Gemini best match and compatibility: Most compatible zodiac signs with Gemini are Libra and Aquarius, but Gemini also gets on very well in love with others from the sign of Gemini (‘Gemini loves Gemini’ as the saying goes). Gemini man and Gemini woman can make a good relationship, their compatibility rate is about 82%.
The sign of the zodiac that is least compatible with Gemini where love is concerned is often said to be Aries (not a good love match for Gemini) but this sign should not be ruled out if love begins to grow and flourish. Love conquers all – even the love difficulty between Aries and Gemini.
As we say, the most compatible two signs with Gemini are Libra and Aquarius, but Gemini best match is the Libra. And there is no doubt about it, this couple has every chance to create a strong and harmonious family. You can check more details about this relationship on these pages – Gemini Man and Libra Woman, Gemini Woman and Libra Man.

Being so good at communication (Gemini loves it) makes Gemini a good love partner and Gemini’s high level of inquisitiveness means that if you have a Gemini as your lover then he or she will show great interest in what is going on in your life – they love asking questions. The downside to having Gemini as a lover or partner comes if you don’t like being asked too many questions. So be aware that if you fall in love with Gemini then there will most likely be a great many queries to which you’ll have to respond! And not all of these will be concerned with love.
Also, you can check the Gemini man and woman compatibilities with all other zodiac signs on this page – Gemini Compatibility.
Continuing to talk about Gemini best match, we should mention that Gemini is usually one of the more intellectual signs of the zodiac and they will often seek out those with similar abilities. If they do not find this quality in their lovers they can quickly become bored and begin to look elsewhere for someone who does possess it.
In order to keep a Gemini happy in love, both variety and diversity need to be provided in order to keep Gemini’s insatiable appetite for such love things fulfilled. Since Gemini is a highly inventive sign, you’ll probably never find yourself bored with a Gemini (whether in love or not) and if you prefer a more calm and stable life then perhaps you’d be better off looking elsewhere for love.