradictory qualities. Therefore, he needs a woman, who will accept his pros and cons, and never argue with it.
The Capricorn woman is distinguished with her strength. She has gone through many difficulties, which have created a woman who never gives up. This woman is very intelligent; you can always ask about anything and always get a perfect answer. The representative of this zodiac sign loves independence as well. This quality is common for both sides, so this means, that if they fall in love and decide to get into marriage, they won’t face so many borders, as both of them are not border makers, they are border destroyers.
Like in every sign, in Capricorn woman as well, there is a quality, that can harm any kind of relationship with this woman. She has the ability to control others, so will the Gemini man be under the influence of this woman? – That is the question. This woman also has a developed intuition. She can feel or “smell” something that has not happened yet. She is practical, purposeful; she knows how to set goals and what direction to pick for the best result.
The dissimilarity of these zodiac signs does not prevent them from being friends, and their love stories always surprise with their brilliance. It is not an easy thing for Capricorn woman to pacify her temper and trust a frivolous man, and Gemini man does not like the excessive independence and mind of this fatal woman. Their relationships of love or marriage sometimes are short-lived, but a couple who managed to cope with difficulties will be together for many decades, retaining feelings, although sometimes it will not be easy. Like in every compatibility, in here as well, mutual understanding and respect are able to make magic, so they only need to remember about compromises and to accept their partner the way they are. So the rate of Gemini man and Capricorn woman compatibility is 69%.