If you were born on February 23, then you represent the zodiac sign of Pisces, which itself belongs to the element of the Water. Specialties of the people of the February 23 zodiac sign: these people are the kindest ones among the whole zodiacal circle. They shine with their kindness and make this world even better. These people, like every other sign, have their strongest and weakest characteristic traits. From their strongest character traits, we can mention their well-developed mental skills, their supportive nature, and self-improvement. As a weakness we can mention their high expectations from others, and also, these people look at this world with rosy glasses, which in most cases leads them to disappointment.
The women of the February 23 zodiac sign are known for their subtle soul, with their sensitivity, and romantic nature. They love being in the center of attention. They love to dress well, they choose autumn colors, they listen to classical music, and they are in art, as the art is in them as well. The men of this zodiac sign are known for their popular contradiction – from a hardworking man to a lazy one, from which in different times you can expect different things. They are honest, and sometimes it is easy to lie to them.
![February 23 Zodiac Sign – Pisces: What Zodiac Sign is February 23?](https://zodiac12signs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/February-23-Zodiac-Sign-Pisces.jpg)
The people born on the 23rd of February represent the zodiac sign of Pisces. They are cheerful creatures with calm nature. With them, time flies very fast. These people are always happy to discover this world in new ways. For them, this world is full of magic, and every moment of it is a joy. They fill the life of others and theirs with the colors of the rainbow. These people are very artistic, sensitive, and can feel the most subtle feelings. Their emotionality sometimes gets higher and higher, as they become unable to make healthy conclusions.
These people of the February 23 zodiac sign are also hardworking. In every sphere of life, they want to be satisfied with themselves. Their personal satisfaction is in the first place for them, as other’s opinion doesn’t matter for them. If these people try hard and do everything to overcome their laziness, they will reach more things in this life. These people also love to be alone from time to time. It helps them to make order in their minds and to understand what they really want.
In their relationships of love and marriage, these people are usually very tolerant. They accept their partner the way they are, but it is not so easy for them. These people tend to idealize their partners. They draw them in their mind giving them perfection, and when they meet the real ones, they get a bit disappointed. It takes some time for them to get healed, but they are able to overcome it. They are strong natures, and they are ready to sacrifice themselves for their family and loved ones.
The people of the February 23 zodiac sign are compatible with the representatives of Scorpio, Capricorn, and Cancer signs. Their relationships of love or marriage are complicated and unpredictable with the people born under the signs of Libra, Leo, and Gemini.