If you were born on February 8, then you represent the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the element of Air. Specialties of people of the February 8 zodiac sign: the strongest sides of the characteristic traits of the people representing the element of Air are their uniqueness, curiosity, and well-developed intellectual and oratory skills, thanks to which they can be called leaders. The weaknesses of these people are their egoism, irascibility, and indetermination, because of which they truly lost many things in this life. This combination of such characteristic traits makes their life so colorful, and every day of it – fiesta.
The women of the February 8 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as independence, determination, high intellect, and originality, which attract everyone around them. The men representing this constellation are endowed with such characteristic traits, like activeness, hardworking, strong willpower, and strive for self-improvement. Their love for education doesn’t have an equal one in this world, that is why among the greatest scientists there are many Aquarius representatives.

The zodiac sign of people born on February 8 is Aquarius. These are progressive, determined, and energetic personalities, who know the right directions to their dreams and walk along with it with a confidence, so not reaching it becomes something from the genre of fantasy. They put big goals in front of them, which sometimes do not correspond to their real capabilities, but thanks to the enormous effort they put, they become able to stand in the place they dream about. These people mostly succeed thanks to the ability to make profitable acquaintances with the right people.
These people cannot stand in the same place for a long time: they always strive for something new; they love changes and are in constant search of new feelings, new people, and new places. These people love adventures. For them, discovering this world is a new type of adventure. These people of the February 8 zodiac sign are easy-going, and always happy to attend parties and crowded events. They are able to spend a large amount on entertainment, even if it is their last money.
People born on February 8 are egocentric in some cases, and freedom-loving, that is why they try to avoid long-lasting relationships at their young ages. They accept every love affair as a victory. They are stingy with emotions and cold with their partner, which causes quarrels in relationships and even may lead to breakups. These people are looking for a reliable, self-confident, strong, and intellectually developed person to make strong and long-lasting relationships, or even to create a family. In their searches of a partner, they are led by intuition and mind. For them, it is important for their partner to have common interests and life positions.
These people of the February 8 zodiac sign make the best compatibilities with the representatives of Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra signs. They have ambiguous and tense relationships with the people born under the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio.