If you were born on February 29, then you represent the zodiac sign of Pisces, which itself belongs to the element of the Water. The most unique day of the year with its unique representatives, which’s the time comes once in 4 years. This day has its great affection for its representatives. They are very smart, responsible, and dangerous at the same time, as they can do things without thinking about them for a minute. The strongest sides of the characteristic traits of people of the February 29 zodiac sign are their individuality, good breeding, charm, and kindness. Their weaknesses are their irrationality, and a lack of sense of proportion.
The women of this zodiacal constellation are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as gentleness, charm, compassion, and mysteriousness. The men of this sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, as well-developed intellect, peace-loving, kindness, and unselfishness.

The zodiac sign of the people born on February 29 is Pisces. These are charming, cheerful, diplomatic, and respectful people. Their charm, good manner, and goodwill win over others. They are able to find an approach to any person. They are considered interesting interlocutors, and people respect them for their smartness and quick wits. These people know how to convince others that they are right and often use this by manipulating people.
People born on this day from nature are endowed with individuality and originality. From a young age, they notice their uniqueness and strive to stand out from the crowd. They create unique images, they love to surprise people around them with unusual actions, and they have artsy habits. Because of these traits, they are considered as strange and frivolous personalities.
These kinds of people are endowed with many skills and talents, however, they often suppress them in themselves. These people usually choose monotone jobs, which many people consider boring. They are attracted to social activities. They give free rein to fantasy at home when they are alone: they express talents in a hobby.
The people of the February 29 zodiac sign from nature are endowed with romantic personality and idealism. Romantic feelings are the main part of their lives, and they also become a source of inspiration for these representatives. As a partner, the men and women of this zodiac sign are searching for ones with common interests, and goals. In their relationships of love and marriage, these people are loyal, gentle, and kind. They take care of the comfort of their partner and respect their personal space. These people become responsible and loving spouses. They are connected to family and traditions and strive to make comfort in their homes.
The people of the February 29 zodiac sign are in harmonious relationships with the representatives of Scorpio, Capricorn, and Cancer signs. With Libra and Gemini, Pisces have low perspectives for a long-lasting and happy marriage.