If you were born on February 5, then you represent the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the element of Air. Specialties of people of the February 5 zodiac sign: The combination of both negative and positive character traits make a person born under this star sign a unique one. This person works on himself so hard, trying to develop those traits, which he has got as a representative of the Aquarius sign.
The women of the February 5 zodiac sign are a true mystery, which makes them very attractive. They are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as individuality, kindness, and sociability. It is very easy to communicate with them. The men representing the February 5 zodiac sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, as self-confidence, resourcefulness, well-developed mental skills, and balanced nature.

The zodiac sign of people born on February 5 is Aquarius. These are active, energetic, and confident people. They cannot tolerate laziness, and they are not able to stay in some position and do nothing. They always find something to do. They try to finish what they have started. In work, they are very responsible, hardworking, and devoted to the work they are doing. They do not like to complain of fatigue and show their weaknesses. They take failures very hard and can suffer from them for a long time. But their strongest side is that they can make their failures their inspiration, and get inspired from success and failure at the same time, so in any case, they find a good thing in everything, even in bad things.
The people of the February 5 zodiac sign are endowed with sociability and a positive attitude to life, thanks to which they have many friends. In communication, they are gentle and kind-hearted. They are attentive to the problems of others and are always ready to help and support them in the hardest moments. These people also have a good sense of humor. They love to organize parties and celebrations.
These people representing the February 5 zodiac sign are intellectual and well-rounded personalities. They love to learn and discover new things about this world. They are interested in psychology, they understand well the actions and motives of other people. They are full of innovatory ideas, but they rarely make them come true because of their indetermination.
Thanks to their openness and sociability, the people born on February 5 are popular among the representatives of the opposite sex. But it is hard for them to make harmonious relationships. They tend to idealize their partner and get really anxious finding out that no one is perfect. In relationships they value honesty. Keeping personal space in any kind of relationship is a must for them. As a partner, they want to see a person with a common worldview and common goals. As a spouse, they are very attentive and caring. They become very good parents.
These people make the best compatibilities with the representatives of Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra signs. They have ambiguous and tense relationships with the people born under the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio.