Gemini man and Aquarius woman compatibility rate is not as high as expected, as here we have two signs that represent the same element. What kind of relationships they have in love or in marriage, what makes their lives harder, and what they have to do for a better life? Let us find the answers to these questions.
A Gemini man and Aquarius woman compatibility is possible, of course, as they are likely to develop a close relationship. The romance between the representatives of these signs can develop very fast. They are connected with their common hobbies and interests, and for them, it is such an easy thing to communicate in any theme. Relationships of love or marriage of these zodiac signs can become very light, rich with pleasant emotions and impressions. When they start to know each other, they get used to the partner smoothly. The union of these partners can be relaxed and easy but rarely lasts for many years. Fortunately, both of them know how to let go of the past and retain only positive memories of this novel.

A man born under the sign of Gemini is distinguished by an independent disposition and energy. He sees his life with active communications and can easily establish communication with almost ant person. The representative of this sign is not vindictive: if he is not greatly annoyed, he is ready to quickly forgive the offender, even make friends with him.
This man is well versed in people, from a mile away he smells falsity and deception. At the same time, the Gemini man often enters into a second and even a third marriage. Don’t be surprised, he is just very amorous: he quickly enters into a legal relationship, and soon realizes that he was in a hurry because he was already carried away by another. Hey, what about love? This is the main reason for the lower rate of this compatibility.
The Aquarius woman, like her potential partner Gemini man, is sociable, open, and has a democratic view of life. Pleasant location and interest from the Aquarius lady is regarded by many men as a manifestation of sympathy in their direction. But it is not always what it seems. Most likely, he has a friendly interest in Gemini man, as she “smelled” a relative soul in him, or maybe she is following the rules of good tone and does not want to insult the interlocutor with a harsh word.
In most cases, the representative of this sign, not wanting to argue, tells the interlocutor what he would like to hear. The representative of this zodiacal constellation undoubtedly has her own opinion. But she knows how to hide it when necessary. From this manner, we easily understand that this woman is very wise. Many men want to create relationships of love or marriage with her due to this trait. But ask her, does she want?
These two independent signs easily make contact with each other. Don’t be surprised if we say, that they can fall in love at first sight. They have a lot in common, and conversation topics never seem to run out. The ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus, which in astrology is distinguished as a “big brother” for Mercury – the ruling planet for Gemini. So in the family as well, this is shown. That is why Gemini man usually makes problems, as this is not a good place for him. So the rate of Gemini man and Aquarius woman compatibility is 90%.