The Gemini zodiac sign is the third one among the zodiac signs. The stat enters this constellation on the 21st of May and stays there until the 20th of June. At these times the Sun shines summerly, the plants actively rise, the nature gets bright colors. The Gemini female characteristics are the same as the summer in all its colors – unordinary, sunny, and changeable.
The ruling planet of this sign is Mercury, which is responsible for intellect and communicativeness. The affection of this planet endows its representatives with the ability to take a big amount of information easily. But all this knowledge is not enough for the whole life, it takes only time of reaching the goal, and after that it becomes useless. The Gemini female characteristics have an interesting trait related to the information; they answer to the class, get the best results, and after they throw away the information they have got.

The Gemini female characteristics are distinguished with their lightness, activity, and the love of freedom, due to the element of the Air. This element is such a strong one, and as an element in the earth, it is able to destroy a lot of things, even fighting with another element – fire, and make a win. In astrology, this sign is considered the most unpredictable one and responds to the contacts with the surrounding world and communications.
The representatives of this star sign are famous for their ability of the duality of their personalities, with their instability, and change of the mood in one moment. It is hard to understand them, they are hot and cold at the same time. The stone talismans for the representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign are garnet, emerald, jasper, pearl. The favorable colors for them are emerald, green, silver, and grey. The luckiest numbers for the Gemini signs are 3 and 4, and also all the combinations of these digits.
The representatives of this unordinary sign combine in themselves both positive and negative traits. The main benefit of the Gemini female characteristics is their positive attitude to life and everything around them. They never give up, never cry, reach their goals with their own efforts. The Gemini women get pleasure from work, as they choose a comfortable sphere of action for themselves.
Despite their eccentricity and in some cases unresponsive actions, the Gemini female characteristics are distinguished with their complaisant disposition and kind attitude. They are always ready to support their friends and relatives and will do everything that depends on them, for helping them. Geminis love animals very much and feel the pain in their heart when seeing homeless cats and dogs. They will always take with themselves something to eat for them.
The other benefit of the Gemini female characteristics is their extra communicativeness. They know how to direct their arrows to the heart of the people. They always try to calm down everyone, make them respect each other. They can find a common language even with the most aggressive person.