If you were born on February 26, then you represent the zodiac sign of Pisces, which itself belongs to the element of the Water. Specialties of the people of the February 26 zodiac sign: these people of the last zodiacal constellation are known for their shyness, which can be accepted as arrogance, but this is not about them: everyone who knows them well, can say that arrogance and Pisces cannot be in the same level. These people are very kind, and supportive, and love to make good things in this world. They always try to help others, and they can do it for the price of their self-sacrificial. But like everything, this has its limitations as well. They can do it until that time when they are not disappointed.
The women of the February 26 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as calmness, flexibility, vulnerability, partly straightforwardness, and the tendency to be ruled by a strong spouse. The men of this zodiacal constellation are had a very well-developed analytical mind. They are always open to learning many things about this world, which is a sublimation of shyness from people, as these people cannot show themselves in public, maybe as a result of some inner conflicts connected to their appearance (let us also mention, that they are very beautiful and charming in usual).

Among the representatives of the Pisces zodiacal constellation, there are fighters, who can battle with themselves, and change, becoming stronger and stronger over years. Every next year they look back and understand that they have changed a lot.
The people born on February 26 represent the zodiac sign of Pisces. These are cheerful, positive natures, who easily believe others. This is the main weakness of the representatives of this star sign. Because of their belief, they get hurt too much, so after some time they stop believing in humanity in general and can doubt even in themselves. This is the reason, why many representatives of the February 26 zodiac sign sometimes even doubt their choice of a partner. These are the greatest nature-lovers, who can get happy from a rising Sun, from singing birds, or a dog walking next to them. They need few things to feel happy, and with their happiness, they charge others as well.
In their relationships of love or marriage, these people are silent, but they love so hard. Under their coldness, there are hidden powerful feelings. They are loyal, devoted, and caring spouses. They love to see beautiful partners next to them, but the richness of the inner world is more important than anything. They want to give their partners all the colors of the rainbow. These people of the February 26 zodiac sign become very caring parents. They can sacrifice themselves for each member of their family. As a value, honesty in everything is in the first place for them, and everything can be forgiven, only if it is not a lie.
The people of the February 26 zodiac sign are compatible with the representatives of Scorpio, Capricorn, and Cancer signs. Their relationships of love or marriage are complicated and unpredictable with the people born under the signs of Libra, Leo, and Gemini.