If you were born on February 22, then you represent the zodiac sign of Pisces, which itself belongs to the element of the Water. Specialties of people of the February 22 zodiac sign: These people combine in themselves some contradictory characteristic traits as the last sign in the zodiac circle. They are popular among their surroundings with their kind hard and supportive nature, but at the same time, they can be very rude and cruel. They always try to avoid conflicts but in the situations of arguing they show themselves in the best ways. These people of the February 22 zodiac sign are very patient but at the same time, they cannot tolerate dishonest traits and other things like that.
The strongest characteristic trays of these people are their kind hard, supportive nature, and a constant strive to learn new things and to develop spiritually. The weaknesses are vulnerability, sensitivity, and also one trait: these people expect too much from other people, so as a result, they face many disappointments. These kinds of disappointments can lead them to depressions, which will be hard to overcome.

The women of the February 22 zodiac sign are known for their charm, thanks to which they are popular among people of the opposite gender. They are very clever, they strive for doing everything in the best way, and show themselves in anyways the best way as well. They always try to finish what they have started, and as they have a high sense of responsibility, they try to do it in the best way and get the best results. That is why they are always needed coworkers and people, to whom you can trust any work. The men of this zodiacal constellation are known for their supportive nature. They are very good friends and try to always make everyone happier.
They cannot tolerate any disrespectful action or attitude to any person, no matter in what situations they are in. These people respect traditions and try to follow them in all the spheres of their lives. The people born on February 22 represent the zodiac sign of Pisces. They are very patient, calm, and kind-hearted people, who are always ready to support and help the ones in need. Their devotion can turn into self-sacrifice, but it will happen until the time they get disappointed by anything or anyone.
They know that every final work is a result of different people’s work, and each part must be perfect for the best results, so in most cases they succeed. Among these people, there are many nature-lovers, who accept themselves as a part of nature and try to make less harm. They cannot take easy the cutting of trees or flowers. For them, very hard to watch for starving dogs or any animal in need. These people usually do donations for protecting nature.
In their personal relationships of love, or marriage these people are very devoted and can be the best example of devotion. They are known for their honesty in any relationship. These people can forgive anything besides betrayal. In marriage, these people of the February 22 zodiac sign are very loyal. These people are very patient and if they fall in love, they love till the end, with their whole heart.
The people of the February 22 zodiac sign are compatible with the representatives of Scorpio, Capricorn, and Cancer signs. Their relationships of love or marriage are complicated and unpredictable with the people born under the signs of Libra, Leo, and Gemini.