At the end of winter are born wonderful people with difficult, unrepeatable characteristics. Learning the specialties of the personal zodiac signs, knowing personal strengths and weaknesses, and understanding the reason for things will help to make life better, and this is very important in the path of self-knowledge. Among the February zodiac signs, we meet such signs as Aquarius and Pisces. The Aquarius is the main sign of February, and it rules this month until the 18th. Only after that comes the Pisces sign – the last one in the zodiacal circle, and ends the last month of winter.
Windy Aquarius: the many-sided of February zodiac signs: The ruling planet Saturn gives to the Aquarius-dreamers unnecessary earthiness, and even it may time to time create depressive moods. At the same time, the exalted Uranus endows them with intuitive spirituality and the ability to generate perfectly original ideas. In that way, the representatives of this star sign in some periods of life find themselves on a kind of “swing”: at different ages, they can change from eccentric geniuses to extra careful pragmatics.

It is not hard to understand, that the main task in the life of the Aquarius zodiac sign is to keep a harmonious balance. The unnecessary emotionality combined with a great fantasy may drive them into the complexes of “unrecognized geniuses”, and they strive to sweep aside all ideas, like unrealistic – vice versa, which can lead to missed chances and a very boring life. But in general, the representatives of the first sign of the February zodiac signs are friend-loving and devoted, bright, powerful, and living people, to which we only have to consider unusual characteristics of the “star” rulers and their contradictory impact.
Susceptible Pisces: the emotional one of the February zodiac signs: The Pisces is the last sign in the zodiacal circle, and it closes the time of winter and opens the door for the most beautiful season – spring. This sign starts its “era” on the 19th of February and ends on the 20th of March.
The Pisces has two ruling planets; Jupiter provides the energy supply, helping these born fatalists not only flow by direction but to choose the paths of life themselves. The planet Neptune gives the representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign imagination – up to fantasies. Dedication and hyperactive perception may be both like a blessing, or even a problem for Pisces: everything depends on the concrete situation.
The representatives of the second sign of the February zodiac signs have unusual relationships with religion: they strive for belief, and with that intuitively rely on karma and unforgiving fate. As usual, the Pisces are responsible, have a very good developed intuition, and can “smell” upcoming things very soon. They only have to be careful that the rich fantasy did not lead them away on the wrong path of mirages, as distortion in perception makes communication harder, making that person eccentric.
Both representatives, despite their differences in signs, characteristics, and elements, have some things in common; they are placed in the same month, and they follow each other, which is why some characteristics alike won’t wonder us.