If you were born on February 20, then you represent the zodiac sign of Pisces, which itself belongs to the element of the Water. Specialties of people of the February 20 zodiac sign: these people representing the last sign of the zodiacal circle, are those “combiners” of different character traits of the remaining 11 zodiac signs. Name a trait, and try to find it in them, and you will absolutely do. As the strongest character traits, we can mention these people’s sensitivity, a well-developed imagination, love of this life, and positiveness. As a weakness, we can mention their extra emotionality, because of which they usually cannot make important decisions, so the chances of losing in the most important battles become higher. The Pisces sign symbolizes the belief in general, which helps them to overcome failures and depressions.
The women of the February 20 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as calmness, flexibility, purposefulness, vulnerability, and the tendency to be ruled by a strong spouse. The men of this zodiacal constellation are had a very developed mind. They want to learn many things about this world, which is a sublimation of shyness from people, as they cannot show themselves in public, they want to show themselves in places or spheres, where are fewer people. Among them, there are fighters, who can battle with themselves, and change, becoming stronger and stronger.

The people born on February 20 represent the zodiac sign of Pisces. These are cheerful, positive natures, who easily believe others. Because of their belief, they get hurt too much, so after some time they stop believing in humanity and can doubt even the most honest feelings. This is the reason, why many representatives of the February 20 zodiac sign sometimes even doubt their choice of a partner. These people can get happy from a rising Sun, from singing birds, or a dog walking next to them. They need few things to feel happy, and with their happiness, they charge others as well.
The people of the February 20 zodiac sign love to give gifts to others, as they feel happy from it. They are a true devotion and a package of emotions. In friendship, they can go so far for making their friends happier, and to help them. They can feed a dog, help an old man to cross the road, share their money with the ones who need it, and they will do it in silence, as they do it for themselves, for their souls to feel filled. Among these people there are many artists, who represent different arts, starting from painting, up to music, dance, and anything spiritual.
In their personal relationships, the representatives of the Pisces sign are very restrained when they are surrounded by others. They know that what is personal, must stay personal. They are very passionate, and they give their all to their partner, that is why having them as a partner is a blessing. They cannot tolerate lies, and they will accept the worst thing, only let it be true. They can forgive anything, but only once.
The people of the February 20 zodiac sign are compatible with the representatives of Scorpio, Capricorn, and Cancer signs. Their relationships of love or marriage are complicated and unpredictable with the people born under the signs of Libra, Leo, and Gemini.