The Sun enters the Gemini zodiacal constellation on the 21st of May and stays there until the 21st of June. This star sign is distinguished as a symbol of the opposing mind, the fusion of spirit and matter. The element of the Gemini is the Air. People, who belong to the element of the Air, are distinguished with their lightness, activity, and changeability. The Air endows the representatives of this star sign with intellect, sociability, and rich imagination. And due to this, the Gemini male characteristics are described as a “storm of mind” with incredible organizational abilities, and the ability to do several things at the same time. They always try to develop new and love the freedom with every piece of their body. But there is nothing surprising, as the very embodiment of freedom and unlimited equality.
The ruling planet for this sign is Mercury. This planet is responsible for the transmission of information, ability to study, and logical mind, and, of course, everything which is connected with exchange transactions and trade. The representatives of this planet are the best combinators and machinators of all the time and among all the nations. Common aspects of the ruling planet and elements make the Gemini male characteristics so powerful. They can make you aware of their truth only for few minutes, and here it doesn’t matter what are you thinking.

Favorable colors for the representative of this sign, and also compatible with the Gemini male characteristics are purple, grey, silver, and green. The mystical and mysterious purple successfully harmonizes with the Gemini male characteristics. The stone-talismans for this man are garnet, chrysoprase, aventurine, beryl, jadeite, agate. Favorable numbers for this man are 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50.
Typical Gemini has a curious, artistic, sharp-minded nature. Astrologers think that this sign is rather difficult to interpret correctly. The reason for that is their duality. This representative can be called the most communicative among the whole zodiacal circle, and this is especially about Gemini male characteristics. The element of the Gemini sign is an informational field. These representatives become good sales managers, journalists, and event producers.
The life of Gemini man is an endless fight; they always stay between loyalty and instability, strong connection and flirt. Despite all these, this star sign has many characteristic advantages. For example, their ingenuity. Without getting tired they generate strategic plans. The next advantage is their erudition. This provides incredible success for the lives of Gemini. And also the strive for knowledge stays in their lives till the end.
One of the best Gemini male characteristics is their oratory. They have a very good developed speech, due to which the ways of reaching their goals become easier and shorter. And to this adds their diplomatic skills and boom! With smartly made connections they become able to reach success with the help of meaningful people. So what else is needed for being called a successful man?