If you were born on February 28, then you represent the zodiac sign of Pisces, which itself belongs to the element of the Water. Specialties of the people of the February 28 zodiac sign: these people are the representatives of the last day of winter, and as a door from winter to spring, they become even more unique, than other representatives of the Pisces sign. These people’s day of birth endowed them with purposefulness, which is thanks to the constant feeling of a new life. With spring, life starts new, and these people feel reborn. The strongest sides of these people are their energetic nature, flexibility, diplomacy, and enterprise. As a weakness, we can mention the lack of rationality and the love for risk and danger.
The women of this February 28 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as ambitiousness, kindness, responsiveness, and sensitivity. These women are also very charming and attractive, as their cheerfulness shines in their eyes. The men of this zodiacal constellation are endowed with erudite, artistic nature, charm, and thoughtfulness. They always think about something and try to find the answers to questions, to which no one can answer in general.

The zodiac sign of the people born on February 28 is Pisces. These are energetic, active, and cheerful creatures with strong willpower. These people also have leadership skills and rude character. They are not scared of difficulties. In difficult situations, they are not scared to take responsibility for themselves. Many people ask them for help and take an example from them.
The people born on this day make harmonious and warm relationships with people. In communication, they are gentle and responsible, they are able to listen and accept the opinion of their interlocutor. For them, the attention of their friends and close ones is important. To deserve the participation and love of others, they resort to non-standard ways of self-expression: they choose an original image for themselves, engage in unusual, often dangerous activities.
For these people, it is important to find their ways of life. They study their abilities and talents and strive to realize them in professional spheres. They value and multiply their life experience and knowledge. In the eyes of surrounding people, they look very wise and erudite, that is why many people ask them for advice and ideas.
The people of the February 28 zodiac sign have many beginnings and hobbies, which is why they push love relationships into the background. The horoscope advises them to not run away from romantic relationships. The feeling of falling in love will give energy and inspire new achievements. With their partners, these people are very caring, gentle, and attentive. For them, it is important to feel mutual love and respect. These people start to think about creating a family at a more mature age. They want to see a like-minded person as a life partner, a person with similar priorities and life views.
The people of the February 28 zodiac sign are compatible with the representatives of Scorpio, Capricorn, and Cancer signs. Their relationships of love or marriage are complicated and unpredictable with the people born under the signs of Libra, Leo, and Gemini.