If you were born on February 25, then you represent the zodiac sign of Pisces, which itself belongs to the element of the Water. Specialties of the people of the February 25 zodiac sign: these people are known for their shyness, which is sometimes accepted as arrogance, but this is not about them. These people are very kind, and supportive. They always try to help others, and they can do it with the price of their self sacrificial. But this has its limitations as well. They can do it until that time when they are not disappointed.
The strongest characteristic traits of these people are their well-developed mental skills, ability to work hard, and long time without intervals. But after this, comes their first weakness – they want to take a rest for a long time. Sometimes it may turn into laziness, and it will be so hard to go back to their previous situation.

The women of the February 25 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as kind-heartedness, flexibility, charm, and respectful attitude to everyone, and everything. These women cannot tolerate lies, and they will never forgive them. The men of this star sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, as hardworking nature, analytical mind, and devotion to any work they are doing.
The people of the February 25 zodiac sign represent the constellation of Pisces. These are subtle creatures, with a subtle sense of beauty. They are dreamers, who have very good developed imaginations. They are creating their futures in their minds, and take it so hard when they face the reality. They are very vulnerable and can get into depression from small things. Nothing can take them out of themselves as hard, as the lie of a loved one.
These people are very patient, but their patience has its limits as well. Everything for them happens until some time, or someplace, everything after that changes, and then they show their different faces. In every situation, they know the part of their work, and others as well. And they do not want to complicate it.
In their personal relationships, these people are very loyal and devoted. They choose a partner hardly, but if they do, they devote themselves to them till the end. They are very demanding to everyone, and to themselves as well. They are loyal, understanding, supportive. They feel free to show their emotions and share their feelings. They are very passionate. Sometimes their extra attention may bother their partners, so they have a lot of work to do here. These people are devoted spouses, and their loyalty is at its high. They are caring parents for the members of their family, and try to do everything to have a comfortable, balanced, and harmonious family.
The people of the February 25 zodiac sign are compatible with the representatives of Scorpio, Capricorn, and Cancer signs. Their relationships of love or marriage are complicated and unpredictable with the people, who were born under the signs of Libra, Leo, and Gemini.